# in your bash shell, start sbt
$ cd sparkle
$ sbt/sbt
# in sbt, switch the to the sparkle-data-server project
root > project sparkle-data-server
# the first time you run them, these next two tasks will take a while,
# downloading libraries
# start cassandra (alternately you can download and start cassandra separately from its own repo)
sparkle-data-server > startDependencies
# start the data server with the demos html page,
# and load some test data into the store
sparkle-data-server > reStart --root ../dashboard/demos --files ../sparkle-tests/src/test/resources/epochs.csv
# optional, reloads .js files after edits, etc.
sparkle-data-server > ~ products
# then browse to localhost:1234
# (localhost:1235 for the admin page)