- Loop/ring short key in UV Editor.
- Brush Size control hot keys (for max mode).
- 'F9' If no active camera in scene create temprary one.
- 3DsMax Adapted key map for animators.
- Ctrl + shfit + P link to Blender adaptive mode.
- Ctrl + Double click Select children select only active object children.
- 'Shift + LM click' Armature pick short path.
- Weight paint alt drag deselect (disable gradient tool).
- Weight paint Selection keys.
- Ctrl + A,D,I.
- Ctrl/Alt + Drag.
- M, ctrl + M Collection.
- 'Ctrl + L' select linked in Weight paint vertex mode.
- Update Maya short keys too.
- Alternative to 'Shift + G' select grouped in 3dsmax mode.
- VSE hold shift select between clips and new selected.
- 'Ctrl + S' image editor save as image if not saved befor.
- 'Shift + X' set from SRG to WER in 3dsmax mode.
- 'Shift + Q' open select similar menu.
- 'Set ffd' menu in Edit Mode.
- 'LMB Double click' Face and vertex mode select linked.
- Knife tool RMB commit (3DsMax mode).
- 'S' snapp toggle in UV editor.
- Optional Blender mode 'WER' on UV ediotr.
- Quadmenu.
- UV Editor.
- If UV editor is open add UV stuff too.
- Seam and UV tools.
- Mark/Clear seam if edge mode.
- Collection stuff ctrl+rmc quad menu.
- Put transform pivot poins in alt+rc quadmenu.
- Weld tool setting dialog.
- UV Editor.
- Armature edit mode Show/Hide menu.
- Copy/paste vertex coodinate in Vertex menu.
- Tools menu for difrent modes. ****
- lattice in mesh edit mode.
- UV editor Target Weld.
- File view PageUp/ PageDown.
- Make rectangular UV.
- Instancer / Make Unique a grupe of objects.
- Weld tool setting dialog.
- Topology symmetry tool.
- 3DsMax Navigation (change navigation mode without release the Alt key).
- Clone object shift drag.
- Extrude open edge with shift drag.
- Max like Slice modifire quick setup.
- Global transform offset tool for selected objects in selected range.
- Armature
- Curve keys between first and last key.
- Select Keyed/Non-keyed controllers.
- Better Isolate system (Alt+Q).
- More stuff for Character lister(Skin on/off, Subdivision level fo mesh,...).
- Need a PickAndDo operator (Alternative for PickOperator).
- Target weld for edge mode.
- Node to text (clip board) and reverce.
- Spline vertex Hoke to object by drag and pick.
- semi instance selector.
- Make unique keep group instanses.
- Create Curve from motion path.
- Bone to IK by picking.
- Convert to armature.
- Auto instancer.
- Scene Modifier lister and manager.
- Material lister.
- Seprate group of instanced object keep instance in grupe.
- Shapekeys sort by name.
- Copy/Paste material, action, modifier.
- turn normal off for objects wit subdiv modidfier.
- light group editor.
- unfreaze Bone edit/ armature mode.
- Snapshot.
- Edge mode delete face most desolve edges too.
- Bone to Bone link_to need to fix transform.
- Press 'S' while navigation toggle Snap rather than the scale in max mode.
- Mirro operator not working.
- Undo.
- Chamfer Curve.
- Convert to ...
- Sub object check for library overide.
- Check Timeline color ot startup.
- UV editor tweak select issue.
- Draw line tool some time makes extera vertecs on Close.
- Parent constraint to rigged character issue.
- Parent constraint to parented parent issue.
- Convert to for curve objects apply modifiers not works.
- subdive operator on quad menu undo issue.
- 'LMB double click' select element not works yet.
- align objects refresh issue (refactor).
- PickOperator Subtarget to object or another subtarget.
- Put transform type in right tool panel on/off with f12.
- Transform type in sub object and pivot helper.
- Alight too adapt for edit pivot mode.
- Light lister UI has to change.
- Camera lister UI has to change.
- Align object set key for new changes if auto key is on.
- Join plus asnd attach convert text object befor join.
- Label for joystic creator.
- Apply multiusers.
- Delete operator unparent children first.
- Keymap system has to optain repate option too.
- Select more/less need to repeat mode active.
- fix all active viewlayer lines.
- smart loop/ring update or remove.
- Select all in object mode select pose bones too.
- Conver to and join plus do not works on some cases.
- Draw.
- Draw on local gride.
- Draw on surface.
- Draw on view.
- Fix height issue.
- Fix Draw under floor issue.
- Fix Draw on surface alighnmen.
- Snapping.
- Crearte primitive weel for segment count.
- Draw on local gride.
- New Primitives.
- Torus Knot.
- quad sphere.
- Helix with bezier segments with less count of knots (Bezier points).
- Float edit menu for Empty objects.
- Draw area light with rectangular option.
- New Editable Quadmenu with short key support.
Wire parameter (Easy Dirver creator).
- Prototype design.
- Create UI.
- Transform.
- Shapekey.
Sprite sheet Import Export.
- Importer.
- COA-Tools Jason import planes.
- Spine jason import.
- Image Plane.
- Bones.
- Animation.
- Exporter.
- Cutout rigg to Unity.
- Cutout rigg to Spine.
- Importer.
Walker -[x] Collect needed curve calculation data. -[x] Collect needed surface calculation data. -[x] Collect needed matrix calculation data. -[ ] Analyze walk cycle action. -[ ] Auto. -[ ] Ask user. -[ ] Analyze rigg. -[ ] Auto. -[ ] Ask user. -[ ] Interface. -[ ] Keying system. -[ ] NLA.
VSE to/from XML