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Transition guide to Version 20.0

Bibo-Joshi edited this page Apr 28, 2022 · 30 revisions

⚠️ Note

This transition guide is subject to changes as long as v20.0 is in pre-release mode. Individual pre-releases for v20.0 will not get standalone transition guides.

Table of contents

Structural changes & Deprecations

Removed features

We made a cut and dropped all deprecated functionality. Most importantly, this includes the old-style handler API, which was deprecated in Version 12.


The deepest structural change is introducing the asyncio module into python-telegram-bot.

asyncio asyncio is a library to write concurrent code using the async/await syntax.

What does this mean and why do we care?

python-telegram-bot is a library with the main purpose of communicating with the Telegram Bot API via web requests. When making web requests, your code usually spends a lot of time with - waiting. Namely, waiting for a response from Telegram. The same holds for many so-called input-output (I/O) tasks. Instead of sitting around, your program could already do other stuff in that time.

So far, PTB has build on the threading library to overcome this issue.

asyncio is a modern alternative to threading that comes with multiple advantages. Covering those or an introduction to how using asyncio works, is sadly beyond the scope of this transition guide or the PTB resources in general. Searching for python asyncio introduction or python asyncio vs threading in your favorite search engine will yield numerous results that will help you get up to speed.

The main points of what asyncio changed in PTB are:

  • PTB doesn't use threads anymore. It is also not thread safe!
  • All API methods of telegram.Bot are now coroutine functions, i.e. you have to await them
  • All handler & job callbacks must be coroutine functions, i.e. you need to change def callback(update, context) to async def callback(update, context).
  • the run_async parameter of the handlers was replaced by the block parameter, which has a similar functionality. More details on this can be found on this page.
  • The method Dipsatcher.run_async doesn't exist anymore. Something that comes close to its functionality is Application.create_task (more on Application below). More details on this can be found on this page.
  • All methods that make calls coroutines or preform any I/O bound tasks are now coroutine functions. This includes all abstract methods of BasePersistence. Listing them all here would be too long. When in doubt, please consult the documentation at ReadTheDocs.

Refinement of the public API

We've made an effort to make it more clear which parts of python-telegram-bot can be considered to be part of the public interface that users are allowed to use. To phrase it the other way around: Which parts are internals of python-telegram-bot are implementation details that might change without notice. Notably this means:

  1. Only non-private modules are part of the public API and you should import classes & functions the way they are described in the docs. E.g. from telegram.error import TelegramError is fine, but from telegram._message import Message is strongly discouraged - use from telegram import Message instead.
  2. We have removed the module telegram.utils. The parts of this module that we consider to be part of the public API have been moved into the modules telegram.{helpers, request, warnings}.


We introduced the usage of __slots__ in v13.6, which can reduce memory usage and improve performance. In v20 we removed the ability to set custom attributes on all objects except for ext.CallbackContext. To store data, we recommend to use PTBs built-in mechanism for storing data instead. If you want to add additional functionality to some class, we suggest to subclass it.

Overall architecture

ext.Updater is no longer the entry point to a PTB program and we have replaced the ext.Dispatcher class with the new class ext.Application.

The Application is the new entry point to a PTB program and binds all its components together. The following diagram gives you an overview.

Click to show the diagram

When initializing an Application, many settings can be configured for the inidividual components. In an effort to make this instantiation both clear and clean, we adopted the so-called builder pattern. This means that instead of passing arguments directly to Application, one creates a builder via Application.builder() and then specifies all required arguments via that builder. Finally, the Application is created by calling A simple example is

from telegram.ext import Application
application = Application.builder().token('TOKEN').build()

We hope that this design makes it easier for you to understand what goes where and also simplifies setups of customized solutions, e.g. if you want to use a custom webhook.

There is also a standalone wiki page just about this topic.

Changes for specific modules, classes & functions


Previously some parts of telegram.{error, constants} where available directly via the telegram package - e.g. from telegram import TelegramError. These imports will no longer work. Only classes that directly reflect the official Bot API are now available directly via the telegram package. Constants and errors are available via the modules telegram.{error, constants} - e.g. from telegram.error import TelegramError.

Several classes

Previously, some classes (like telegram.{Message, User, Chat}) had an attribute bot that was used for the shortcuts (e.g. Message.reply_text). This attribute was removed. Instead, the new method TelegramObject.{set, get}_bot() are used.


This class was removed as it is not part of the official Bot API. Use telegram.constants.ChatAction instead.


This module was rewritten from scratch. The constants are now grouped with the help of Enums.


  • The argument media of Bot.edit_message_media is now the first positional argument as specified by the Bot API.
  • The argument url of Bot.set_webhook is now required as specified by the Bot API.
  • The argument description of Bot.set_chat_description is now optional as specified by the Bot API.


The argument hash is now the second positional argument as specified by the Bot API.


telegram.error.Unauthorized was replaced by telegram.error.Forbidden. Moreover, telegram.error.Forbidden is now only raised if your bot tries to perform actions that it doesn't have enough rights for. In case your bot token is invalid, telegram.error.InvalidToken is raised.


  • The custom_path parameter now also accepts pathlib.Path objects.
  • Instead of returning the file path as string, it's now returned as pathlib.Path object.


The argument force_reply was removed, since it always must be True anyway.


If both parameters current_offset and auto_pagination are supplied, the method now raises a ValueError rather than a TypeError.


This class was removed as it is not part of the official Bot API. Use telegram.constants.ParseMode instead.


The argument file_size is now optional as specified by the Bot API.


This class was removed as it is not part of the official Bot API.


The argument users is now optional as specified by the Bot API.




All abstract methods are now coroutine functions as implementations should be able to perform I/O tasks in a non-blocking way.

Data must be copyable

Any data passed to persistence will be copied with copy.deepcopy. This requirement is in place to avoid race conditions.

Persisting telegram.Bot instances.

In Version 13, we introduced a mechanism that replaces any telegram.Bot instance with a placeholder automatically before update_*_data was called and inserts the instance back into the return value of get_*_data. Unfortunately, this mechanism has proven to be unstable and also slow.

We have therefore decided to remove this functionality. Bot instances should still not be serialized, but handling this is now the responsibility of the specific implementation of BasePersistence. For example, ext.PicklePersistence uses the built-in functionality of the pickle module to achieve the same effect in a more reliable way.

More detailed information on this can be found in the documentation of {Base, Pickle}Persistence.

Return value of get_{user, chat}_data

BasePersistence.get_{user, chat}_data are no longer expected to return collections.defaultdict. Instead, they may return plain dicts.

Abstract methods

BasePersistence made a full transition to an abstract base class. This means that now all methods that a subclass should implement are marked as abc.abstractmethod. If e.g. you don't need update_bot_data because your persistence class is not supposed to store bot_data, you will still have to override that method, but you can simply make it pass.


The parameters & attributes store_{user,chat,bot}_data were removed. Instead, these settings were combined into the argument/attribute store_data, which accepts an instance of the new helper class telegram.ext.PersistenceInput.

Note that callback_data is now persisted by default.


  • CallbackContext.from_error has a new optional argument job. When an exception happens inside a ext.Job callback, this parameter will be passed.
  • Accordingly, the attribute CallbackContext.job will now also be present in error handlers if the error was caused by a ext.Job.


ConversationHandler now raises warnings for more handlers which are added in the wrong context/shouldn't be in the handler at all.


The ext.filters module was rewritten almost from scratch and uses a new namespace policy. The changes are roughly as follows:

  1. telegram.ext.Filters no longer exists. Instead, use the module telegram.ext.filters directly. For example, Filters.text has to be replaced by filters.TEXT
  2. Already instantiated filters that don't need arguments are now in SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE, e.g. filters.TEXT. Filter classes that do need arguments to be used are now in CamelCase, e.g. filters.User.
  3. For filters that are closely related, we now use a namespace class to group them. For example, filters.Document can not be used in MessageHandler. To filter for messages with any document attached, use filters.Document.ALL instead.

Moreover, filters are no longer callable. To check if a filter accepts an update, use the new syntax my_filter.check_update(update) instead.


New arguments {chat, user}_id

All scheduling methods (JobQueue.run_*) have two new arguments {chat, user}_id, which allows to easily associate a user/chat with a job. By specifying these arguments, the corresponding ID will be available in the job callback via context.job.{chat, user}_id.

Moreover, context.{char, user}_data will be available. This has some subtile advantages over the previous workaround job_queue.run_*(..., context=context.chat_data) and we recommend using this new feature instead.


Unfortunately, the day_is_strict argument was not working correctly (see #2627) and was therefore removed. Instead, you cann now pass day='last' to make the job run on the last day of the month.


Removed the attribute job_queue

This was removed because if you have access to a job, then you also have access to either the JobQueue directly or at least a CallbackContext instance, which already contains the job_queue.


  • The argument filename was renamed to filepath and now also accepts a pathlib.Path object
  • Changes to BasePersistence also affect this class.


The sole purpose of this class now is to fetch updates from Telegram. It now only accepts the arguments bot and update_queue and only has those attributes.



If you were modifying the user/chat_data of Dispatcher directly e.g. by doing context.dispatcher.chat_data[id] = ..., then this will now not work. Application.user/chat_data is now read only. Note that[key] = ... will still work.

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