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Composition Over Inheritance

In class-based object-oriented systems, composition and inheritance are the two primary methods of reusing and assembling components. Composition Over Inheritance suggests that, when there isn't a strong case for using inheritance, developers implement reuse and assembly using composition instead.

Let's look at a simple example implemented using both composition and inheritance. In our example application, users can invite their friends to take surveys. Users can be invited using either an email or an internal private message. Each delivery strategy is implemented using a separate class.


In the inheritance model, we use an abstract base class called Inviter to implement common invitation-sending logic. We then use EmailInviter and MessageInviter subclasses to implement the delivery details.


` app/models/inviter.rb@efca7623

` app/models/email_inviter.rb@efca7623


` app/models/message_inviter.rb@efca7623

Note that there is no clear boundary between the base class and the subclasses. The subclasses access reusable behavior by invoking private methods inherited from the base class, like render_message_body.


In the composition model, we use a concrete InvitationMessage class to implement common invitation-sending logic. We then use that class from EmailInviter and MessageInviter to reuse the common behavior, and the inviter classes implement delivery details.

` app/models/invitation_message.rb@3ff96b38

` app/models/email_inviter.rb@3ff96b38

` app/models/message_inviter.rb@3ff96b38

Note that there is now a clear boundary between the common behavior in InvitationMessage and the variant behavior in EmailInviter and MessageInviter. The inviter classes access reusable behavior by invoking public methods like body on the shared class.

Dynamic vs. Static

Although the two implementations are fairly similar, one difference between them is that, in the inheritance model, the components are assembled statically. The composition model, on the other hand, assembles the components dynamically.

Ruby is not a compiled language and everything is evaluated at run-time, so claiming that anything is assembled statically may sound like nonsense. However, there are several ways in which inheritance hierarchies are essentially written in stone, or static:

  • You can't swap out a superclass once it's assigned.
  • You can't easily add and remove behaviors after an object is instantiated.
  • You can't inject a superclass as a dependency.
  • You can't easily access an abstract class's methods directly.

On the other hand, everything in a composition model is dynamic:

  • You can easily change out a composed instance after instantiation.
  • You can add and remove behaviors at any time using decorators, strategies, observers and other patterns.
  • You can easily inject composed dependencies.
  • Composed objects aren't abstract, so you can use their methods anywhere.

Dynamic Inheritance

There are very few rules in Ruby, so many of the restrictions that apply to inheritance in other languages can be worked around in Ruby. For example:

  • You can reopen and modify classes after they're defined, even while an application is running.
  • You can extend objects with modules after they're instantiated to add behaviors.
  • You can call private methods by using send.
  • You can create new classes at run-time by calling

These features make it possible to overcome some of the rigidity of inheritance models. However, performing all of these operations is simpler with objects than it is with classes, and doing too much dynamic type definition will make the application harder to understand, by diluting the type system. After all, if none of the classes are ever fully formed, what does a class represent?

The Trouble with Hierarchies

Using subclasses introduces a subtle problem into your domain model: It assumes that your models follow a hierarchy; that is, it assumes that your types fall into a tree-like structure.

Continuing with the above example, we have a root type, Inviter, and two subtypes, EmailInviter and MessageInviter. What if we want invitations sent by admins to behave differently than invitations sent by normal users? We can create an AdminInviter class, but what will its superclass be? How will we combine it with EmailInviter and MessageInviter? There's no easy way to combine email, message and admin functionality using inheritance, so you'll end up with a proliferation of conditionals.

Composition, on the other hand, provides several ways out of this mess, such as using a decorator to add admin functionality to the inviter. Once you build objects with a reasonable interface, you can combine them endlessly with minimal modification to the existing class structure.


Mixins are Ruby's answer to multiple inheritance.

However, mixins need to be mixed into a class before they can be used. Unless you plan on building dynamic classes at runtime, you'll need to create a class for each possible combination of modules. This will result in a ton of little classes, such as AdminEmailInviter.

Again, composition provides a clean answer to this problem, because you can create as many anonymous combinations of objects as your little heart desires.

Ruby does allow dynamic use of mixins using the extend method. This technique does work, but it has its own complications. Extending an object's type dynamically in this way dilutes the meaning of the word "type," making it harder to understand what an object is. Additionally, using runtime extend can lead to performance issues in some Ruby implementations.

Single Table Inheritance

Rails provides a way to persist an inheritance hierarchy, known as Single Table Inheritance, often abbreviated as STI. Using STI, a cluster of subclasses is persisted to the same table as the base class. The name of the subclass is also saved on the row, allowing Rails to instantiate the correct subclass when pulling records back out of the database.

Rails also provides a clean way to persist composed structures using polymorphic associations. Using a polymorphic association, Rails will store both the primary key and the class name of the associated object.

Because Rails provides a clean implementation for persisting both inheritance and composition, the fact that you're using ActiveRecord should have little influence on your decision to design using inheritance versus composition.


Although composed objects are largely easy to write and assemble, there are situations in which they hurt more than inheritance trees.

  • Inheritance cleanly represents hierarchies. If you really do have a hierarchy of object types, use inheritance.
  • Subclasses always know what their superclass is, so they're easy to instantiate. If you use composition, you'll need to instantiate at least two objects to get a usable instance: the composing object and the composed object.
  • Using composition is more abstract, which means that you need a name for the composed object. In our earlier example, all three classes were "inviters" in the inheritance model, but the composition model introduced the "invitation message" concept. Excessive composition can lead to vocabulary overload.


If you see these smells in your application, they may be a sign that you should switch some classes from inheritance to composition:

  • Divergent change caused by frequent leaks into abstract base classes.
  • Large classes acting as abstract base classes.
  • Mixins serving to allow reuse while preserving the appearance of a hierarchy.

Classes with these smells may be difficult to transition to a composition model:

  • Duplicated code will need to be pulled up into the base class before subclasses can be switched to strategies.
  • Shotgun surgery may represent tight coupling between base classes and subclasses, making it more difficult to switch to composition.

These solutions will help move from inheritance to composition:

After replacing inheritance models with composition, you'll be free to use these solutions to take your code further:

Following this principle will make it much easier to follow the dependency inversion principle and the open/closed principle.