- huydx: NFA and use NFA to create regex engine
- output: computation theory note
- hieuk09: Interupt for chip 8: http://hieuk09.github.io/emulator/2016/09/27/handle-interrupt-for-chip-8.html
- rhacker: Modeling concurrency with CSP and compare to other concurrency primititves ( lock + shared data, actor, STM, atom ) 💀
- nguyenquangminh0711: Ebook research: HTTP: The Definitive Guide (Definitive Guides) - Output: HTTP THe Definitive Guide
- giangpi: Ownership, references, borrowing and lifetimes in Rust 💀
- lucdang: Ebook research: Elasticsearch in Action. Goal: Fundamental of Elasticsearch, Cluster (Prepare for next things: How its work?, How it structure database, How it implement reminder for user>)
- haond: Model programming MapReduce. Paper: (https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/en//archive/mapreduce-osdi04.pdf). Goal: MapReduce Overview
- output: MapReduce Overview
- huynhquancam: LALR parsing algorithm
- output: Ruby Internal part 2
- kiennt: freemonad (cont): http://kipalog.com/posts/Phuong-phap-suy-luan-trong-lap-trinh-ham
- huytd: Solving Linear Regression Problems using Gradient Descent