Source columns contain keys and values of a fixed type within the column. Different columns can use differing types.
The type of the column keys and values is not discernible from the name of the column, but the types can be
reported after the column metadata is fetched from storage. A column, accordingly, looks like this:
trait Column[T,U] {
def keyType:TypeTag[] = ???
def valueType:TypeTag[] = ???
Callers working with columns will ask Storage for a column instance of type Column[,], since they don't know the type of the column data in advance. Those callers who plan to take advantage of particular key or value typing will then query the key or value types, run time pattern match on acceptable types, and cast to a typed version of Column. e.g. to a Column[Long, _].
Transforms normally take type parameters including typeclass bounds so that the compiler can offer guidance on constructing and combining transforms.
Protocol request messages (StreamRequest) typically specify source columns and transforms by string name. The compiler can't statically determine whether requests and transforms are type compatible.
Currently the Transform engine is the nexus of the conversion from dynamically requested Columns and transformations to static types. The transform engine currently does a pattern match on the supported source column types and transforms.