- @hieuk09: Building a central authentication service based on Apereo protocol Output: http://hieuk09.github.io/blog/2017/03/03/build-your-cas/
- @unreahoang: Build Redis driver for Rust base on tokio-rs Issue #103
- @huydx: Finish half of Applied Cryptography https://www.schneier.com/books/applied_cryptography/ (code some PoC of some algorithm as well): https://gist.github.com/huydx/36026d50422634994cf5dbcb1feba846
- @huytd: Write MOS 6502 CPU Emulator
- @hngiang: Finish translate new Book: Rust Programming Language
- @kiennt: build 1 service preview link by elixir
- @anhduy: Writing A Lisp Interpreter In Haskell
- @nguyenquangminh0711: Build server handler for Rack that could run Rails using pre-fork and kqueue / epoll RubyWolf
- @lucdang: Finish chapter 5 -> 11 https://github.com/lucas2804/hardcore-rule/tree/master/bdd-test-prescriptions-ebook
- @nnluukhtn: Build your recommendation engine
- @mquy: Build Phoenix Template Engine for Mjml https://github.com/MQuy/phoenix_mjml