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Class law based rewrite rules

Currently class laws are not used for rewriting code. The reason for this is simple: current "laws" should more accurately be called "recommendations", therefore the compiler cannot rely on them. This is a proposal to make use of these recommendations.

The idea

Classes should be able to come with their own version of RULES pragmas, call them LAW, like so:

class Functor f where
      fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
      {-# LAW "fmap/id"
            forall (x :: Functor f => f a).
            fmap id x = x
      {-# LAW "fmap/fuse"
            forall (f :: b -> c)
                   (g :: a -> b).
            fmap f . fmap g = fmap (f . g)

However, LAW-based rewrite rules are only applied for instances that explicitly obey them:

instance Maybe Functor where
      fmap _ Nothing = Nothing
      fmap f (Just x) = Just (f x)
      {-# LAW-OBEDIENT-INSTANCE #-} -- Apply LAW rules to this instance

data Counter a = Counter Int a
instance Functor Counter where
      fmap f (Counter c x) = Counter (c+1) (f x)
      -- Not law obedient, don't apply rewrites

Another thing to consider is rewriting non-class functions to make use of this idea. For example

ap mf mx = do { f <- mf; x <- mx; return (f x) }
{-# LAW-OBEDIENT m "ap/<*>"
      forall (mf :: Monad m => m (a -> b))
             (mx :: Monad m => m a).
      ap mf mx = (<*>) mf mx

indicates that this rule should only apply when the instance for m is marked as obedient.


  • Applicative do notation for free: due to the new rewrite rules, obedient instances can be rewritten to Applicative style automatically (and this similarly applies to all other class hierarchies).

  • Laws marked as the pragma should simplify code in the same manner as RULES do, which can be good for performance. Obeying a law that makes things more complicated should therefore not be mentioned in a LAW pragma.


  • Some instances obey only a subset of the laws. The proposal above skips treating those separately in order to make the instance implementation simple, as opposed to adding fine-grained control over which laws are applicable.

  • What to do in the presence of ⊥? For example Reader doesn't satisfy ⊥ >>= return = ⊥. Should LAW apply?