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pythononwheels edited this page Jul 31, 2012 · 5 revisions


the plain,simple and easy to use web generator framework for python.

Based on reliable python 'standards' and frameworks

    * Webob         Request / Rsponse handling
* SQLAlchemy 	ORM / DB Access
* Beaker	Session Management
* Mako		Template engine for Views
* WSGI		Web Service
* JQuery	Javascript 
* Bootstrap	Twitter Layout Framwork 

Key Features:

* Model View Controller
* Uses the well proven Ruby On Rails principles
* Scaffolding
* JQuery integration
* Responsive Layout
* Lightweight
* Nose Tests

The clear Focus was to develop a Framework in between the existing Big Ones, which have quite some learning curve to get started and the small, very low level ones, which make it neccessary to develop quite a lot yourself. There are good examples of both in the python community and there are good reasons for those frameworks to exists as well, such as enterprise and up or fine grained tayloring at the bottom.

PythonOnWheels' main objective is making you focus on your webapp and not on the Framework. Is therefore (hopefully) * working just as you nexpexct it * using the proven rails principles * convention over configuration * scaffolding (since it brings you directly to a running example)

Just give it a try.

Kind regards, klaas

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