This document sits aside the perlfaq files as a scratchpad for things that should change, but for some reason haven't. Please use this syntax (and leave the committer annotation to subversion):
<severity>perlfaq<number> - <comment>
! - important change needed soon
? - something that might need work, but not sure
. - change this at some point, but no big deal
& - needs a code change
" - needs a prose change
\ - backwards compatibility change (e.g. for 5.6)
/ - forwards compatibility change (e.g. for 5.10)
# - resolved, but keep in list anyway just in case
- - candidate for deletion
+ - candidate for addition
For example:
Important change to text:
!"perlfaq5 - The question says foo, but should say bar
Is that code right:
?&perlfaq4 - Does that really calculate foo?
Delete this question:
-perlfaq3 - Question "How do I foo?" no longer needed with Perl5
Add this question
+perlfaq1 - Add "Why doesn't anyone ever listen to me?"