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Discord Bots Discord Bots

Elixir Deuterium rewrite, a Discord bot that automatically generates messages based on the previously seen ones on a per-channel basis.

Use an existing one

Invite it to your server

Run your own

Please note that Deuterium uses a custom permissive license. It's only 6 lines long and it's a good idea to read it!

This app is dockerized, so it can be deployed in a few simple steps:

  1. Create the data volume: docker volume create --driver local --opt type=none --opt device=/path/on/the/host/where/data/will/be/stored --opt o=bind deut_data
  2. Save your Discord bot token: printf "DEUTEX_TOKEN=Y0uЯ-t0k3n" > .env
  3. Pull the image: docker pull
  4. Run the container: docker run --mount source=deut_data,target=/var/deutexrium --env-file .env -d deutexrium

To connect an IEx shell to a locally running container:

  1. Download epmd_docker: git clone && cd epmd_docker
  2. Build epmd_docker: make
  3. Run docker ps and find out the ID of the container
  4. Run iex --erl "-pa ebin -epmd_module epmd_docker -setcookie deutexrium -sname shell" --remsh deuterium@c0nta1ner-1d

On first startup and when updating the bot register slash commands using the shell (one of):

  • Ctl.add_slash_commands to register them globally (takes about an hour to update across all servers)
  • Ctl.add_slash_commands(123) to register them in the Discord server with ID 123 (instant)

Performance monitoring

Deuterium uses Prometheus for performance logging, an example config for which can be found in apm/. A dashboard for Grafana can be found in the same directory.

Exporting data from the master Deuterium instance

Contact me (/support) to get your data package. I'm working on a solution to download the data without human intervention just like Deuterium 1.x has previously allowed.


  • bring back /forget
  • bring back /export
  • refactor the settings server (literal unreadable code atm)
  • set up a Weblate instance for translation
  • bring back voice channel support
  • bring back stat logging