This defines the state that makes up the MiniRust Abstract Machine:
which components together make up the state of a MiniRust program during its execution?
This key data structure says a lot about how the Abstract Machine is structured.
(The "reduction relation" aka operational semantics aka step
function is defined in the next file.)
/// This type contains everything that needs to be tracked during the execution
/// of a MiniRust program.
pub struct Machine<M: Memory> {
/// The program we are executing.
prog: Program,
/// The state of memory.
mem: AtomicMemory<M>,
/// The state of the integer-pointer cast subsystem.
intptrcast: IntPtrCast<M::Provenance>,
/// The Thread Manager
thread_manager: ThreadManager<M>,
/// Stores a pointer to each of the global allocations.
global_ptrs: Map<GlobalName, Pointer<M::Provenance>>,
/// Stores an address for each function name.
fn_addrs: Map<FnName, mem::Address>,
/// This is where the `PrintStdout` intrinsic writes to.
stdout: DynWrite,
/// This is where the `PrintStderr` intrinsic writes to.
stderr: DynWrite,
/// The data that makes up a stack frame.
struct StackFrame<M: Memory> {
/// The function this stack frame belongs to.
func: Function,
/// For each live local, the place in memory where its value is stored.
locals: Map<LocalName, Place<M>>,
/// Expresses what the caller does after the callee (this function) returns.
/// If `None` this is the bottommost stack frame.
caller_return_info: Option<CallerReturnInfo<M>>,
/// `next_block` and `next_stmt` describe the next statement/terminator to execute (the "program counter").
/// `next_block` identifies the basic block,
next_block: BbName,
/// If `next_stmt` is equal to the number of statements in this block (an
/// out-of-bounds index in the statement list), it refers to the terminator.
next_stmt: Int,
struct CallerReturnInfo<M: Memory> {
/// The basic block to jump to when the callee returns.
/// If `None`, UB will be raised when the callee returns.
next_block: Option<BbName>,
/// The place where the caller wants to see the return value,
/// and the type it should be stored at.
/// If `None`, the return value will be discarded.
ret_place: Option<(Place<M>, PlaceType)>
This defines the internal representation of a thread of execution.
pub struct Thread<M: Memory> {
state: ThreadState,
/// The stack.
stack: List<StackFrame<M>>,
pub enum ThreadState {
/// The thread is enabled and can get executed.
/// The thread is trying to join another thread and is blocked until that thread finishes.
/// The thread is waiting to acquire a lock.
/// The thread has terminated.
/// The ID of a thread is an index into the ThreadManager's `threads` list.
pub type ThreadId = Int;
/// The thread manager tracks the list of all threads, and the thread that is currently taking a step.
/// The latter is only needed during a step of execution;
/// it saves us from passing the active thread around explicitly everywhere.
pub struct ThreadManager<M: Memory> {
/// The list of threads.
threads: List<Thread<M>>,
/// The list of locks.
locks: List<LockState>,
/// To avoid passing around the active thread through all the eval_ functions,
/// we store it globally here.
active_thread: ThreadId,
Next, we define how to create a machine.
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
pub fn new(prog: Program, stdout: DynWrite, stderr: DynWrite) -> NdResult<Machine<M>> {
if prog.check_wf::<M>().is_none() {
let mut mem = AtomicMemory::<M>::new();
let mut global_ptrs = Map::new();
let mut fn_addrs = Map::new();
// Allocate every global.
for (global_name, global) in prog.globals {
let size = Size::from_bytes(global.bytes.len()).unwrap();
let alloc = mem.allocate(size, global.align)?;
global_ptrs.insert(global_name, alloc);
// Fill the allocations.
for (global_name, global) in prog.globals {
let mut bytes =|b|
match b {
Some(x) => AbstractByte::Init(x, None),
None => AbstractByte::Uninit
for (i, relocation) in global.relocations {
let ptr = global_ptrs[].wrapping_offset::<M>(relocation.offset.bytes());
let encoded_ptr = encode_ptr::<M>(ptr);
bytes.write_subslice_at_index(i.bytes(), encoded_ptr);
}, global_ptrs[global_name], bytes, global.align)?;
// Allocate functions.
for (fn_name, _function) in prog.functions {
let alloc = mem.allocate(Size::ZERO, Align::ONE)?;
let addr = alloc.addr;
// Ensure that no two functions lie on the same address.
assert!(!fn_addrs.values().any(|fn_addr| addr == fn_addr));
fn_addrs.insert(fn_name, addr);
let start_fn = prog.functions[prog.start];
ret(Machine {
intptrcast: IntPtrCast::new(),
thread_manager: ThreadManager::new(start_fn),
We also define some helper functions that will be useful later.
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn cur_frame(&self) -> StackFrame<M> {
let active_thread = self.thread_manager.active_thread;
fn mutate_cur_frame<O>(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut StackFrame<M>) -> O) -> O {
let active_thread = self.thread_manager.active_thread;
self.thread_manager.threads.mutate_at(active_thread, |thread| thread.mutate_cur_frame(f))
fn mutate_cur_stack<O>(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut List<StackFrame<M>>) -> O) -> O {
let active_thread = self.thread_manager.active_thread;
self.thread_manager.threads.mutate_at(active_thread, |thread| f(&mut thread.stack))
fn fn_from_addr(&self, addr: mem::Address) -> Result<Function> {
let mut funcs = self.fn_addrs.iter().filter(|(_, fn_addr)| *fn_addr == addr);
let Some((func_name, _)) = else {
throw_ub!("Dereferencing function pointer where there is no function.");
let func = self.prog.functions[func_name];
impl<M: Memory> StackFrame<M> {
/// jump to the beginning of the given block.
fn jump_to_block(&mut self, b: BbName) {
self.next_block = b;
self.next_stmt = Int::ZERO;
Next, we define how to create a thread.
impl<M: Memory> Thread<M> {
fn new(func: Function) -> Self {
// Setup the initial stack frame.
// For the main thread, well-formedness ensures that the func has
// no return value and no arguments.
// For any other threads, the spawn intrinsic ensures
// that the func has no arguments.
let init_frame = StackFrame {
locals: Map::new(),
caller_return_info: None,
next_block: func.start,
next_stmt: Int::ZERO,
Self {
state: ThreadState::Enabled,
stack: list![init_frame],
Some functionality of the threads and the thread manager.
impl<M: Memory> Thread<M> {
fn cur_frame(&self) -> StackFrame<M> {
fn mutate_cur_frame<O>(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut StackFrame<M>) -> O) -> O {
if self.stack.is_empty() {
panic!("`mutate_cur_frame` called on empty stack!");
let last_idx = self.stack.len() - 1;
self.stack.mutate_at(last_idx, f)
// Some helper functions.
impl<M: Memory> ThreadManager<M> {
fn active_thread(&self) -> Thread<M> {
impl<M: Memory> ThreadManager<M> {
pub fn new(func: Function) -> Self {
let main = Thread::new(func);
let mut threads = List::new();
Self {
locks: List::new(),
active_thread: ThreadId::ZERO,
pub fn spawn(&mut self, func: Function) -> NdResult<ThreadId> {
let thread_id = ThreadId::from(self.threads.len());
pub fn join(&mut self, thread_id: ThreadId) -> NdResult {
let Some(thread) = self.threads.get(thread_id) else {
throw_ub!("`Intrinsic::Join`: join non existing thread");
match thread.state {
ThreadState::Terminated => {},
_ => {
self.threads.mutate_at(self.active_thread, |thread|{
thread.state = ThreadState::BlockedOnJoin(thread_id);
pub fn terminate_active_thread(&mut self) -> NdResult {
let active = self.active_thread;
if active == 0 {
// The main thread terminating stops the machine.
self.threads.mutate_at(active, |thread| thread.state = ThreadState::Terminated);
self.threads = self.threads.into_iter().map(|mut thread| {
match thread.state {
ThreadState::BlockedOnJoin(join_id) if join_id == active => {
thread.state = ThreadState::Enabled
_ => {}