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Vitis™ Application Acceleration Development Flow Tutorials

Using Aurora IP in Alveo with Vitis Flow

Version: Vitis 2023.2


Aurora 64B/66B is a lightweight, serial communications protocol for multi-gigabit links. On AMD Alveo™ card, Aurora IP utilizes GT transceiver (such as GTY) to realize the high-speed data transfer. Each kind of Alveo accelerator cards has one or two QSFP28 ports, which connects to the GT transceiver of the FPGA. The user can integrate Aurora IP into Alveo card to implement full-duplex communication between cards at up to 100 Gbps data throughput on each QSFP28 port. The Aurora IP provides standard AXI Stream ports to the user application for data transfer, and with AMD Vitis™ flow, the users can easily integrate the Aurora IP into their acceleration design based on the Vitis target platform.

Following is the block diagram of Aurora 64B/66B communication channel.

Aurora Channel

For details on Aurora 64B/66B protocol, refer to Aurora 64B/66B Protocol Specification.
For details on Aurora 64B/66B IP, refer to Aurora 64B/66B IP Product Guide.

This tutorial provides an example design and step-by-step instruction for integrating Aurora IP into Alveo accelerator cards with Vitis flow. The example design integrates a four-lane Aurora kernel with 10 Gbps lane rate (achieve total 40 Gbps throughput). The complete design steps in this tutorial includes Aurora IP generation, reference RTL top module for Aurora IP, example test system integration, and example x86 host program. Following is the hardware block diagram of the example design.

Block Diagram

There are three kernels in the hardware design:

  • krnl_aurora: This is an RTL kernel. krnl_aurora instantiates the Aurora core IP, an AXIS data FIFO for data transmit, an AXIS data FIFO for data receive, and an AXI control slave for Aurora IP status read back.

  • strm_issue: This is an HLS kernel, which implements a simple AXI master to AXI stream bridge for data transmit. It reads the data from on-board global memory and sends them to the Aurora core.

  • strm_dump: This is an HLS kernel, which implements a simple AXI stream to AXI master bridge for data receive. It receives the data from Aurora core and writes them to the on-board global memory.

In the example design, host transfers block data into the on-board global memory, loads data to the Aurora core, and then stores the loopback data into on-board global memory for integrity check. To run the real hardware test of the design, you will need a 40 Gbps QSFP+ (0dB, 0W) loopback module inserted in the QSFP port of the Alveo cards. In case your Alveo card has two QSFP ports, insert the module into QSFP 0. The loopback module looks like below photo.


The design supports Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 and Redhat/CentOS 7/8 systems and is supported with following XRT and target platform version:

  • Alveo U200: xilinx_u200_gen3x16_xdma_2_202110_1
  • Alveo U250: xilinx_u250_gen3x16_xdma_4_1_202210_1
  • Alveo U280: xilinx_u280_gen3x16_xdma_1_202211_1
  • Alveo U50: xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_5_202210_1
  • Alveo U55C: xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_3_202210_1

All the flows in the example design are provided as command line fashion, which utilize Makefile and Tcl scripts. During some steps in this tutorial, some GUI operations are used for explicit explanation purpose. Below is the files description of the design directory.

├── hls
│   ├── strm_dump.cpp                   # HLS C source code for strm_dump kernel
│   └── strm_issue.cpp                  # HLS C source code for strm_issue kernel
├── host
│   └── host_krnl_aurora_test.cpp       # x86 host program
├── krnl_aurora_test.cfg                # Vitis link configuration file
├── Makefile                            # Makefile for full flow
├── rtl
│   ├── krnl_aurora_control_s_axi.v     # Verilog source code for AXI control slave module
│   └── krnl_aurora.v                   # Verilog source code for top level of krnl_aurora
├── tcl
│   ├── gen_aurora_ip.tcl               # Tcl script to generate Aurora IP
│   ├── gen_fifo_ip.tcl                 # Tcl script to generate AXI stream data FIFO
│   └── pack_kernel.tcl                 # Tcl script to package the RTL kernel krnl_aurora
└── xdc
    └── aurora_64b66b_0.xdc             # additional XDC file for krnl_aurora

Notes: If you use RedHat/CentOS 7, the default installed GCC version is 4.x.x. You must use the following command to install and switch to GCC 7 before compiling the x86 host program.

sudo yum install centos-release-scl
sudo yum install devtoolset-7-gcc-c++
scl enable devtoolset-7 bash

Develop krnl_aurora kernel

krnl_aurora is our core kernel for the example design. From the previous block diagram, you can see that krnl_aurora includes three sub-modules, core Aurora 64B/66B IP, an AXI stream data FIFO IP for data transmit, an AXI stream data FIFO IP for data receive, and an AXI control slave for Aurora status monitoring.

Generate Aurora 64B/66B Core IP

Now let us generate the Aurora IP. To illustrate the IP configuration options clearly, use AMD Vivado™ GUI to see the graphical Aurora IP configuration options with U200 card as an example.

Start the Vivado GUI. In the Tcl Console window, enter the following example command to create a project using the FPGA part corresponding to your Alveo card. In the following command line, xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e is the FPGA part name of U200 card.

create_project aurora_test -part xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e

After the project is created, click IP Catalog in the PROJECT MANAGER on the left, find Aurora 64B66B IP in the list, and double click it. Once done, the Aurora 64B66B IP configuration window pops up, and review and make necessary changes to the options as explained below.

We configure the Core Options tab as below:

  • Physical Layer
    • GT Type: GTY (default)
    • Line Rate (Gbps): 10.3125 (default)
    • Column Used: Right (default)
    • Lanes: 4 (the example design uses four lanes)
    • Starting GT Quad: Quad X1Y5 (default, the Vitis linking process will choose the correct GT Quad)
    • Starting GT Lane: X1Y20 (default, the Vitis linking process will choose the correct GT Lane)
    • GT Refclk Selection: MGTREFCLK0 of Quad X1Y5 (default, the Vitis linking process will choose the correct GT Refclk)
    • GT Refclk (MHz): 161.1328125 (This matches the GT clock source on the Alveo card)
    • INIT clk (MHz): 100 (use the 100MHz clock provided in the U200 target platform as the INIT clk)
    • Generate Aurora without GT: Keep unselected (you need the Aurora IP to include the GT transceiver)
  • Link Layer
    • Dataflow Mode: Duplex (default)
    • Interface: Streaming (used in the example design)
    • Flow Control: None (default)
    • USER K: Keep unselected (do not use USER-K in the example design)
    • Little Endian Support: Keep unselected (little endian support in the example design is not required)
  • Error Detection
    • CRC: Keep unselected (CRC in the example design is not needed)
  • Debug and Control
    • DRP Mode: Native ( DRP function is not used in the example design)
    • Vivado Lab Tools: Keep unselected (this feature is not used in the example design)
    • Additional transceiver control and status ports: Keep unselected (this feature is not used in the example design)

We configure the Shared Logic tab as below:

  • Shared Logic
    • Include Shared Logic in core (single Aurora module is used in the example design)

Following above settings, the Aurora 64B66B IP configuration window is as below:

Block Diagram

The configured IP will have an AXI stream slave port and an AXI stream master port, and the data width is 256 bits, namely 64 bits per lane. These two AXI stream ports work on 161.1328125 MHz user_clk domain, which is 1/64 of 10.3125 Gbps lane speed.

After clicking OK button, the Aurora IP configuration is finished. You need the generated aurora_64b66b_0.xci file, which is used later in the IP package step. As mentioned earlier, the Aurora IP generation step is finished by the Vivado Tcl script in this tutorial. So let us look at the script file ./tcl/gen_aurora_ip.tcl, which is used to generate the same output as above GUI flow. The major part of this script is as below:

create_ip -name aurora_64b66b \
          -vendor \
          -library ip \
          -version 12.0 \
          -module_name aurora_64b66b_0 \
          -dir ./ip_generation

set_property -dict [list CONFIG.C_AURORA_LANES {4} \
                         CONFIG.C_LINE_RATE {10.3125} \
                         CONFIG.C_REFCLK_FREQUENCY {161.1328125} \
                         CONFIG.C_INIT_CLK {100} \
                         CONFIG.interface_mode {Streaming} \
                         CONFIG.drp_mode {Native} \
                         CONFIG.SupportLevel {1}] \
             [get_ips aurora_64b66b_0]

With the script, you can use following command line to generate the Aurora IP (u200 card as example):

vivado -mode batch -source ./tcl/pack_kernel.tcl -tclargs xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e

Because a Makefile is provided to manage the full flow, use the make command to finish all the steps.

Generate AXI Stream Data FIFO IP

The AXI stream data FIFO IP is used to isolate the clock domains of the Aurora AXI stream port and Alveo platform AXI system, as well as provide data buffer especially for RX (receive) channels. This IP is simple and a Tcl script ./tcl/gen_fifo_ip.tcl is provided to generate it. Two options need modification, AXI stream data width is 32 bytes (256 bits), and the IP provides asynchronous clock. The major part of the script file is shown below:

create_ip -name axis_data_fifo \
          -vendor \
          -library ip \
          -version 2.0 \
          -module_name axis_data_fifo_0 \
          -dir ./ip_generation

set_property -dict [list CONFIG.TDATA_NUM_BYTES {32} \
                         CONFIG.IS_ACLK_ASYNC {1}] \
             [get_ips axis_data_fifo_0]

Similarly, use the make command to generate the IP later.

AXI Control Slave Module

In this example design, do not configure the Aurora IP dynamically, but just monitor some status signal output from the Aurora IP. Meanwhile, krnl_aurora is designed to an always-run kernel, which means that the host does not control the kernel running. Thus, a simple AXI slave RTL module is used here. It implements a single read-only AXI slave register, connecting to those output status signals from the Aurora IP.

You can find the RTL source of this module at ./rtl/krnl_aurora_control_s_axi.v.

krnl_aurora Top Module

The top level Verilog file for krnl_aurora is located at ./rtl/krnl_aurora.v. While instantiates Aurora IP, AXI stream data FIFO IP and AXI control slave module, the top module inserts CDC module between Aurora IP and AXI control slave, which work in different domain. The top module also generates reset_pb and pma_init signals for Aurora IP. Refer to the documents of Aurora 64B/66B IP for more details.

Package krnl_aurora Kernel

The Tcl script ./tcl/pack_kernel.tcl is provided to package the IP files and RTL modules as described above to a Vitis kernel file. Here are some important points to consider:

  • The init_clk signal in the top level is automatically inferred as clock interface, but it is manually removed from the interface in the script. The reason is that you would want to manually connect this clock pin to the designated clock source pin, so remove it from clock interface to avoid auto connection in the Vitis linking stage.
  • In addition to the auto inferred AXI / AXI stream interfaces, manually infer the pre-defined differential gt_port type interface, and bond the top-level GT TX/RX signals to the interface. Thus, we easily connect the GT interface to the QSFP interface provided in the Alveo target platform.
  • In addition to the auto inferred normal clock, manually infer the pre-defined differential gt_refclk type interface, and bond the top-level GT reference clock signals to the interface. Thus, it is easy to connect the GT reference clock interface to the corresponding interface provided in the Alveo target platform.
  • An additional XDC file ./xdc/aurora_64b66b_0.xdc is packed into the kernel file as well, since the generated Aurora IP does not have the reference clock definition for top level integration.

We will use make command to call this script to generate the kernel file krnl_aurora.xo later.

strm_issue and strm_dump Kernel

These two kernels use the HLS to implement 256-bit AXI-to-AXIS and AXIS-to-AXI conversion function. The AXI stream data width 256 matches those AXI stream port of krnl_aurora, so they can be connected together directly in the linking stage later. You can find the source code for the two kernels at ./hls/strm_issue.cpp and ./hls/strm_dump.cpp.

In the example design flow, Vitis command v++ is used by make tool to compile these two kernels to XO files strm_issue.xo and strm_dump.xo.

Kernel Integration (Linking)

After the three kernels are ready, the make tool calls Vitis v++ command to finish the linking job. The configuration file krnl_aurora_test.cfg designates the connection topology of the kernels.

The major part of the configuration file is as below (use U200 for example):


# AXI connection

# ---------------------------------------
# Aurora signal connection (GT / clock)
# ---------------------------------------
# uncomment following lines for xilinx_u200_gen3x16_xdma_1_202110_1

Note the last part of the configuration file, which is Aurora/GT related connection. In the above snippet, io_clk_qsfp_refclka_00 and io_gt_qsfp_00 are the GT reference clock interface and GT port interface, respectively. ii_level0_wire/ulp_m_aclk_freerun_ref_00 is the output pin for a 100MHz clock. These interfaces and clock pins information can be obtained by Vivado command platforminfo --verbose. Or you can also open the auto created Vivado project ULP block design to view these port/interface/signal name. Note that the default uncommented lines in the krnl_aurora_test.cfg file is for Alveo U200 card. If you using other supported Alveo cards, uncomment the relevant lines according to your card model.

Note that We have known the AXI stream ports of the Aurora IP work on 256 bits on around 161 MHz, and the external AXI stream ports of krnl_aurora is connected to 300 MHz kernel clock by default in the linking stage, so there is no performance bottleneck here. In the higher lane speed case, it might not be the case, which is explained later.

The hardware linking step is finished by this command:

make xclbin PART=xxxx PLATFORM=xxx

Here, PLATFORM is the Alveo target platform that you are using, and the PART is the matching FPGA part number. You can find the applicable PLATFORM and PART string in the Makefile. If no PART and PLATFORM variables are assigned explicitly, the default PART and PLATFORM strings in the Makefile are for Alveo U200 card. Do not forget to modify relevant lines of krnl_aurora_test.cfg file if you are not using U200 card.

After issuing make command, the full hardware building flow goes through from the beginning according to the dependency, including IP generation, RTL kernel packaging, HLS kernel compilation, and finally linking to generate hardware container (XCLBIN) file.

After the building finishes, use thefollowing command to launch Vivado to open the auto generated link project to review the implementation result, including block design, timing, floorplan, etc.

vivado ./_x/link/vivado/vpl/prj/prj.xpr &

Following is the screenshot of portion of the block design for User Level Partition (ULP) with U200 card as the example. Check that all ports of krnl_aurora are connected correctly.

ULP Block Design

Following is the timing result and placement information of the implemented hardware in U200 case.

ULP Block Design

Host Program

The example host program is in ./host/host_krnl_aurora_test.cpp. It uses XRT Native API to load XCLBIN file, transfers data to and from the card, and controls the start and finish of strm_dump and strm_issue. For krnl_aurora, since it is an always-run kernel, so the host only uses the API read_register function to check the status of Aurora.

To compile the host program, enter:

make host

This is an all GNU g++ tool to compile the host program and generates the executable host_krnl_aurora_test. To run it, use the following command:

host_krnl_aurora_test [-m MEGABYTES]

MEGABYTES is the size of data block you want to transfer, and the default value is 100.

The host program compares the received data and sent data, and reports the data transfer throughput and data verification result. With the 10Gbps x 4 lanes configuration, the measured Aurora data transfer throughput is about 4.6Gbpss. Refer to the example running log below:

$ ./host_krnl_aurora_test 

------------------------ krnl_aurora loopback test ------------------------
Transfer size: 100 MB

Generate TX data block.
Program running in hardware mode
Load krnl_aurora_test_hw.xclbin
Create kernels
Create TX and RX device buffer
Transfer TX data into device buffer
Check whether startup status of Aurora kernel is ready...
Aurora kernel startup status is GOOD: 1000111111111
[12]channel_up [11]soft_err [10]hard_err [9]mmcm_not_locked_out [8]gt_pll_lock [7:4]line_up [3:0]gt_powergood
Begin data loopback transfer
Data loopback transfer finish
Transfer time = 21.805 ms
Fetch RX data from device buffer and verification
Data loopback transfer throughput = 4586.1 MB/s
Aurora Error Status:

Data verfication SUCCEED

One More Thing

You can see that the example design implements 10Gbps x 4 lanes, if you want to implement the Aurora transfer with the highest throughput 25Gbps per lane, following things need to do:

1. About Aurora IP

The only different option when configuring the Aurora IP is the C_LINE_RATE, set this to 25.78125 Gbps, which can be generated by the 161.1328125 MHz reference clock.

set_property -dict [list CONFIG.C_AURORA_LANES {4} \
                         CONFIG.C_LINE_RATE {25.78125} \
                         CONFIG.C_REFCLK_FREQUENCY {161.1328125} \
                         CONFIG.C_INIT_CLK {100} \
                         CONFIG.interface_mode {Streaming} \
                         CONFIG.drp_mode {Native} \
                         CONFIG.SupportLevel {1}] \
             [get_ips aurora_64b66b_0]

In these configurations, the AXI stream ports data width per lane is still 64 bits, so the AXI stream interfaces work on 25.78125 GHz / 64 = 402.8 MHz.

2. RTL Kernel krnl_aurora

As you know that the Aurora IP AXI stream ports for the 4 lane configuration works on 256 bits at 402.8 MHz. However, the default kernel clock provided to the external AXI stream port (connected to AXI stream data FIFO) is 300 MHz during link stage. So there will be throughput mismatch issues here, which lead to data loss (the Aurora IP AXI stream port for RX does not support TREADY signal). To resolve this issue, one possible solution is to expand the external AXI stream port data width of krnl_aurora kernel. For example, you expand the external AXI stream data width to 512 bits, thus you generate the AXI stream data FIFO with 512 bits data width. So you also need a 256bit-to-512bit and another 512bit-to-256bit AXI stream data width converter IP in the krnl_aurora kernel top level module. Following is the block diagram of the krnl_aurora design with 25 Gbps lane speed.

Block Diagram 25 Gbps

3. HLS Kernel strm_issue and strm_dump

According to the explanation above, these two mover kernels should also have 512 bits AXI stream data width instead of the original 256 bits to match krnl_aurora.

4. Top-level Linking Consideration

For DDR based Alveo card (such as U200 and U250), the single DDR bank provides approximately 19.2 Gbps bandwidth. For 25 Gbps x 4 lane Aurora IP, the unidirectional throughput is about 12.5 Gbps. So when implementing the 25 Gbps lane speed loopback example design, if you make both the strm_dump and strm_issue kernels access the same DDR bank, the performance is degraded by DDR bandwidth limitation. So to achieve the highest performance, connect the AXI masters of the two HLS kernels to different DDR bank. You can control the kernel slr and sp assignment in the v++ linking configuration file. As an example, for U200 case, add following lines at the last of krnl_aurora_test.cfg file:


Based on the four adjustments mentioned above, implement a test design with U200 card, and observe about 11.5 Gbpss throughput as shown in the following running log:

$ ./host_krnl_aurora_test

------------------------ krnl_aurora loopback test ------------------------
Transfer size: 100 MB

Generate TX data block.
Program running in hardware mode
Load krnl_aurora_test_hw.xclbin
Create kernels
Create TX and RX device buffer
Transfer TX data into device buffer
Check whether startup status of Aurora kernel is ready...
Aurora kernel startup status is GOOD: 1000111111111
[12]channel_up [11]soft_err [10]hard_err [9]mmcm_not_locked_out [8]gt_pll_lock [7:4]line_up [3:0]gt_powergood
Begin data loopback transfer
Data loopback transfer finish
Transfer time = 8.723 ms
Fetch RX data from device buffer and verification
Data loopback transfer throughput = 11463.9 MB/s
Aurora Error Status:

Data verification SUCCEED


The AMD Aurora protocol and IP provide a lightweight and easy-to-use high-performance point-to-point communication solution on the Alveo accelerator card. With Vitis flow, the user can use Aurora IP on Alveo cards easily to implements high speed inter-card communication without the involvement of PCIe and host. This enables various and flexible distributed or pipelined hardware acceleration applications.

Revision History

  • Change to MIT license
  • Add config option for U280
  • Initial release

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