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270 lines (267 loc) · 24.4 KB

File metadata and controls

270 lines (267 loc) · 24.4 KB

Supported languages

The following is a list of languages for which a parser can be installed through :TSInstall.


  • Tier: stable, core, community, or unsupported
  • CLI: :TSInstall requires tree-sitter CLI installed
  • NPM: :TSInstallFromGrammar requires node installed
  • Queries available for Highlights, Indents, Folds, InJections, Locals
Language Tier Queries CLI NPM Maintainer
ada community HF  L @briot
agda community HF    @Decodetalkers
apex community HF  L @aheber
arduino core HFIJL @ObserverOfTime
astro community HFIJL @virchau13
authzed community H  J  @mattpolzin
awk unsupported H  J 
bash community HF JL @TravonteD
bass core HFIJL @amaanq
beancount unsupported HF    @polarmutex
bibtex core HFI   @theHamsta, @clason
bicep core HFIJL @amaanq
bitbake core HFIJL @amaanq
blueprint unsupported H     @gabmus
c stable HFIJL @amaanq
c_sharp community HF JL @Luxed
cairo core HFIJL @amaanq
capnp core HFIJL @amaanq
chatito core HFIJL @ObserverOfTime
clojure community HF JL @NoahTheDuke
cmake unsupported HFI   @uyha
comment core H     @stsewd
commonlisp core HF  L @theHamsta
cooklang community H     @addcninblue
corn community HFI L @jakestanger
cpon core HFIJL @amaanq
cpp stable HFIJL @theHamsta
css community HFIJ  @TravonteD
csv core H     @amaanq
cuda core HFIJL @theHamsta
cue core HFIJL @amaanq
d unsupported HFIJ  @nawordar
dart unsupported HFIJL @akinsho
devicetree community HFIJL @jedrzejboczar
dhall core HF J  @amaanq
diff community H     @gbprod
dockerfile community H  J  @camdencheek
dot community H  J  @rydesun
doxygen core H IJ  @amaanq
dtd core HF J  @ObserverOfTime
ebnf unsupported H     @RubixDev
ecma (queries only)1 core HFIJL @steelsojka
eds community HF    @uyha
eex community H  J  @connorlay
elixir community HFIJL @connorlay
elm unsupported H  J  @zweimach
elsa core HFIJL @glapa-grossklag, @amaanq
elvish community H  J  @elves
embedded_template unsupported H  J 
erlang community HF    @filmor
fennel community HF JL @TravonteD
firrtl core HFIJL @amaanq
fish community HFIJL @ram02z
foam community HFIJL @FoamScience
forth core HFIJL @amaanq
fortran core HFI   @amaanq
fsh community H     @mgramigna
func core H     @amaanq
fusion community HFI L @jirgn
gdscript2 community HFIJL @PrestonKnopp
git_config core HF    @amaanq
git_rebase community H  J  @gbprod
gitattributes core H  J  @ObserverOfTime
gitcommit community H  J  @gbprod
gitignore core H     @theHamsta
gleam core HFIJL @amaanq
glimmer3 community HFI L @NullVoxPopuli
glsl core HFIJL @theHamsta
gn core HFIJL @amaanq
go stable HFIJL @theHamsta, @WinWisely268
godot_resource4 community HF  L @pierpo
gomod community H  J  @camdencheek
gosum core H     @amaanq
gowork community H  J  @omertuc
gpg core H  J  @ObserverOfTime
graphql community H IJ  @bkegley
groovy community H  J  @Decodetalkers
gstlaunch core H     @theHamsta
hack unsupported H    
hare core HFIJL @amaanq
haskell community HF J  @mrcjkb
haskell_persistent community HF    @lykahb
hcl community HFIJ  @MichaHoffmann
heex community HFIJL @connorlay
hjson community HFIJL @winston0410
hlsl core HFIJL @theHamsta
hocon unsupported H  J  @antosha417
hoon unsupported HF  L @urbit-pilled
html community HFIJL @TravonteD
html_tags (queries only)5 community H IJ  @TravonteD
htmldjango unsupported HFIJ  @ObserverOfTime
http core H  J  @amaanq
hurl community HFIJ  @pfeiferj
ini unsupported HF    @theHamsta
ispc community HFIJL @fab4100
janet_simple community HF JL @sogaiu
java community HFIJL @p00f
javascript core HFIJL @steelsojka
jq core H  J  @ObserverOfTime
jsdoc core H     @steelsojka
json core HFI L @steelsojka
json5 community H  J  @Joakker
jsonc community HFIJL @WhyNotHugo
jsonnet community HF  L @nawordar
jsx (queries only)6 core HFIJ  @steelsojka
julia core HFIJL @theHamsta
kconfig core HFIJL @amaanq
kdl core HFIJL @amaanq
kotlin community HF JL @SalBakraa
kusto community H  J  @Willem-J-an
lalrpop community H  JL @traxys
latex core HF J  @theHamsta, @clason
ledger community HFIJ  @cbarrete
leo community H  J  @r001
liquidsoap community HFI L @toots
llvm community H     @benwilliamgraham
lua stable HFIJL @muniftanjim
luadoc core H     @amaanq
luap7 core H     @amaanq
luau core HFIJL @amaanq
m68k community HF JL @grahambates
make core HF J  @lewis6991
markdown8 stable HFIJ  @MDeiml
markdown_inline9 stable H  J  @MDeiml
matlab community HFIJL @acristoffers
menhir community H  J  @Kerl13
mermaid unsupported H    
meson community HF J  @Decodetalkers
mlir unsupported H   L @artagnon
nasm core H  J  @ObserverOfTime
nickel unsupported H I  
nim community HF JL @aMOPel
nim_format_string community H  J  @aMOPel
ninja community HFI   @alemuller
nix community HF JL @leo60228
nqc core HFIJL @amaanq
objc core HFIJL @amaanq
objdump community H  J  @ColinKennedy
ocaml community HFIJL @undu
ocaml_interface community HFIJL @undu
ocamllex community H  J  @undu
odin core HFIJL @amaanq
org unsupported      
pascal community HFIJL @Isopod
passwd community H     @amaanq
pem core HF J  @ObserverOfTime
perl community HF J  @RabbiVeesh, @LeoNerd
php community HFIJL @tk-shirasaka
phpdoc unsupported H     @mikehaertl
pioasm community H  J  @leo60228
po core HF J  @amaanq
pod community H     @RabbiVeesh, @LeoNerd
poe_filter10 unsupported HFIJ  @ObserverOfTime
pony core HFIJL @amaanq, @mfelsche
printf11 core H     @ObserverOfTime
prisma community HF    @elianiva
promql unsupported H  J  @MichaHoffmann
proto community HF    @treywood
prql core H  J  @matthias-Q
psv core H     @amaanq
pug unsupported H  J  @zealot128
puppet core HFIJL @amaanq
purescript community H  JL @postsolar
pymanifest core H  J  @ObserverOfTime
python stable HFIJL @stsewd, @theHamsta
ql community HFIJL @pwntester
qmldir core H  J  @amaanq
qmljs community HF    @Decodetalkers
query12 stable HFIJL @steelsojka
r community H IJL @echasnovski
racket unsupported HF J 
rasi community HFI L @Fymyte
re2c core HFIJL @amaanq
regex stable H     @theHamsta
rego community H  J  @FallenAngel97
requirements core H  J  @ObserverOfTime
rnoweb community HF J  @bamonroe
robot community HFI   @Hubro
ron core HFIJL @amaanq
rst core H  JL @stsewd
ruby community HFIJL @TravonteD
rust core HFIJL @amaanq
scala community HF JL @stevanmilic
scfg community H  J  @WhyNotHugo
scheme unsupported HF J 
scss community HFI   @elianiva
slint unsupported H I   @jrmoulton
smali core HFIJL @amaanq
smithy core H     @amaanq, @keynmol
snakemake unsupported HF JL
solidity core HF    @amaanq
soql community H     @aheber
sosl H     @aheber
sparql community HFIJL @BonaBeavis
sql community H IJ  @derekstride
squirrel core HFIJL @amaanq
ssh_config core HFIJ  @ObserverOfTime
starlark core HFIJL @amaanq
strace core H  J  @amaanq
supercollider community HFIJL @madskjeldgaard
surface community HFIJ  @connorlay
svelte community HFIJ  @elianiva
swift community H I L @alex-pinkus
sxhkdrc community HF J  @RaafatTurki
systemtap community HF JL @ok-ryoko
t32 community HFIJL @xasc
tablegen core HFIJL @amaanq
teal community HFIJL @euclidianAce
terraform community HFIJ  @MichaHoffmann
textproto community HFI   @Porter
thrift core HFIJL @amaanq, @duskmoon314
tiger community HFIJL @ambroisie
tlaplus community HF JL @ahelwer, @susliko
todotxt unsupported H     @arnarg
toml community HFIJL @tk-shirasaka
tsv core H     @amaanq
tsx core HFIJL @steelsojka
turtle community HFIJL @BonaBeavis
twig community H  J  @gbprod
typescript core HFIJL @steelsojka
typoscript community HFIJ  @Teddytrombone
udev core H  J  @ObserverOfTime
ungrammar community HFIJL @Philipp-M, @amaanq
unison unsupported H  J  @tapegram
usd community HFI L @ColinKennedy
uxntal13 core HFIJL @amaanq
v community HFIJL @kkharji, @amaanq
vala community HF    @Prince781
verilog community HF JL @zegervdv
vhs community H     @caarlos0
vim stable HF JL @clason
vimdoc stable H  J  @clason
vue community HFIJ  @WhyNotHugo
wgsl community HFI   @szebniok
wgsl_bevy core HFI   @theHamsta
wing unsupported HF  L @gshpychka
xcompose core H  J  @ObserverOfTime
xml core HFIJ  @ObserverOfTime
yaml core HFIJL @stsewd
yang community HFIJ  @Hubro
yuck community HFIJL @Philipp-M, @amaanq
zig community HFIJL @maxxnino


  1. queries required by javascript, typescript, tsx, qmljs

  2. Godot

  3. Glimmer and Ember

  4. Godot Resources

  5. queries required by html, astro, vue, svelte

  6. queries required by javascript, tsx

  7. Lua patterns

  8. basic highlighting

  9. needed for full highlighting

  10. Path of Exile item filter

  11. printf format strings

  12. Tree-sitter query language

  13. uxn tal