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Transition guide to Version 13.0

Matin Baloochestani edited this page Oct 7, 2020 · 20 revisions

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Old handler API

The context-based API introduced in v12 is now the default, i.e. the use_context now defaults to True.

Python 3.5

As Python 3.5 reaches/reached its end of life on ~2020-09-13, v13 drops support for Python 3.5. More precisely, some Python 3.6+-only features are introduced, making PTB incompitable with Python 3.5 as of v13.


Message objects no longer have a default_quote attribute. Instead, is used. This happened in accordance with the refactoring of persistence of Bots.


It has been a long stanting issue that methods decorated with @run_async will not get proper error handling. We therefore decided to deprecate the decorator. To run functions asynchronously, you now have two options, both of which support error handling:

  1. All the Handler classes have a new parameter run_async. By instantiating your handler as e.g. CommandHandler('start', start, run_async=True), the callback (here start) will be run asynchronously.

  2. To run custom functions asychronously, you can use Dispatcher.run_async. Here is a small example:

    def custom_function(a, b=None):
    def my_callback(update, context):
        a = 7
        b = 'b'
        context.dispatcher.run_async(custom_function, custom_function, a, update=update, b=b)

    Of course the use of Dispatcher.run_async is not limited to within handler callbacks and you don't have to pass an update in that case. Passing the update when possible is just preferable because that way it's available in the error handlers.

While @run_asyn will still work, we recommand to switch to the new syntax.

Persistence of Bots

Storing Bot objects (directly or e.g. as attributes of an PTB object) may lead to problems. For example, if you change the Defaults objects passed to your Updater you would expect the loaded Bot instances to use the new defaults. For that reason, v13 makes two changes:

  1. Bot instance are no longer picklable
  2. Instead, all subclasses of BasePersistence will replace all* Bot instance with a placeholder. When loading the data again, the new Bot instance will be inserted.

Note, that changing the used bot token may lead to e.g. Chat not found errors.

*Okay, almost all, For the limitations, see replace_bot and insert_bot.

Converting existing pickle files

In order for v13s PicklePersistence to be able to read your pickle files, you need to convert them once before upgrading to v13.* We prepared a Gist for that. Of course this is only really needed, if you store Bot instances somewhere. But if you're not sure, just run the Gist ;)

If you have a custom implementation of BasePersistence and you currently store Bot instances (or any PTB object that has a bot attribute, e.g. Message), you may need to do something similar. The above Gist is a good starting point in that case.

*This is due to the fact that PicklePersistence uses deepcopy, which in turn uses the same interface as pickle and Bots are no longer picklable in v13 …

API Keyword Arguments

Pre-v12 the Bot methods accepted arbitrarty keyword argument via the **kwargs parameter. This was to allow for minor API updates to work, while they were not implemented in PTB. However, this also lead to editors not highlighting typos. This is, why the **kwargs parameter was replaced by api_kwargs parameter. This means that function calls like

bot.send_message(..., custom_kwarg=42)

need to be changed to

bot.send_message(..., api_kwargs={'custom_kwarg': 42})

As PTB is currently up to date wtih the Telegram API, this shouldn't affect your code in the most cases. If it does, it probably means that you had a typo somewhere.

JobQueue Refactored

Previously, PTB implemented the scheduling of tasks in the JobQueue manually. As timing logic is not always straightforward, maintaining the JobQueue was not easy and new features were added only reluctantly. This is, why in v13 the JobQueue was refactored to realy on the third pary library APScheduler.

But what does this mean for you in detail? If you're scheduling tasts vanilla style as e.g.

context.job_queue.run_once(callback, when)

you will only have to change the handling of timezones, or even nothing at all. In fact, everything covered in this wiki article will work unchanged expect for timezones. So before bothering to read on, just try to run you bot - it most cases it will still work. However, there are some more advanced things, that changed.

Handling of timezones

The APScheduler library only accepts timezones provided by the pytz library. If you pass timezone aware objects for job creating, you will need to take that into account.

Changes in advanced scheduling

Leveraging the APScheduler library brings both some perks in terms of new features as well as some breaking changes. Please keep in mind:

  • PTBs JobQueue provides an easy to use and ready to use way of scheduling tasks in a way that ties in with the PTB architecture
  • Managing scheduling logic is not the main intend of PTB and hence a third party library is used for that now
  • If you need highly customized scheduling thingies, you can use these advanced features of the third party library
  • We can't guarantee that the backend will stay the same forever. For example, if APScheduler is discontinued, we will have to look for alternatives.

That said, here are the perks and changes:

New features

  • run_repeating now has a last parameter as originally proposed in #1333
  • JobQueue.run_custom allows you to run a job with a custom scheduling logic. See the APS User Guide and the page on how to combine triggers for more details.
  • All methods JobQueue.run_* now have a job_kwargs argument that accepts a dictionary. Use this to specify additional kwargs for JobQueue.scheduler.add_job().
  • Persistence of jobs: APScheduler has it's own logic of persisting jobs. Because of the aforementioned reasons, we decided to not integrate this logic with PTBs own persistence logic (at least for now). You may however set up persistence for jobs yourself. See the APS User Guide for details.


Most importantly, the Job class is now a wrapper for APSchedulers own Job class, i.e. job.job is an apscheduler.job (don't get confused here!). In particular, attributes like days, interval and is_monthly were removed. Some of those could previously be used to alter the scheduling of the job. You will now have to use job.job.modify for that. Please see the APScheduler docs for details.

There are some other minor changes, most of which will most likely not affect you. For details, please see the documentation of JobQueue and Job.

Setting up a JobQueue

Passing a Bot instance to the JobQueue has bee deprecated for a while now. v13 removes this completely. Use JobQueue.set_dispatcher() instead.

Rich Comparison

v13 adds rich comparison to more Telegram objects. This means that e.g. inline_keyboard_1 == inline_keyboard_2 is not equivalent to inline_keyboard_1 is inline_keyboard_2 but all the buttons will be compared. For each class supporting rich comparison, the documentation now explicitly states, how equality of the class objects is determined. Warnings will be raised when trying to compare Telegram objects that don't support rich comparison

Special note on Message

Pre-v13, comparing Message objects only compared the message_id. As those are not globally unique, as of v13 also is compared, i.e. messages with the same message_id sent in different chats are no longer evaluated as equal. While strictly speaking this is a breaking change, in most cases it shouldn't affect your code.

Refactoring of Filters

In order to reduce confusion over the arguments of the filter() method, the handling of message filters vs update filters was refined. v13 brings two classes

  • telegram.ext.MessageFilter, where MessageFilter.filter() accepts a telegram.Message object (the update.effective_message)
  • telegram.ext.UpdateFilter, where UpdateFilter.filter() accepts a telegram.Update object (the update),

both inheriting from BaseFilter.

If you have custom filters inheriting from BaseFilter, you will need change their parent class to MassageFilter or, if you're currently setting update_filter = True, to UpdateFilter. In the latter case, you can remove the update_filter = True

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