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Michigan Public Employee Salaries

Data on State and Education (k12 + higher ed) salaries from 2014--2016 and judicial salaries from 2016 from

The script mi_salaries.R iterates over the results and produces 3 separate CSVs: mi_state_salaries.csv (n = 60,168), mi_educ_salaries.csv.7z (n = 609,582), and mi_judicial_salaries.csv (n = 138).

Note from the webpage

The information in this database is gathered through public records requests to state and local government entities. We requested the total gross income of public workers for the past three full fiscal years – the information is posted as we received it. The amounts in the database are only for salary, not the cost of other benefits. For law enforcement officers, the state denied releasing their names – so for about 15,000 employees, the name is blank. The state also denied releasing the names and wages of some executive and legislative employees.