You need to verify if the given credit card number is valid. For that you need to use the Luhn test.
Here is the Luhn formula:
- Reverse the number.
- Multiple every second digit by 2.
- Subtract 9 from all numbers higher than 9.
- Add all the digits together.
- Modulo 10 of that sum should be equal to 0.
Given a credit card number, validate that it is valid using the Luhn test. Also, all valid cards must have exactly 16 digits.
A string containing the credit card number you need to verify.
A string: 'valid' in case the input is a valid credit card number (passes the Luhn test and is 16 digits long), or 'not valid', if it's not.
Let's run the Luhn test for our input:
Reverse: 8893650651311904
Multiplying the even positions by 2: 8 16 9 6 6 10 0 12 5 2 3 2 1 18 0 8
Subtract 9 from >9: 8 7 9 6 6 1 0 3 5 2 3 2 1 9 0 8
The sum: 70
70 Modulo 10 is 0.
The input passed the Luhn test and contains 16 digits, making it a valid credit card number.