Bufix release with the following changes:
- Fix issue with archive table on sensor page not being updated with new data
- Add delay before first rebuild in test mode to avoid any concurrency issues
Bufix release with the following changes:
- Fix serious pandas bug with not replacing NaN values correctly in plot data
- Harmonize bullet characters in changelog
Bufix and refinement release with the following changes:
- Revise UI text to inform user about dynamic updates and increase discoverability
- Add button to data section with link to current day's data
- Increase and refine ranges and color tables based on increased charge targets
- Reduce update frequency to 10 minutes to align with Github cache time
Final version of major upgrade incorporating additional new features, enhancements and numerous bug fixes and refactoring changes.
New frontend features and enhancements:
- Add interactive strip plot to daily data page
- Add responsive control UI to daily data page
- Add optional alert popup for when data cannot be loaded or is corrupted
- Add ability to request a temp or custom cache dir (eg for concurrent builds)
- Refine table styling, UI text and more
Backend improvements:
- Fix links to download raw CSVs
- Fix multiple bugs building and deploying on Pi 3 and 4
- Refine and fix bugs with Sindri service installation
- Improve error and NAN handling in both backend and frontend
- Numerous varied refactoring improvements
- Release packaging
Preview of major upgrade introducing numerous new features and capabilities, particularly for webserver.
New frontend features:
- Dynamic, interactive Javascript-based visualization with Plotly and D3.js
- Add dynamic status plot dashboard
- Add raw data status table
- Add plotly-powered interactive stripchart
- Add realtime log output
- Add archive data listing
- Add dynamic daily data pages with full data table
- Add expanded pages for log and archival
Backend improvements:
- Generate all data separately from generating site
- Seperate site configuration from backend processing
- Add data processing backend and numerous calculated columns
- Refine layout and styling
- Add site build information
- Improve command-line API and functionality
- Major refactoring in all areas
- Reorganize package for a cleaner layout
Initial deployed release on the Pi for GHP, with the following features:
- Automatically, continuously generate Mjolnir website
- Output timestamp and formatted current status data table
- Render plots of all params over time
- Automate install of Sindri service
- Basic but functional command line interface