Below is a listing of Solid Panels. Solid Panels are groups of individuals focused on a specific problem or domain relevant to Solid, with an aim to propose changes to the Solid Specification, Solid Roadmap, and/or Supporting Documentation. Anyone may join a panel or suggest a new panel.
Anyone can create a Solid Panel by submitting a request to the Solid W3C community group mailing list, or by making a pull request directly to this document.
This listing helps people find panels in which they may want to participate, and helps editors find panels to consult as part of the editorial process.
This is an example that people can use as a template for submitting their own panels. A description of the panel, including its focus and goal, should go here.
- Link to join mailing list goes here
- Link to public chat goes here
- Any other public communication link goes here
- [Panellist Name](link to github profile) <[email protected]> (@github handle)
- [Panellist Name](link to github profile) <[email protected]> (@github handle)
- Accessibility
- Auditing
- Authorization
- Artificial Intelligence
- Authentication
- Caching
- Cryptography and Security
- Data Interoperability
- Data Portability
- Explaining the Vision
- External Interop and Outreach
- Identity
- Internationalisation
- Events-and-Notifications
- Privacy and Individuals Rights Protection Panel
- Querying Panel
- Resource-Access
- Accessibility Panel
- App Authorization Panel
- Artificial Intelligence Panel
- Authentication Panel
- Caching Panel
- Cryptography (Signing and Encryption) Panel
- Data Interoperability Panel
- Explaining the Vision Panel
- External Interop and Outreach Panel
- Identity Panel
- Internationalisation Panel
- Natural Language Processing Panel
- Notifications Panel
- Privacy and Individuals Rights Protection Panel
- Query Panel
- Self Hosting Panel
- Specification Entry Document Panel
- Teaching Materials Panel
- Test Suite Panel
All Panels can be reached on [email protected]
There is a weekly W3C Solid Community Group call to review all panels on Thursdays alternating between 1000CEST and 1600CEST on See here to read the minutes of previous calls, find out the agenda and exact time of the next call, or to add an item to the next agenda.
You can also read weekly updates of all panels on This Week in Solid.
How to ensure that the technical decisions are taking accessibility considerations into account.
- Sina Bahram <[email protected]>
- Bud (@spudthebud)
- elf Pavlik <[email protected]> (@elf-pavlik)
How do apps request access to specific containers, shapes, and/or realms of a user's data.
Wednesdays at 10AM Eastern at
- Michiel de Jong <[email protected]> (@michielbdejong)
- Dmitri Zagidulin <[email protected]> (@dmitrizagidulin)
- Michael Thornburgh <[email protected]> (@zenomt)
- Justin Bingham <[email protected]> (@justinwb)
- Jackson Morgan <[email protected]> (@jaxoncreed)
- Sarven Capadisli <> (@csarven)
To discuss Artificial Intelligence for Solid
- James Schoening <[email protected]> (@jimschoening)
Discussion and specs relating to Authentication and Auth Delegation protocols, including:
- WebID-OIDC auth delegation protocol
- WebID-TLS auth delegation protocol
- Username + password recommendations for local authentication
- WebAuthentication (proposed future integration)
- DID Authentication (proposed future integration)
- HTTP Signatures (proposed future integration)
Mondays at 10AM Eastern at
- Dmitri Zagidulin <[email protected]> (@dmitrizagidulin)
- Paul Worrall <[email protected]> (@pjworrall)
- Michael Thornburgh <[email protected]> (@zenomt)
- Justin Bingham <[email protected]> (@justinwb)
- Jackson Morgan <[email protected]> (@jaxoncreed)
- Aaron Coburn <[email protected]> (@acoburn)
- Matthias Evering <[email protected]> (@ewingson)
Ensure that caching mechanisms, both currently standardized and future standards are employed within Solid.
- Kjetil Kjernsmo <[email protected]> (@kjetilk)
Discussion and specs related to performing decentralized Key Management, Cryptographic Signatures (including integration with Verifiable Credentials), and at-rest data Encryption on Solid servers.
- Dmitri Zagidulin <[email protected]> (@dmitrizagidulin)
- Paul Worrall <[email protected]> (@pjworrall)
- Justin Bingham <[email protected]> (@justinwb)
- Kjetil Kjernsmo <[email protected]> (@kjetilk)
- Rob McColl <[email protected]> (@robmccoll)
Ensuring the interoperability of data as it is read and written by different users and/or applications. Topics of discussion will include vocabularies, shapes, footprints, and the mechanisms through which these work together to provide consistent and safe access and manipulation of data in a pod by different agents and/or users.
- Dmitri Zagidulin <[email protected]> (@dmitrizagidulin)
- Justin Bingham <[email protected]> (@justinwb)
- Eric Prud'hommeaux <[email protected]> (@ericprud)
- Max Dor <[email protected]> (@maxidorius)
- James Schoening <[email protected]> (@jimschoening)
- Jose Emilio Labra Gayo <[email protected]> (@labra)
- Ruben Verborgh <[email protected]>(@RubenVerborgh)
- Kjetil Kjernsmo <[email protected]> (@kjetilk)
- Jason Reynolds <[email protected]> (@JKReynolds)
- Simon Shapiro <[email protected]> (@SimonShapiro)
- Sarven Capadisli <> (@csarven)
- Arne Hassel <[email protected]> <@megoth_twitter>
Taking the suggestions on the channels listed below to produce proposals explaining what is Solid and the Solid vision, mission, and values.
Related conversations to take into consideration:
- solid-contrib/information#202
- solid-contrib/information#180
- dedicated forum thread
- GitHub team discussion board
- Explaining the Visions Solid Github Repository
- most converstation about "What is Solid" is here solid-contrib/Explaining-the-Vision-Panel#1 (comment)
- James Schoening <[email protected]> (@jimschoening)
- Dan Wilkinson <[email protected]> (@danwilkinsoncreative)
- Paul Worrall <[email protected]> (@pjworrall)
- Ruben Verborgh <[email protected]>(@RubenVerborgh)
- Justin Bingham <[email protected]> (@justinwb)
- Kjetil Kjernsmo <[email protected]> (@kjetilk)
- Sarven Capadisli <> (@csarven)
How to technically link to other initiatives to build positive win-win collaborations.
- Dmitri Zagidulin <[email protected]> (@dmitrizagidulin)
- David H. Mason <[email protected]> (@vid)
Discussions and specs for expanding the capabilities of Solid's WebID identity system, including user profiles, Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs), and related standards.
- Dmitri Zagidulin <[email protected]> (@dmitrizagidulin)
- Paul Worrall <[email protected]> (@pjworrall)
- Justin Bingham <[email protected]> (@justinwb)
To ensure internationalisation is taken into consideration during the Solid design.
- King Wang <[email protected]> (@kingwang88)
- Philip Laszkowicz <[email protected]> (@HelloFillip)
- elf Pavlik <[email protected]> (@elf-pavlik)
Pertaining to mechanisms that process and/or emit events between pods and agents, or other pods. Development of mechanisms to shape and exchange notifications.
Development of mechanisms to shape and exchange notifications.
- Sarven Capadisli <> (@csarven)
- Ruben Verborgh <[email protected]>(@RubenVerborgh)
- Justin Bingham <[email protected]> (@justinwb)
- Dmitri Zagidulin <[email protected]> (@dmitrizagidulin)
The focus of this panel is to ensure Privacy is always kept in mind in the various proposals of the project across all panels, and that individuals' rights are inherently protected in the Solid ecosystem.
It will do so by:
- Leading Privacy discussions and initiatives.
- Reviewing the proposals of other panels for anything Privacy related, and provide guidance to them if requested.
- Researching how the technical side of the project (specification, implementations):
- Can affect the Privacy of individuals; Per example by unexpectedly leaking information in the protocol itself.
- Affect their rights; Per example by making it difficult for them to find privacy policies or delete remote content.
- Lead to any kind of harm to the individual; Per example, by allowing a malicious individual to publish private content unchecked.
- Ensuring practical guides are produced for individuals and Data Privacy Officers alike, allowing them to know how to deal with their legal rights and obligations respectively.
- Making sure laws like GDPR are directly taken into account when designing new feature / product / software.
- Max Dor <[email protected]> (@maxidorius)
Discussion, specs and recommendations for implementing querying mechanisms beyond LDP, such as SPARQL, Triple Pattern Fragments (TPF), GraphQL, and others.
- Dmitri Zagidulin <[email protected]> (@dmitrizagidulin)
- Aaron Coburn <[email protected]> (@acoburn)
- Ruben Verborgh <[email protected]>(@RubenVerborgh)
- Kjetil Kjernsmo <[email protected]> (@kjetilk)
- Jeff Zucker <[email protected]> (@jeff-zucker)
Develop clarity on how to self-host and remain interoperable with other Pod providers.
- Danny Haider
To create a structure for the document at, and the division in documents it links to and well as translating the community consensus regarding the application of the specifications mentioned in this document into a clear, unambiguous and implementable text.
- Ruben Verborgh <[email protected]>(@RubenVerborgh)
- Kjetil Kjernsmo <[email protected]> (@kjetilk)
- Sarven Capadisli <> (@csarven)
- Justin Bingham <[email protected]> (@justinwb)
- King Wang <[email protected]> (@kingwang88)
The Solid Teaching Material Panel has the aim to produce content to be able to effectively teach people to build Solid identity providers, Pods, and apps. The Solid teaching material can be found in this file. is a place that gives an overview of all the content in this file and links to it.
- Vincent Tunru <[email protected]> (@Vinnl)
- Jose Emilio Labra Gayo <[email protected]> (@labra)
- King Wang <[email protected]> (@kingwang88)
- Raul R Pearson (@raulrpearson)
- Arne Hassel <[email protected]> (@megoth)
- Jackson Morgan <[email protected]> (@jaxoncreed)
- Dan Wilkinson <[email protected]> (@danwilkinsoncreative)
- Kartika Tulusan <[email protected]>@ktulusan
Develop a test suite that can be used to verify an implementation against the Solid specification.
- Aaron Coburn <[email protected]> (@acoburn)
- elf Pavlik <[email protected]> (@elf-pavlik)
- Jackson Morgan <[email protected]> (@jaxoncreed)
- Kjetil Kjernsmo <[email protected]> (@kjetilk)
- Scott McWhirter <[email protected]> (@konobi)
- Michiel de Jong <[email protected]> (@michielbdejong)
- Sarven Capadisli <> (@csarven)
Wednesdays at 15:30 CET at