The imetrics_cowboy
module keeps track of metrics related to HTTP requests and
responses made through the Cowboy web server. It makes use of the cowboy_metrics_h
stream handler,
which is included with Cowboy itself. It is configured in the call to cowboy:start_clear/3
or cowboy:start_tls/3
as such:
Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([ ... ]),
[{port, Port}],
% your router configuration:
env => #{dispatch => Dispatch},
% additional ProtocolOpts configurations
% ...
% make sure to include `cowboy_stream_h` as the last stream handler
stream_handlers => [cowboy_metrics_h, cowboy_stream_h],
metrics_callback => fun imetrics_cowboy:metrics_callback/1
Once you've done this, the following counters will be automatically populated:
- the number of responses. Tagged withcode="{HTTP_STATUS_CODE}"
- the number of responses where the cowboy handler encountered an error. Tagged with:code="{HTTP_STATUS_CODE}"
where REASON is one of[internal_error, socket_error, stream_error, connection_error, stop]
You can also provide custom tags for your metrics, by using the imetrics_cowboy:add_tag/3
and imetrics_cowboy:add_tags/2
functions. For example, if you'd like to tag the handler
responsible for handling a specific request, just call:
imetrics_cowboy:add_tag(Req, handler, handler_name_here),
% or
imetrics_cowboy:add_tags(Req, #{ handler => handler_name_here }).
If one particular endpoint is requested frequently, you can ignore those requests by calling
. This will cause that request to be entirely ignored by
the metrics callback.