Source code for 401k dashboard analytics startup
Python version 2.7.11
- Have NodeJS installed onto your local machine
- Install webpack globally
- npm install webpack -g
- Have python 2.0 installed
- Clone "development" repo
- In root directory Vestivise/ install virtual environment
- pip install virtualenv
- link for info -
- enter your virtual environment - source "virtual env name"/bin/activate
- In root directory while in virtual env run pip install -r requirements.txt
- Enter virtual env
- Open one terminal window
- In root of directory enter staticfiles/src and run webpack -w
- Open another terminal window
- If fresh pull run python makemigrations and python migrate
- In root directory run python runserver
- Ask Ray for django keys :)
###Project Structure
staticfiles/src/ - javascript files that will bundle into single script for production staticfiles/build/css - css files templates/ - html files to be served by django
do 'sudo chmod -R 777 /var/log' for logging