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nuts: nuts.html
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diff --git a/vignettes/nuts.Rmd b/vignettes/nuts.Rmd
index 3f1361f..39615e6 100644
--- a/vignettes/nuts.Rmd
+++ b/vignettes/nuts.Rmd
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ When administrative units are restructured, regional data measured within old bo
Let's take the example of the German state Saxony in the figures below. Here, the NUTS-2 regions *Leipzig* (`DED3` → `DED5`) and *Chemnitz* (`DED1` → `DED4`) were reorganized. We are interested in the number of manure storage facilities in 2003 provided by [EUROSTAT]( based on the 2006 NUTS version. A part of *Leipzig* was reassigned to *Chemnitz* (center plot), prompting us to recalculate the number of storage facilities in the 2010 version (right plot).
-A simple approach is to redistribute manure storage facilities proportional to the transferred area, assuming equal distribution of manure storages across space. In a dasymetric approach, we could make use of built-up area, assuming that manure deposits are more likely to be found close to residential areas and economic sites. In our example, *Leipzig* lost about 7.7% ($\frac{5574}{72360}$) of its built-up area. We re-calculate the number of manure storage facilities by computing 7.7% of *Leipzig's* manure storages $\frac{5574}{72360} * 700 = 54$, subtracting them from Leipzig and adding them to *Chemnitz*.
+A simple approach is to redistribute manure storage facilities proportional to the transferred area, assuming equal distribution of manure storages across space. In a dasymetric approach, we could make use of built-up area, assuming that manure deposits are more likely to be found close to residential areas and economic sites. In our example, *Leipzig* lost about 7.7% (\(\frac{5574}{72360}\)) of its built-up area. We re-calculate the number of manure storage facilities by computing 7.7% of *Leipzig's* manure storages \(\frac{5574}{72360} * 700 = 54\), subtracting them from Leipzig and adding them to *Chemnitz*.
See the Section [*Spatial interpolation in detail*](#method) for an in-depth description of the weighting procedure.
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ p_final = ggplot() +
, axis.title = element_blank( ))
-```{r, echo=FALSE, fig.cap="Holdings with Manure Storage Facilities; BU = Built-Up Area in $m^{2}$; Sources: [Shapefiles]( and [data]( are from EUROSTAT; Created using the [sf]( package.", fig.alt ="Maps of NUTS 3 regions Chemnitz and Leipzig in NUTS version 2003, between 2003 and 2006 and 2006. They visualize the example in the text in which Chemnitz contributes a part of its area to Leipzig."}
+```{r, echo=FALSE, fig.cap="Holdings with Manure Storage Facilities; BU = Built-up area in square meters; Sources: [Shapefiles]( and [data]( are from EUROSTAT; Created using the [sf]( package.", fig.alt ="Maps of NUTS 3 regions Chemnitz and Leipzig in NUTS version 2003, between 2003 and 2006 and 2006. They visualize the example in the text in which Chemnitz contributes a part of its area to Leipzig."}
gridExtra::grid.arrange( p_initial, p_step , p_final , nrow = 1 )