+Keep your projects in shape with Gemnasium! Gemnasium is an online tool to monitor ruby and javascript projects dependencies. Technology watch is taking more and more time, especially with environments like ruby or javascript, which are likely to change every day. The recent security advisories on ruby is a good example. It can be very time consuming to check all projects against these rails / json / devise / … / versions.
+Gemnasium will scan projects repositories, looking for dependency files (Gemfile, Gemfile.lock, gemspec, package.json, npm-shrinkwrap.json). A color code will be applied to the project, based of the dependencies status : - Green (All systems go, Capt'n!) - Yellow (We can do better!) - Red (I see troubles in the way!).
+Gemnasium is 100% free for open-source projects, and plans for private projects start at $5 (and based on the number of private repositories). Github integration brings real-time updates about dependencies status, as well as user authentication if needed (via oath). Gemnasium provides lots of data on more than 50.000 gems and node packages.