Patch Changes
e2b1072: Support for WalletConnect v2 is now standard in RainbowKit.
Every dApp that relies on WalletConnect now needs to obtain a
from WalletConnect Cloud. This is absolutely free and only takes a few minutes.This must be completed before WalletConnect v1 bridge servers are shutdown on June 28, 2023.
Upgrade RainbowKit and provide the
and individual RainbowKit wallet connectors like the following:const projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID'; const { wallets } = getDefaultWallets({ appName: 'My RainbowKit App', projectId, chains, }); const connectors = connectorsForWallets([ ...wallets, { groupName: 'Other', wallets: [ argentWallet({ projectId, chains }), trustWallet({ projectId, chains }), ledgerWallet({ projectId, chains }), ], }, ]);
You can read the full migration guide here.
Advanced options
If a dApp requires supporting a legacy wallet that has not yet migrated to WalletConnect v2, the WalletConnect version can be overriden.
metaMaskWallet(options: { chains: Chain[]; walletConnectVersion: '1', });
Once the WalletConnect v1 servers are shutdown, a custom bridge server is required.
walletConnectWallet(options: { chains: Chain[]; version: '1', options: { bridge: '', }, }); customWallet(options: { chains: Chain[]; walletConnectVersion: '1', walletConnectOptions: { bridge: '', }, });
Reference the docs for additional supported options.
e2b1072: The wagmi peer dependency has been updated to
. RainbowKit remains compatible with~1.1.0
.The viem peer dependency has been updated to
. RainbowKit remains compatible with~0.3.19
and beyond.It is recommended that you upgrade to recent versions of
to ensure a smooth transition to WalletConnect v2.