We will use the dplyr
package to simplify data operations, lubridate
for date operations, and ggplot2
for graphics. If the dplyr
, lubridate
or ggplot2
package is not installed, please install it using install.packages('dplyr', 'lubridate', 'ggplot2')
Load the data from ./activity.zip:activity.csv into activity.data. Convert the date from a character string to a date object and add a column translating interval to time of day. Then examine the basic structure to ensure it loaded correctly.
activity.data <- unz('./activity.zip', 'activity.csv') %>%
read.csv(colClasses = c('integer', 'character', 'integer')) %>%
date = ymd(date),
time = sprintf('%02i:%02i', interval %/% 100, interval %% 100 %% 60),
## 'data.frame': 17568 obs. of 3 variables:
## $ date : POSIXct, format: "2012-10-01" "2012-10-01" ...
## $ time : chr "00:00" "00:05" "00:10" "00:15" ...
## $ steps: int NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
Group the data by date, sum the number of steps and find the average.
by.day <- activity.data %>%
group_by(date) %>%
summarize(steps = sum(steps, na.rm=TRUE))
mean.daily.steps <- mean(by.day$steps)
median.daily.steps <- median(by.day$steps)
qplot(by.day$steps, xlab='steps', geom=c('histogram', 'rug'),
main='Total Number of Steps Taken per Day')
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
print(c(mean = mean.daily.steps, median = median.daily.steps))
## mean median
## 9354.23 10395.00
The mean number of steps per day is 9354.23 and the median number of steps per day is 10395.
Find the mean of each 5 minute interval over the sample of days and graph the number of steps taken each interval on an averaged day.
by.interval <- activity.data %>%
group_by(time) %>%
summarize(steps = mean(steps, na.rm = TRUE))
max.step.interval <- by.interval %>% arrange(desc(steps)) %>% slice(1)
x.breaks <- ceiling(seq(1, nrow(by.interval), length.out=7))
x.ticks <- scale_x_continuous(breaks=x.breaks, labels=by.interval$time[x.breaks])
qplot(seq_along(steps), steps, data=by.interval, geom=c('line'),
main="Average Daily Activity Pattern", xlab='time of day') +
## time steps
## 1 08:35 206.1698
The interval with the maximum number of steps on average is the five minute period begining 08:35 in which an average of 206.17 steps are taken.
## [1] 2304
There are 2304 missing step values in the activity data set.
Using the values calculated for each interval, impute the missing values.
incomplete.cases <- activity.data %>%
filter(is.na(activity.data$steps)) %>%
left_join(by.interval, by='time') %>%
transmute(date, time, steps = steps.y)
imputed.data <- activity.data %>%
filter(!is.na(activity.data$steps)) %>%
bind_rows(incomplete.cases) %>%
arrange(date, time)
imputed.by.day <- imputed.data %>%
group_by(date) %>%
summarise(steps = sum(steps))
imputed.mean.daily.steps <- mean(imputed.by.day$steps)
imputed.median.daily.steps <- median(imputed.by.day$steps)
qplot(imputed.by.day$steps, xlab='steps', geom=c('histogram', 'rug'),
main='Total Number of Steps Taken per Day (Imputed Values)')
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
mean = imputed.mean.daily.steps,
median = imputed.median.daily.steps))
## mean median
## 10766.19 10766.19
With the imputed data, the mean is now 10766.19 steps and the median is now 10766.19 steps. The imputed mean is 1411.96 steps more than the collected data. The imputed median is 371.19 steps more than the collected data. There are fewer 0 values and more values near mean.
day.types <- as.factor(c('weekend', 'weekday'))
by.day.and.interval = activity.data %>%
mutate(day.type = sapply(date, function(d)
if (wday(d) %in% c(1, 7))
) %>%
group_by(time, day.type) %>%
summarize(steps = sum(steps, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
qplot(as.integer(factor(time)), steps, data=by.day.and.interval,
geom=c('line'), facets=day.type~., xlab='time',
main='Differences in Activity Patterns') +
x.ticks + theme(legend.position='none')