MOM Diathermal Runs Log
Ryan Holmes April 2018+
To compile run in MOM5/exp/: module purge module load intel-compiler/2019.5.281 module load netcdf/4.7.1 module load openmpi/4.0.1 ./MOM_compile.csh –type MOM_SIS –platform nci –use_netcdf4
- Trying to run 025 ryf8485_KDS75 from Andy, but many errors related to python (payu) and others…
Got MOM_Gyre idealized test case working, after fixing some errors related to the incorrect version of input.nml being downloaded. See below for progress.
Making progrem with 1deg_jra55_ryf9091_kds50 run -> replaced all input files with the ones from 1deg_jra55_ryf/. Doesn’t look like there is anything serious changed, mainly the time step is different. Salinity restoring looks the same. Didn’t update namcouple, trying again…
Still having trouble with ryf8485_KDS75 from Andy -> Although this was the payu error with prior_output_dir not found or something like that, hopefully fixed now???
1deg_jra55_ryf9091_kds50 run doesn’t work because restarts have some different settings (works from an initial condition). Try changing these?
Works if I change atmosphere/input_atm.nml, coupler/namcouple in the restart folder to the new versions!!
Started kds75, 100 and 135 runs for this. However, the kds100 is dying with an out of range salinity error…
Giving up on 025_KDS75 for now…
Found out that the ACCESS-OM2 transports are all scaled differently, fixed and rerunning FlI analysis.
analysis done: 1deg_jra55_ryf8485/ 1deg_jra55_ryf8485_kds50…mushy
Did another two years of the kb3seg runs with Eulerian vertical mixing diagnostics for equatorial evaluation.
Updated MOM-SIS (software/MOM5) code to incorporate latest master changes. Also updated my branches to create a pull request for neutrho_temp changes for ACCESS-OM2. Also started a new MOM_HeatDiag_kb3seg year run with this new executable (which includes the change from neut_rho_is_temp to neutral_density_theta). Testing - seems to check out. Problem with long runtimes seems to have been temporary (latest run took 02:44).
Getting ACCESS-OM2 running: ------------------------------
Updated access-om2 code to latest. src/mom points to my latest ryan/master (same as used for kb3seg above). This was done by updating the outer repository and then individually updating all the submodules (which are listed in .gitmodules) using e.g. “git submodule update –init control/1deg_jra55_iaf”. If I’ve made changes in these submodules (e.g. changed exe paths in config.yaml) then had to revert these first. For ones where i had changes I want to keep - switch back to master branch in the submodule directory and update manually, then merge these changes into my branch (e.g. diathermal in 1deg_jra55_ryf8485).
Copied across Kial’s configs (*_may) and updated for diathermal diagnostics.
To get ACCESS-OM2 running/built: export ACCESS_OM_DIR=$(pwd) (in access-om2 dir). ./
then change executable paths in config.yaml and do payu run (needed payu/dev, which requires module use /projects/v45/modules).
Problems with input files: Went back to using full paths to input files and executables in /short/public* (what is used in new 1deg_jra55_ryf), except for the ocean executable. Also needed to changes accessom2.nml for a one-year runtime instead of 10!
Introduced error in vdiffuse_diff_cbt diagnostic - now fixed.
Running ACCESS-OM2 with Kial’s restarts and updated code
- Had problem with dt_ocean - need to remove from input.nml because of Nic’s code changes.
- Also payu needs cice_in.nml from the old output folders, so needed to copy these from config into an empty archive/output***/ice/
Numerical mixing methods:
- Checked with new direct volume budget and gives almost the same as the old indirect method (small differences, presumably due to machine-precision, or loading/saving back into files etc.).
- However, new method from heat budget works much better!
- Is the binning of temp_flux_x_on_nrho correct??? Could this be even better? Have asked Steve.
On the binning on different grids:
- Currently tx_trans_nrho and ty_trans_nrho, located on ET and NT (east T-cell face and North T-cell face), are binned with the temperature on the T-cell center - so this is not completely accurate (see Steve’s email). I’ve done the same for my heat fluxes on my first attempt.
Trying to fix this by introducing new Dens%neutralrho_et and Dens%neutralrho_nt arrays which should be on the T-cell ET and T-cell NT, and then bin with those. Testing now…
New T-cell binning seems to work slightly better (but I’m still not doing the GM and submeso terms).
Now going to full T-cell edge binning, including GM and submeso terms with new nrho_face_bin option. Testing.
Original T-cell center binning ndif_heat run: output036_ndif_heat T-cell edge binning of tx_trans and xflux (but not GM or submeso): output036_ndif_heat_transTedg nrho_face_bin option: output036_ndif_heat_transTedgGMS
nrho_face_bin option doesn’t seem to show any significant changes relative to other, changes are restricted to interior of basins rather than the WBCs. Keeping anyway
Production 10-year runs of the 1-degree configs all started (KDS50,75,100,135 and GFDL50).
New 5 years of MOM025_kb3seg run done with ndiff_heat diags on.
MOM_Gyre run with new heat budget method. Results are better, but still weird, I don’t know what is going on?
Found and fixed a bug with the kppbl diagnostic where it was not initialized properly. All the plots in Diathermal_Paper were made calculating kppbl by residual -> But the results are almost identical now that the bug has been fixed.
Running another MOM01 run with heat budget numerical mixing diagnostics.
Back to heat function paper:
Significantly improved processing of ZAH code:
- Now doing the sum from cold->warm from beginning like analysis.
- Introduced direct heat fluxes (temp_yflux_adv_on_nrho and temp_yflux_submeso_on_nrho) calculation of the full heat transport term A.
- Fixed latitude averaging/derivatives -> This was done incorrectly before because I hadn’t realized that PSI was on yu points not yt points. Now it is done correctly (and using the latitude spacing of yu_ocean not yt_ocean (yuo not yto in processing code)).
Started another 4 years of kb3seg in order to do this calculation properly over a four-year average.
Volume budget:
- Differences Access-om2 and MOM-SIS in ocean_sbc input.nml:
max_ice_thickness 1.0 vs 0.0 do_bitwise_exact_sum=.false. vs. .true.
options zero_net_water_coupler and zero_net_water_couple_restore are active, meaning that the net water into the ocean from atmosphere + land is kept mean zero, and that the net water into the ocean+ice is zero (but water can be exchanged between the coean and ice).
Options to set components to zero (debug_water_fluxes)
Most of the eta_tend diagnostics are for non-Bous contributions (e.g. covered by the diagnose_sea_level_forcing option)
- Global sum of (dzt*area) is 6e10m3 off from total_volume_seawater
- Global sum of mass_pmepr_on_nrho is ~1000m3/sec (~3000m3/sec for Chris) off from dVdt determined from dzt*area snapshots over a seasonal cycle.
Try a new run with total_ocean_pme_river and total_volume_seawater snapshots
Notes on ACCESS-OM2-1 budgets week of 5/4/19:
- ACCESS-OM2-1 uses conservative temperature, but the Cp is the same (we’re not using TEOS10).
- Lat-temp:
- MDS and SIG drive meridional fluxes, so shouldn’t really include them in vertical mixing.
- Some big problem with numerical mixing, especially in the SO. What is going on here?
MOM Control numerical mixing:
- Should numerical mixing be zero integrated over a fluid column? -> It is not. Is this because of the volume budget issues? The net flux shows lots of small-scale zonal-striations -> associated with barotropic processes.
- Comparison of 3D numerical mixing using SUB-con vs. SUB-latflux: Overall they produce very similar results. The difference is nicely shown in the lat-temp plot and shows that overall the convergence method has slightly more up-gradient fluxes than the lateral-fluxes method. The difference has no net (all temps) flux. Taken literally, this difference is the (negative of the) numerical mixing due to the submesoscale scheme - which is dominantly negative as expected (although not required - there is likely some up-gradient fluxes because the implemetation is through skew-fluxes and might have problems?).
- The 3D SUB-latflux and latT SUB-latflux calculations differ mainly through a net flux. This net flux is mostly (see line plot) explained by the fact that the budgets are done in the opposite direction (warm-to-cold vs. cold-to-warm). However, there is still some remaining mismatch - but it’s small and noisy - likely machine precision or something?
Steve comments on global budgets:
- ascii should have the budgets to 12-significant digits
- netcdf may only save to 6-significant digits. So perhaps it’s coming from this?
Namelist differences: short/e14/rmh561/software/python/nmltab/ -d ../../mom/MOM_HeatDiag_kb3seg/input.nml ../1deg_jra55_ryf8485_kds50_july/ocean/input.nml | less
- heaps to do with coupling
- ocean_barotropic: laplacian vs. biharmonic smoothing, bihgen friction
- ocean_frazil: Only top level in MOM-SIS
- friction differences
- mixdownslope
- cmip units
- nphysics
- overflow?
- river_diffuse_salt and river_diffuse_temp -> enhanced diffusion of temp and salt at rivers. This is added to diff_cbt (but not diagnosed separately in my kpp-diff diags).
- sigma-diff: On in access-om2-1 but in bottom cell only
- some different submesoscale options
- thickness dzt minimum
- ocean vert kpp mom4p1: kbl_standard_method: false in ACCESS-OM2-1 -> There is a warning in the code about negative mixing coefficients with this option
- smooth_blmc -> False in ACCESS-OM2-1
- smooth_ri_kmax_eq_kmu -> True in ACCESS_OM2-1
- ncar_ocean_flux
- raoult_sat_vap
ACCESS-OM2-1 vs. ACCESS-OM2-025 (gmredi):
- ocean_bih_tracer: tracer_mix_micom
- bihgen_friction and lapgen_friction
- mixdownslope (off in 025)
- overflow
- sigma
ACCESS-OM2-1 has much larger non-local KPP term, which is up-gradient. This spatial pattern matches the numerical mixing pattern - but so does all the other terms (e.g. vertical diffusion, which seems to compensate with non-local KPP a lot).
Trying a run with smooth_blmc, kbl_standard_method and smooth_ri_kmax.. all flipped back -> This did not change anything.
ACCESS-OM2-1 volume and salt budgets: &ocean_sbc_nml runoff_salinity = 0.0 means that there should be no salt input from runoff.
Could the fact that the transport in ACCESS-OM2 is saved in units of kg/s, vs. 10^9kg/s make a difference?
Almost there with the ACCESS-OM2-1 lat-temp plots -> Just missing some linear-with-temperature mismatch/term.
- Trying a 1deg run with double temp res.
- Trying to get the 025_deg ACCESS-OM2 case going.
The Eulerian binned tendency term is seeing cooling from the sum of the RHS diabatic terms at the warmest temperatures -> Mixing is strong and surface forcing is cooling these waters. Everything else is pretty small at the very warmest temperatures (e.g. advection, SUB/GM etc.). Surface forcing is cooling these waters because the cooling by sw_heat at the warmest temps seems to out do the warming by the total vdiffuse_sbc (which is weak).
Reducing the time-step from 5400 to 1800s mostly removes this issue. Perhaps it is fully removed at GFDL50? It also
For global budget:
- temp, dzt from snapshots (end of month, end of year)
- mass_pmepr_on_nrho
- vdiffuse_diff_cbt, nonlocal_KPP, vdiffuse_sbc, sw_heat, frazil, eta_smooth, sfc_hflux_pme, rivermix
- vdiffuse_k33, neutral_diffusion
- mixdownslope
For latitude-temp budget:
- ty_trans_nrho, ty_trans_nrho_submeso
- yflux_adv_on_nrho, yflux_submeso_on_nrho
- ty_trans_nrho_gm
- yflux_gm_on_nrho
For 1-degree runs: Total = 20. (360*180*50*20*8 = 0.5GB, but ACCESS_OM2 results would suggest this is reduced to ~0.1GB by compression/missing values). Taking 0.2GB => 20GB for 100 years
To reduce could combine: F = vdiffuse_sbc + frazil + eta_smooth + sw_heat P = hflux_pme + rivermix M = vdiffuse_diff_cbt + nonlocal_KPP + mixdownslope R = vdiffuse_k33 + neutral_diffusion Reducing to 13. Could also combine transports?, reducing to 9?
For spatially-resolved numerical mixing:
- tx_trans_nrho, tx_trans_nrho_submeso
- xflux_adv_on_nrho, xflux_submeso_on_nrho
- tx_trans_nrho_gm
- xflux_gm_on_nrho
For mixing components:
- kppiw, kppish, kppicon, kppbl, kppdd, wave, back?
Not used except for checks:
- advection, tendency, submesoscale, neutral_gm
- MOM025-SIS: 1: kb=0 five years 2: kb=1e-5 one year 3: kb=1e-6 one year 4: kb=3seg five years + 5 years
- ACCESS-OM2-025: 1: ryf8485 No GM/redi 2: ryf8485_gmredi 3: ryf8485_redi 4: ryf8485_KDS75 - not run yet.
- MOM01-SIS one year
- ACCESS-OM2-1: 1: ryf 2: ryf8485 3: ryf8485_kds50_s13p8_mushy: out 51: base case out 52: 1em5 kb out 73: 20?? years of 1em5 kb 4: ryf9091_kds50 (old setup) 5: ryf9091_kds75 (old setup) 6: ryf9091_kds100 (old setup - not working salinity error) 7: ryf9091_kds135 (old setup)
! May 2018+ runs ----------------------------------------------- ! 1deg_jra55_ryf8485_kds50_may ! -------------- output000-003 ! 20 years (5 year blocks) from spinup IC. output036 | 10 years from year 350 numdiff_heat diags ! 1deg_jra55_ryf8485_gfdl50_may ! -------------- output036 | 10 years from year 350 numdiff_heat diags ! 1deg_jra55_ryf8485_kds75_may ! -------------- output036 | 10 years from year 350 numdiff_heat diags ! 1deg_jra55_ryf8485_kds100_may ! -------------- output036 | 10 years from year 350 numdiff_heat diags ! 1deg_jra55_ryf8485_kds135_may ! -------------- output036 | 10 years from year 350 numdiff_heat diags
! Before May 2018 ---------------------------------------------- ! 1deg_jra55_ryf ! -------------- output250 (yr501) | one year, full diags ! 1deg_jra55_ryf8485 ! -------------- output394 (yr789) | one year, full diags ! 1deg_jra55_ryf8485_kds50_s13p8_mushy ! -------------- output051 (yr511) | one year, full diags output052 (yr512) | one year with 1em-5 back diff output057 (yr???) | More years with 1em-5 back diff ! 1deg_jra55_ryf9091_kds50 ! -------------- output045 (yr451) | one year, full diags, old setup with KDS50 ! 1deg_jra55_ryf9091_kds75 ! -------------- output016 (yr161) | one year, full diags, old setup with KDS75 ! 1deg_jra55_ryf9091_kds135 ! -------------- output012 (yr121) | one year, full diags, old setup with KDS135
!!! All above deleted 21-1-19
! After May 2018 ----------------------------------------------
! 025deg_jra55_ryf8485: No GM/Redi ! -------------------- output078 (yr152) | restart077 | one year, full diags
! 025deg_jra55_ryf8485_gmredi ! -------------------- output073 (yr147) | restart072 | one year, full diags
! 025deg_jra55_ryf8485_redi ! -------------------- output059 (yr119) | restart058 | one year, full diags
! 025deg_jra55_ryf8485_KDS75 ! -------------------- ! present in Andy’s /short. Run this!
! MOM_HeatDiag: ! --------------- ! New runs 2018 to get good statistics on Implicit mixing spatial structure output008 | restart007 | One-year run, production diags + trans_nrho + trans_submeso_nrho output009 | restart008 | One-year run, production diags + trans_nrho + trans_submeso_nrho output010 | restart009 | One-year run, production diags + trans_nrho + trans_submeso_nrho output011 | restart010 | One-year run, production diags + trans_nrho + trans_submeso_nrho output012 | restart011 | One-year run, production diags + trans_nrho + trans_submeso_nrho !!!! 8-12 OUTPUTS deleted 28/11/18 !!!!
output013 | restart012 | One-year run, as before but with 1-degree binning instead of 0.5-degree binning. output014 | restart013 | One-year run, diathermal diags + separate mixing terms !!! Above 2 runs DELETED !!! output015-019 | restart014 | Five-years with numdiff_heat diags. output015-019 | restart014 | Re-do of previous runs (saved in old15-19) with heat flux xflux_submeso and yflux_submeso. !!! Above runs archived to mdss 16/10/19
! MOM_HeatDiag_kb1em5: As for previous but with background diffusivity to 1e-5 m2s-1: ! --------------- output014-015 | restart013 | Two-year run, 0.5-degree binning but with background diffusivity to 1e-5 m2s-1 output016+ | restart015 | Continuation with no diathermal diagnostics output028-063 | | Continuation with only yearly saves of diagnostics output064 | | 51st year with diathermal diagnostics output065-093 | | Continuation with only yearly saves of diagnostics – Now have done 80 years of spinup – output094 | restart093 | One-year run, diathermal diags + separate mixing terms !! 94 and 64 deleted 4/1/2019 !! output095-099 | restart094 | Five-year run with heat flux xflux_submeso and yflux_submeso. !!! Above runs archived to mdss 16/10/19
! MOM_HeatDiag_kb1em6: 1e-6 background diffusivity: ! --------------- output000-001 | restart013 | Two-year run, with background diffusivity to 1e-6 m2s-1 and diathermal diagnostics output002+ | restart015 | Continuation with no diathermal diagnostics output006-029 | | Continuation with only yearly saves of diagnostics – Now have done 30 years of spinup – output030 | restart029 | One-year run, diathermal diags + separate mixing terms !!! Above run archived to mdss 16/10/19
! MOM_HeatDiag_kb3seg: ! --------------- ! These simulations had a linearly scaled diff_cbt_back from 1e-5 to ! 1e-6 between 15deg and 5deg using the code in HWF ! (ocean_vert_mix.F90). output000 | restart013 | with diathermal diagnostics first year output001-025 | | no diathermal diagnostics, These first 22
years had the diff_back implemented with |
vert_diff_back_via_max. But this is |
not consistent with the diff_cbt_iw |
implemented in the KPP routine. |
output026-074 | | no diathermal diagnostics. eqred_iw implemented (reduction of diff_cbt_iw done in kpp routine) – Now have done 26 years of spinup with hwf + 49 years with kppiw = 75 total – output075 | restart074 | One-year run, diathermal diags + separate mixing terms output076-079 | 4 more years with diathermal diagnostics + diff. mixing terms. output080-084 | restart079 | Five-years with numdiff_heat diags and Eulerian vertical mixing and
heat flux terms for evaluation against chipod data. |
output085 | restart084 | One year as above except with bug fix on
kppbl initialization (realised with chipod comparison). |
!! 75-85 outputs deleted 4/1/2019 !! !! 75-80 were used for the JPO paper !!
output086 | restart085 | One year as above with xflux_submeso and yflux_submeso for testing. output087-090 | restart086 | four more years as for previous for heat function paper output091-094 | restart090 | Years getting variance diagnostics sorted (all deleted) output095 | restart094 | One year with Eulerian squared diagnostics (and no heat budget terms). output096-100 | restart095 | Five years with Eulerian squared diagnostics + all other diathermal for production heat function and numerical mixing output101-110 | restart100 | Ten more years as above because of compression problems. output110-120 | restart100 | Ten more years with yearly output as control. output121 | restart120 | One more year with new binned diffusivity diagnostic (diff_cbt_t_on_nrho). output122 | restart122 | 5 days with metric grid vectors output. !! All outputs 100 and below deleted 16/10/19 !! 101-110 were used for the GRL paper !!
! MOM_HeatDiag_kb3seg_nosubmeso output091 | restart090 | One year as for kb3seg but with submesoscale param turned off to see affect on numerical mixing. DELETED - was wrong
! MOM_HeatDiag_nipoall: output000+ | restart100 (kb3seg) | yearly output of -ve IPO trend run from Nicola’s paper with full diathermal diags
! MOM_HeatDiag_RCP45: output000+ | restart100 (kb3seg) | yearly output of simple RCP45 (+1.5C Tair, +8Wm-2 DWLN) from Kial’s paper with full diathermal diags
! MOM_HeatDiag_SOUP15: output000+ | restart100 (kb3seg) | yearly output of 15% SO winds increase from Paul’s GRL.
! MOM_HeatDiag_AMOCOFF: output000+ | restart100 (kb3seg) |
Run | Restart | Description
output000 | restart500 | One-year run with Monthly heat budget diagnostics, missed rivermix. output001 | restart000 | One-year run with “”, added dzt and snapshots. output002o1 | restart001 | One-month run with daily output. output003o1 | restart002o1 | One-month run with inbuilt neutral density water-mass diagnostics, tweaked. output004o1 | restart003o1 | One-month run with altered inbuilt neutral density water-mass diagnostics, tweaked. output005o1 | restart004o1 | One-month run with altered inbuilt neutral density water-mass diagnostics, tweaked. output006o1 | restart005o1 | one-month run with monthly ouput. Online binning of T diagnostics with new code. output007o1 | restart006o1 | one-year run with monthly output. Online binning DELETED!! output008o1 | restart007o1 | 3-dt run with dt output. Online binning DELETED!! output002o2 | restart001 | One-year run with daily heat budget diagnostics. No online diagnostics DELETED!! Notes: output002o2 uncollated size was 2TB, restart002 was 107GB
output002 | restart001 | One-year run, production diags output003 | restart002 | One-year run, production diags output004 | restart003 | One-year run, production diags output005 | restart004 | One-year run, production diags output006 | restart005 | One-year run, production diags output007 | restart006 | One-year run, production diags + trans_nrho ---- ALL ABOVE WERE DELETED, 04-04-18 ------------------
! MOM_wombat: ! ----------- output1978 | restart1977 | One year run. NO GM/SUB Transports. Problem with global budget? DELETED 16/10/19
! MOM01_HeatDiag: ! --------------- output266 | restart265 | 3-month run, production diags output267 | restart266 | 3-month run, production diags output268 | restart267 | 3-month run, production diags output269 | restart268 | 3-month run, production diags !!!! Above 4-runs DELETED 28/11/2018 !!!!
output000 (yr72) | restart269 | 3-month run, production diags + trans_nrho + trans_submeso_nrho output001 | restart000 | 3-month run, production diags + trans_nrho + trans_submeso_nrho output002 | restart001 | 3-month run, production diags + trans_nrho + trans_submeso_nrho output003 | restart002 | 3-month run, production diags + trans_nrho + trans_submeso_nrho !!! Above runs DELETED Early 2019
output004 (yr73) | restart003 | 3-month run, numerical heat budget diags (incl. submeso) output005 | restart004 | 3-month run, numerical heat budget diags (incl. submeso) output006 | restart005 | 3-month run, numerical heat budget diags (incl. submeso) output007 | restart006 | 3-month run, numerical heat budget diags (incl. submeso) These runs, with processing, have been archived to mdss 16/10/19
to set up gyre1 test case (MOM_Gyre) I did:
in software/MOM5/data/ ./ gyre1.input.tar.gz - but this didn’t work! The path is wrong, gives an old version of the input.nml. The correct version is in the path in data/data_sources.csv, which is a source on raijin ua8.
then moved all input files to new experiment folder (rmh561/MOM_Gyre). Created a link to work and archive directories in rmh561/mom, moved .nc input files to mom/input/gyre1 and moved all input scripts (input.nml etc.) to experiment folder.
Started off with a 1800-day (5 year) spinup case with zstar coordinates and minimal monthly output. Then will run my diathermal diagnostics over the top (in diag_table_diathermal).
Base case run successfully, gives large numerical diffusion particularly at the higher temps. Run for 12-months
Kicked off a high (5e-5) vertical diffusivity case.