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klabarge edited this page Aug 3, 2015 · 38 revisions

###What is the difference between QZ Print and QZ Tray?

###What are the minimum system requirements?

  • Java Version

    Product Minimum Version
    QZ Tray Java 7 / OpenJDK 1.7
    QZ Print Java 6 / OpenJDK 1.6
  • Operating System

    Operating System Minimum Version
    Apple OS X OS X 10.7 Lion or higher*
    Microsoft Windows Windows XP or higher*
    Linux Ubuntu 12.04 Precise or higher

    *Safari 5.1.7 is bundled with Lion but is not supported. Alternate browser required. *Windows XP requires manual certificate installation. Will prompt at install time.

  • Web Browser

    Web Browser Minimum Version
    Safari Safari 6.0.3 or higher
    Firefox Firefox 31 or higher*
    Chrome Chrome 31 or higher
    Internet Explorer IE 10 or higher*

    *Confirmation needed

###How much does QZ Tray cost?

  • QZ Tray is free. Organizations wishing to print silently are required to purchase a certificate from QZ Industries, LLC. Pricing options can be found on QZ's homepage at

###What does the premium version of QZ Tray offer?

  • The premium version of QZ Tray provides you the ability to generate a certificate to print silently. Without this certificate, you will be given a warning on each print that an untrusted website is requesting to access local resources. This certificate is valid for one year and must be renewed to continue silent printing. Additionally, there are no client or user limitations; this certificate is valid for as many client/users as you need.

  • The purchase of the premium version also provides technical support for one year. The Technical Support Team of QZ Industries, LLC will work diligently to help you integrate QZ Tray into your environment. All questions are promised to be answered as fast as possible (usually well within a 24-hour period).

###Can a new version be installed on top of an old version?

  • Yes, installation of a new version will succeed even if an older version is present and/or running.

###Does QZ Tray support HTTPS (SSL)?

  • Yes, QZ Tray currently supports web pages hosted with 2048-bit SSL encryption using a just-in-time certificate installation method (all OSs require the certificate to be installed and trusted locally by your PC). Questions or concerns about the certificate installation can be directed at