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Language subset 14

For programs that are in the subset, the compiler should conform to the Ballerina Language Specification 2022R1.


  • Only values allowed are of basic type nil, boolean, int, float, decimal, string, list, mapping and error.
  • At module level
    • function definitions
      • no default arguments
      • no rest arguments
      • may be declared public
    • const definitions
      • not of structured types
    • type definitions
  • Type descriptors:
    • predefined basic type name: boolean, decimal, error, float, int, string
    • nil type ()
    • singletons of basic type boolean, int, float, decimal, string
    • any type
    • byte type
    • anydata type
    • optional type: T?
    • unions: T1|T2
    • intersections: T1&T2
    • structure types
      • map type: map<T>
      • array type: T[]
      • record types: record { T1 f1; T2 f2; } and record {| T1 f1; T2 f2; R...; |}
      • tuple types: [T1, T2] and [T1, T2, R...]
    • a reference to a type defined by a type definition
  • Statements:
    • function/method call statement
    • local variable declaration with explicit type descriptor and initializer
      • binding pattern is either an identifier or _
    • assignment
      • assignment statement L = E;
      • compound assignment L op= E;
      • lvalues for fields L.x
      • lvalues for a list or mapping L[E]
      • assignment to wildcard binding pattern _ = E;
    • return statement
    • if/else statements
    • while statement
    • break and continue statements
    • foreach statements that use <..
    • match statement with match patterns that are const
    • panic statement
  • Expressions:
    • literals for nil, boolean, int, float and string
    • binary operators: +, -, *, /, %, <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=, ===, !==, &, ^, |, <<, >>, >>>, &&, ||
    • unary operators: -, !, ~
    • type cast <T>E
    • type test E is T, E !is T
    • function call
    • method call v.f(args) syntax for calling langlib functions
    • member access E[i] for both list and mapping
    • field access E.f
    • list constructor [E1, E2, ..., En]
    • mapping constructor { f1: E1, f2: E2,..., fn: En }
    • error constructor error(msg)
    • check expression
    • checkpanic expression
  • Langlib functions:
    • array:length
    • array:push
    • string:length
    • map:length
    • int:toHexString
    • error:message
  • Standard library functions:
    • io:println (restricted to a single argument)


This deals explicitly with operator precedence and associativity.

module-part = import-decl* module-defn*
import-decl = "import" [org-name "/"] module-name ["as" import-prefix] ";"

org-name = identifier
module-name =
   | module-name "." identifier

import-prefix = identifier

module-defn = function-defn | const-defn | type-defn

function-defn = ["public"] "function" identifier signature stmt-block
signature = "(" [param-list] ")" [ "returns" type-desc ]

const-defn = ["public"] "const" [builtin-type-name] identifier "=" const-expr ";"

type-defn = ["public"] "type" identifier type-desc ";"

type-desc = union-type-desc

union-type-desc =
  | union-type-desc "|" intersection-type-desc

intersection-type-desc =
  | intersection-type-desc "&" postfix-type-desc

postfix-type-desc =
  | optional-type-desc
  | array-type-desc

optional-type-desc = postfix-type-desc "?"

array-type-desc := array-member-type-desc array-dimension+
array-dimension := "[" [ array-length ] "]"
array-member-type-desc := type-desc *but not* array-type-desc
array-length :=
  | constant-reference-expr

primary-type-desc =
  | nil-type-desc
  | singleton-type-desc
  | "(" type-desc ")"
  | type-reference
  | map-type-desc
  | record-type-desc
  | tuple-type-desc

builtin-type-name = "any" | "anydata" | "boolean" | "byte" | "int" | "float" | "string" | "error"

nil-type-desc = nil-literal

singleton-type-desc = simple-const-expr

# reference to a type definition
type-reference = identifier | qualified-identifier

map-type-desc = "map" "<" type-desc ">"

record-type-desc = inclusive-record-type-desc | exclusive-record-type-desc
inclusive-record-type-desc = "record" "{" field-desc* "}"
exclusive-record-type-desc = "record" "{|" field-desc* [rest-field-desc] "|}"
field-desc = type-desc identifier ";"
rest-field-desc = type-desc "..." ";"

tuple-type-desc = "[" tuple-member-type-desc-list "]"
tuple-member-type-desc-list =
   type-desc ("," type-desc)* ["," tuple-rest-desc]
   | [ tuple-rest-desc ]
tuple-rest-desc = type-desc "..."

param-list = param ["," param]* ["," rest-param]
param = type-desc identifier
rest-param = type-desc "..." identifier

stmt-block = "{" statement* "}"

statement =
  | call-stmt
  | assign-stmt
  | compound-assign-stmt
  | destructuring-assign-stmt
  | return-stmt
  | if-else-stmt
  | while-stmt
  | break-stmt
  | continue-stmt
  | foreach-stmt
  | panic-stmt
  | match-stmt
local-var-decl-stmt = ["final"] type-desc binding-pattern "=" expression ";"

binding-pattern = identifier | wildcard-binding-pattern

call-stmt = call-expr ";"

call-expr =
   | method-call-expr
   | checking-keyword call-expr

assign-stmt = lvexpr "=" expression ";"

compound-assign-stmt = lvexpr CompoundAssignmentOperator expression ";"

destructuring-assign-stmt = wildcard-binding-pattern "=" expression ";"

wildcard-binding-pattern = "_"

lvexpr =
   | field-access-lvexpr
   | member-access-lvexpr

variable-reference-lvexpr = identifier

field-access-lvexpr =lvexpr "." identifier

member-access-lvexpr = lvexpr "[" expression "]"

return-stmt = "return" [expression] ";"

if-else-stmt = "if" expression stmt-block ["else" (if-else-stmt | stmt-block)]

while-stmt = "while" expression stmt-block

break-stmt = "break" ";"

continue-stmt = "continue" ";"

foreach-stmt = "foreach" "int" identifier "in" additive-expr "..<" additive-expr stmt-block

panic-stmt = "panic" inner-expr ";"

match-stmt = "match" inner-expr "{" match-clause+ "}"

match-clause = match-pattern-list "=>" stmt-block
match-pattern-list =
   | match-pattern-list "|" match-pattern

match-pattern =
   | simple-const-expr

simple-const-expr =
   | "-" int-literal
   | "-" floating-point-literal
   | const-reference-expr

expression = inner-expr | list-constructor-expr | mapping-constructor-expr

const-expr = inner-expr # must also satisfy restrictions of const-expr as in Ballerina language spec

const-reference-expr = identifier | qualified-identifier # must refer to something defined with a const-decl

inner-expr = logical-or-expr

logical-or-expr =
  | logical-or-expr "||" logical-and-expr

logical-and-expr =
  | logical-and-expr "&&" bitwise-or-expr

bitwise-or-expr =
  | bitwise-or-expr "|" bitwise-xor-expr

bitwise-xor-expr =
  | bitwise-xor-expr "^" bitwise-and-expr

bitwise-and-expr =
  | bitwise-and-expr "&" equality-expr

equality-expr =
  | equality-expr "==" relational-expr
  | equality-expr "!=" relational-expr
  | equality-expr "===" relational-expr
  | equality-expr "!==" relational-expr

relational-expr =
  | shift-expr "<" shift-expr
  | shift-expr "<=" shift-expr
  | shift-expr ">" shift-expr
  | shift-expr ">=" shift-expr
  | shift-expr ["!"] "is" type-desc

shift-expr =
  | shift-expr "<<" additive-expr
  | shift-expr ">>" additive-expr
  | shift-expr ">>>" additive-expr

additive-expr =
  | additive-expr "+" multiplicative-expr
  | additive-expr "-" multiplicative-expr

multiplicative-expr =
  | multiplicative-expr "*" unary-expr
  | multiplicative-expr "/" unary-expr
  | multiplicative-expr "%" unary-expr

unary-expr =
  | "-" unary-expr
  | "~" unary-expr
  | type-cast-expr
  | checking-expr

type-cast-expr = "<" type-desc ">" unary-expr

checking-expr = checking-keyword unary-expr

checking-keyword = "check" | "checkpanic"

primary-expr =
  | error-constructor-expr
  | member-access-expr
  | field-access-expr
  | function-call-expr
  | method-call-expr
  | variable-reference-expr
  | "(" inner-expr ")"

literal = nil-literal | boolean-literal | int-literal | floating-point-literal | string-literal
nil-literal = "(" ")" | "null"
boolean-literal = "true" | "false"

error-constructor-expr = "error" "(" inner-expr ")"

list-constructor-expr = "[" [expr-list] "]"

expr-list = expression ["," expression ]*

mapping-constructor-expr = "{" [field-list] "}"

field-list = field ["," field ]*

field = field-name ":" expression

field-name = string-literal | identifier

member-access-expr = primary-expr "[" expression "]"

field-access-expr = primary-expr "." identifier

function-call-expr = function-reference arg-list

method-call-expr = primary-expr "." identifier arg-list

arg-list = "(" [expr-list] ")"

function-reference = identifier | qualified-identifier

qualified-identifier = module-prefix ":" identifier

module-prefix = identifier

variable-reference-expr = identifier | qualified-identifier # can refer to parameter, local variable or constant

// tokens
int-literal = (as in Ballerina language spec)
floating-point-literal = (as in Ballerina spec, except HexFloatingPointLiteral is not allowed)
string-literal = (as in Ballerina language spec)
identifier = [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*
CompoundAssignmentOperator = (as in Ballerina language spec)

// comments starting with // allowed as in Ballerina language spec

Language spec syntax references:

Semantic restrictions

There are the following additional restrictions:

  • member access s[i] is not supported when s has type string
  • relational operators are not supported when the static type of either of the operands includes nil

Method call syntax can be used for calling the following langlib functions:

  • array:length
  • array:push
  • string:length
  • map:length
  • int:toHexString
  • error:message

Two kinds of import are supported.

  1. An import with an organization of ballerina is allowed with the following restrictions
    • only ballerina/io can be imported
    • the only function from ballerina/io that can be called is println
    • println only accepts a single argument (which is of type any)
  2. An import with no organization and with a module name starting with root. An import root.X; in a file F.bal will read the module from the files F.modules/X/*.bal.


  • The syntax restricts where a list-constructor-expr or mapping-constructor-expr can occur so as to avoid the need to infer a type for the constructed list.
  • Types in type definitions are restricted semantically, rather than syntactically: a type definition that is referenced from a function definition must define a type that is equivalent to one that can be described using the type-defn grammar in this document. It must also match the type-defn grammar supported for semantic type-checking.

Additions from subset 13

  • Tuple types
  • Rest param in function definition

Implemented spec changes since 2022R1

  • #1024 - decimal values must not use hexadecimal literals