This is an example repository for showing the standard module design used in Re:Earth's Go server application.
- cmd: Entrypoint
- internal
- boot: Read the config, initialize DB drivers, etc., and finally initialize usecases and run the appropriate transport layer.
- infra: Implements repos, policies, and gateways.
- gcp
- mongo
- ...
- transport: UI layer
- cli
- echo
- gql
- usecase.go: Usecase container
- ...
- usecase: Define gateways I/F, transaction I/F, gateways container, repo container, and policy container
- xxxuc Actual usecase implementation
- gateway.go: Gateways interfaces and container
- policy.go: Policy container
- repo.go: Repo container
- transaction.go: Transaciton interfaces
- ...
- pkg: Domain models, repo interfaces, policy interfaces
subgraph boot
subgraph infra
infra2[mongo, gcp, auth0, cerbos...]
subgraph transport
transport2[cli, echo, gql..]
subgraph usecase
gatewayIF[Gateway I/F]
transaction[Transaction I/F]
subgraph domain
model[Domain Models]
repoIF[Repo I/F]
policyIF[Policy I/F]
cmd --> boot
cmd --> transport
boot -- initialize --> uc
boot -- initialize --> infra
transport --> uc
usecase --> domain
uc --> gatewayIF
uc --> transaction
infra -- impl --> repoIF
infra -- impl --> policyIF
infra -- impl --> gatewayIF
infra -- impl --> transaction
infra --> domain