A list of basics topics working with Haskell
- run the package:l
- load file:r
- reload package:q
- close interpreter
Hello world
- helloWorld.hs:
module HelloWorld where
-- Monad
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn "Hello World"
- Run program:
ghci helloWorld.hs
Sum a range of numbers
- myLib.hs:
module MyLib (sumNumbers) where
-- Monad
sumNumbers :: IO ()
sumNumbers = print (sum [1..10])
- Run program:
ghci myLib.hs
hello name = "Hello, " ++ name
hello "Juan"
-- 2 params and return data
f :: Int -> Int -> Int
f x y = x*y+x+y
f 2 3 -- 11
list = ["A", "B", "C"]
head list -- "A"
tail list -- ["B", "C"]
Anonymous functions
-- a function without a name (Lambda abstraction)
f = \x y -> x*y+x+y
f 2 3 -- 11
Higher-order functions
[2*x | x <- [0..10]]
-- [0, 2, 4, etc]
map :: (elm -> res) -> [elm] -> [res]
map (\x -> x*2+1) [1..10]
-- Free point style (Event delegation)
mul2 = \x -> x * 2
map mul2 [1..5]
- io.hs:
greeting() = do
name <- getLine
eventName <- getLine
putStrLn ("Hola" ++ name)
putStrLn ("Espero " ++ eventName ++ " te guste")
- Run program:
stack ghci
:l io.hs
- recursion.hs:
-- State machines?
myFilter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
myFilter fn [] = []
myFilter fn (head:tail)
| fn head = head : myFilter fn tail
| otherwise = myFilter fn tail
- Run program:
stack ghci
:l recursion.hs
myFilter (\x -> x > 3) [1, 2, 3, 4] # greater than 3
myFilter (>3) [1, 2, 3, 4]
- loops.hs:
-- map
f x = x*(x+1)
lst = map f [1..10]
-- using prefix functions
div = (/)
-- reduce
resultLeft = foldl div 1 [1..10]
-- reduceRight
resultRight = foldr div 1 [1..10]
main = do
print lst
print resultLeft
print resultRight
- Run program:
stack runhaskell loops.hs
currying :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
currying x y z = x*y+z
currying 2 3 4 -- 10
-- manual example (not necessary in Haskell, currying works automatically)
currying' = \x y z -> x*y+z
currying'' = \x -> (\y z -> x*y+z)
currying''' = \x -> (\y -> (\z -> x*y+z))
- JS vs Haskell una comparación impura by @jessecogollo
- Haskell
- Speller example
- Hanged example
- Functional Programming in Haskell - Supercharge Your Coding.