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+# Volto - the default Plone 6 frontend
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+[![Acceptance Tests](https://github.com/plone/volto/actions/workflows/acceptance.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/plone/volto/actions/workflows/acceptance.yml)
+[![Build Status Docs](https://github.com/plone/volto/actions/workflows/docs.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/plone/volto/actions)
+## Introduction
+[Volto](https://github.com/plone/volto) is a ReactJS-based frontend for the [Plone](https://plone.org) Content Management System.
+It is the default frontend starting with the Plone 6 release.
+[Plone](https://plone.org) is a CMS built on Python with more than 20 years of history and experience.
+Plone has features that appeal to developers and users alike, such as an intuitive editing interface, customizable content types, hierarchical organization, and a sophisticated permissions model.
+This allows you to build anything from simple websites to enterprise-grade intranets.
+Volto exposes all these features and communicates with Plone via its [REST API](https://github.com/plone/plone.restapi).
+Volto features the Pastanaga editor, a modern block-based content layout editor.
+It is extensible and customizable, so you can adapt the provided default blocks to meet your requirements, or build new ones.
+Volto is extensible using add-ons.
+You can build your own or choose from the community released ones:
+- [Volto Add-ons in NPM](https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=keywords%3Avolto-addon%2Cvolto)
+- [Volto Awesome](https://github.com/collective/awesome-volto)
+## Demo
+You can try a Volto online demo at [https://demo.plone.org/](https://demo.plone.org/).
+## Create a Volto project
+To start a new project using Volto, follow the [Plone installation documentation](https://6.docs.plone.org/install/create-project.html).
+## Documentation
+You can find the latest documentation at [https://6.docs.plone.org/](https://6.docs.plone.org/volto/index.html).
+For links to trainings and videos, see [Other learning resources](https://6.docs.plone.org/volto/tutorials/index.html).
+## Supported Plone, Python, and Plone REST API versions
+See [Plone, Python, and Plone REST API compatibility](https://6.docs.plone.org/volto/contributing/version-policy.html#version-policy-plone-python-and-plone-rest-api-compatibility)
+See the [Plone Release Schedule](https://plone.org/download/release-schedule) for details of maintenance and support.
+## Supported Node.js versions
+See [Node.js version policy](https://6.docs.plone.org/volto/contributing/version-policy.html#version-policy-plone-python-and-plone-rest-api-compatibility).
+## Supported browsers
+See [Supported browsers](https://6.docs.plone.org/volto/contributing/version-policy.html#version-policy-supported-browsers).
+## Contributing
+To contribute to the Volto project by writing code, documentation, translations, and so on, please read [Contributing to Plone](https://6.docs.plone.org/contributing/index.html) and [Contributing to Volto](https://6.docs.plone.org/volto/contributing/index.html).
+For newcomers to Volto, Plone, or open source software, you must read and follow [First-time contributors](https://6.docs.plone.org/contributing/first-time.html).
+Since December 2023, this repository has a monorepo structure.
+Volto itself is treated as a library and you can find it in the `packages/volto` folder.
+## Contributors
+## License
+MIT License. Copyrights held by the [Plone Foundation](https://plone.org/foundation).
+See [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) for details.
+## Volto in production
+Volto has been actively developed since 2017.
+It has been used in production since 2018 on numerous websites.
+The authoritative source of the list of Volto websites in production is maintained at [Awesome Volto](https://github.com/collective/awesome-volto#websites-built-with-volto).
+The Plone Marketing Team copy-pastes its content on a quarterly basis into [They use Plone 6](https://plone.org/why-plone/they-use-plone/they-use-plone-6).
+To ensure your website gets the greatest exposure, add it both to [Awesome Volto](https://github.com/collective/awesome-volto#websites-built-with-volto) and this README.
+- [ASP Area Nord](https://www.aspareanord.it/) (Website of the Public company of personal services of the Modena municipalities in the north area. Developed by [RedTurtle](https://www.redturtle.it), 2021)
+- [Baccanale Imola](https://www.baccanaleimola.it) (Baccanale is a food fair that happens every year in Imola, Italy. Developed by [RedTurtle](https://www.redturtle.it), 2020)
+- [Biblioteche Pianura Est](https://bibest.it/it) (Website of the Associated libraries of eastern plain. Developed by [RedTurtle](https://www.redturtle.it/), 2021)
+- [BISE](https://biodiversity.europa.eu) (Biodiversity Information System for Europe, developed by [Eau de Web](https://eaudeweb.ro/), 2019)
+- [Camera di Commercio dell'Umbria](https://www.umbria.camcom.it) (Website Chamber of Commerce of Umbria. Developed by [RedTurtle](https://www.redturtle.it), 2021)
+- [Camera di Commercio di Reggio Emilia](https://www.emilia.camcom.it) (Website Chamber of Commerce of Reggio Emilia. Developed by [RedTurtle](https://www.redturtle.it), 2021)
+- [Comune di Camposanto](https://www.comune.camposanto.mo.it/) (Website of the Municipality of Camposanto. Developed by [RedTurtle](https://www.redturtle.it), 2021)
+- [Comune di Cantagallo](https://www.comune.cantagallo.po.it/) (Website of the Municipality of Cantagallo. Developed by [RedTurtle](https://www.redturtle.it), 2021)
+- [Comune di Medolla](https://www.comune.medolla.mo.it/) (Website of the Municipality of Medolla. Developed by [RedTurtle](https://www.redturtle.it), 2021)
+- [Comune di Mirandola](https://www.comune.mirandola.mo.it/) (Website of the Municipality of Mirandola. Developed by [RedTurtle](https://www.redturtle.it), 2021)
+- [Comune di Modena](https://www.comune.modena.it/) (Website of the Municipality of Modena. Developed by [RedTurtle](https://www.redturtle.it), 2020)
+- [Comune di San Possidonio](https://www.comune.sanpossidonio.mo.it/) (Website of the Municipality of San Possidonio. Developed by [RedTurtle](https://www.redturtle.it), 2021)
+- [Comune di Vaiano](https://www.comune.vaiano.po.it/) (Website of the Municipality of Vaiano. Developed by [RedTurtle](https://www.redturtle.it), 2021)
+- [Comune di Vernio](https://www.comune.vernio.po.it/) (Website of the Municipality of Vernio. Developed by [RedTurtle](https://www.redturtle.it), 2021)
+- [Debabarreneko mankomunitatea](https://debabarrena.eus/eu) (Website of the Commonwealth of Debabarrena, community of municipalities to centralize waste handling services, developed by [CodeSyntax](https://www.codesyntax.com/en), 2022)
+- [Debako Udala / Ayuntamiento de Deba](https://www.deba.eus/eu) (Website of the municipality of Deba, developed by [CodeSyntax](https://www.codesyntax.com/en), 2022)
+- [European Environment Agency](https://www.eea.europa.eu/en) (Website of the European Environment Agency. Developed by [Eau de Web](https://eaudeweb.ro), 2023)
+- [Energy Climate Union portal for Europe](https://climate-energy.eea.europa.eu/) (Thematic website focusing on European strides towards mitigating climate change, developed by [Eau de Web](https://eaudeweb.ro/), 2020)
+- [Excellence at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin](https://www.alles-beginnt-mit-einer-frage.de) (Website for the excellence initiative of the [Humboldt University Berlin](https://www.hu-berlin.de/de), developed by [kitconcept GmbH](https://kitconcept.com), 2019)
+- [Forest Information System for Europe](https://forest.eea.europa.eu) (Thematic website focusing on European forests, developed by [Eau de Web](https://eaudeweb.ro/), 2019)
+- [Forschungszentrum Jülich](https://www.fz-juelich.de/de) (Website for Forschungzentrum Jülich, which is one of the largest research institutions in Europe, developed by [kitconcept GmbH](https://kitconcept.com), 2022)
+- [German Aerospace Center (DLR)](https://www.dlr.de/de) (The German Aerospace Center (DLR) is the Federal Republic of Germany's research center for aeronautics. With more than 10.000 employees and a yearly budget of more than 1 billion euros, it is one of the largest research institutions in Germany, developed by [kitconcept GmbH](https://kitconcept.com), 2023)
+- [Helmholtz-Institut Erlangen-Nürnberg für Erneuerbare Energien (HI-ERN)](https://www.hi-ern.de/de) (Website for HI ERN, a research institution for renewable energies, developed by [kitconcept GmbH](https://kitconcept.com), 2022)
+- [Humboldt Labor](https://www.humboldtforum.org/de/programm/dauerangebot/ausstellung/nach-der-natur-14144/) (The Humboldt Lab is a website where the Humboldt University Berlin presents its latest research projects and findings. Developed by [WLDX](https://wldx.de/) and [kitconcept GmbH](https://kitconcept.com), 2020)
+- [ILPO](https://ilpo.jyu.fi/) (the registration portal of continuous learning at the University of Jyväskylä. Developed by University of Jyväskylä, 2022)
+- [Industrial Emissions portal for Europe](https://industry.eea.europa.eu) (Thematic website focusing on European industrial emissions, developed by [Eau de Web](https://eaudeweb.ro/), 2020)
+- [Jobfamilie MEDICE](https://jobfamilie.medice.de/de) (Carrer website for MEDICE Arzneimittel Pütter GmbH & Co. KG), developed by [Werkbank GmbH](https://werkbank.de/), 2020)
+- [Lanku](https://www.lanku.eus) (Website for Lanku Kultur Zerbitzuak, a company offering cultural services and improvised Basque verse singing sessions across the Basque Country, developed by [CodeSyntax](https://www.codesyntax.com/en), 2023)
+- [Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN)](https://www.leibniz-ipn.de/de) (Website of the IPN, a research institute dedicated to issues related to learning and teaching of science, mathematics and computer science in and outside of schools, developed by [Starzel](https://www.starzel.de), 2023)
+- [MEDICE Webseite](https://medice.com/de-de) (Website for MEDICE Arzneimittel Pütter GmbH & Co. KG), developed by [Werkbank GmbH](https://werkbank.de/), 2020)
+- [Nuova Voce Ecologista](https://nuovavoceecologista.it) (Website of Nuova Voce Ecologista, an Italian green Party, 2020)
+- [Osaka University](https://www.osaka-u.ac.jp/en) (Osaka University is considered one of the most prestigious universities in Japan. Developed by [CMScom](https://www.cmscom.jp), 2021)
+- [ResOU](https://resou.osaka-u.ac.jp/ja) (ResOU is introducing official researched releases by the University of Osaka, Japan. Developed by [CMScom](https://www.cmscom.jp), 2020)
+- [Stradanove](https://www.stradanove.it/) (Website of the Department of Youth Policies of the Municipality of Modena, developed by [RedTurtle](https://www.redturtle.it), 2020)
+- [Study guide at University of Jyväskylä](https://studyguide.jyu.fi/2020/en/) (Static website where [Volto is used as a headless CMS for authoring additional content](https://tech.blog.jyu.fi/2020/06/plone-volto-hasura-gatsbyjs-mashup/), 2020)
+- [Talke Carrer Website](https://karriere.talke.com/) (Carrer website for [Talke](https://www.talke.com), one of the leading a chemical and petrochemical logistics companies in Germany, developed by [kitconcept GmbH](https://kitconcept.com), 2020)
+- [UEU](https://www.ueu.eus) (Website for Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea, a non-profit University offering all its service only in Basque: courses, publications, ... developed by [CodeSyntax](https://www.codesyntax.com/en), 2023)
+- [Unione dei Comuni della Val Bisenzio](https://www.bisenzio.it/) (Website of the Municipality union of Val Bisenzio. Developed by [RedTurtle](https://www.redturtle.it), 2021)
+- [VHS Ehrenamtsportal](https://vhs-ehrenamtsportal.de) (Website to help volunteers that help refugees for the [German Adult Education Association](https://www.volkshochschule.de/), developed by [kitconcept GmbH](https://kitconcept.com), 2018)
+- [VisitModena](https://www.visitmodena.it/it) (Tourist website of the Municipality of Modena, developed by [RedTurtle](https://www.redturtle.it), 2020)
+- [WISE-Freshwater](https://water.europa.eu/freshwater) (WISE-Freshwater, the Freshwater Information System for Europe. Developed by [Eau de web](https://eaudeweb.ro) for the European Environmental Agency, 2021)
+- [Zeelandia](https://www.zeelandia.de/) (Corporate website for one of the leading bakery ingredients manufacturers in Germany, developed by [kitconcept GmbH](https://kitconcept.com), 2019)
+### Open-source websites built with Volto
+The following websites have been built with Volto.
+You can find their complete source code by following their links.
+Please note that complex websites are built on top of Volto add-ons, and most of the time they're just an empty shell for the add-ons.
+You should check the dependencies in their `package.json` for more details.
+- [Forest Information System for Europe](https://github.com/eea/fise-frontend) - Volto project for [Forest Information System for Europe website](https://forest.eea.europa.eu)
+- [Freshwater Information System for Europe](https://github.com/eea/freshwater-frontend) - Volto project for [Freshwater Information System for Europe website](https://water.europa.eu/freshwater)
+- [European Industrial Emissions Portal](https://github.com/eea/industry-frontend ) - Volto project for [European Industrial Emissions Portal website](https://industry.eea.europa.eu)
+- [Biodiversity Information System for Europe](https://github.com/eea/bise-frontend) - Volto project for [Biodiversity Information System for Europe website](https://biodiversity.europa.eu)
+- [EEA Main Website frontend](https://github.com/eea/eea-website-frontend) - Volto project for [European Environment Agency](https://www.eea.europa.eu/en)
+- [Climate and energy in the EU](https://github.com/eea/climate-energy-frontend) - Volto project for [Climate and energy in the EU website](https://climate-energy.eea.europa.eu)
+- [volto-bise](https://github.com/eea/volto-bise) - A Volto project packaged as an addon. It provides Theming using a razzle.extend.js provided alias.
+- [design-volto-theme](https://github.com/RedTurtle/design-volto-theme) Volto theme for Italian Public Administration
+- [2021.ploneconf.org](https://github.com/plone/ploneconf.org/tree/2021) - Volto project for [Plone Conference 2021 site](https://2021.ploneconf.org)
+- [2022.ploneconf.org](https://github.com/plone/ploneconf.org/tree/2022) - Volto project for [Plone Conference 2022 site](https://2022.ploneconf.org)
+- [2023.ploneconf.org](https://github.com/plone/ploneconf.org/tree/2023) - Volto project for [Plone Conference 2023 site](https://2023.ploneconf.org)
+- [plone.org.br](https://github.com/plonegovbr/plone.org.br) - Volto project for the [Brazilian Plone Community](https://plone.org.br)
+- [nsw-design-system-plone6-kit](https://github.com/pretagov/nsw-design-system-plone6-kit) - NSW Design System Plone 6 Kit Volto project for [NSW.gov.au sites](https://digitalnsw.pretagov.com.au/)
+- [volto-centraalmuseum-theme](https://github.com/intk/volto-centraalmuseum-theme) - Volto project for the [Centraal Museum & Rietveld](https://www.centraalmuseum.nl/nl) made for [INTK](https://www.intk.com/en).
+- [volto-eea-design-system](https://github.com/eea/volto-eea-design-system) - EEA Design System Plone 6 Kit Volto project for [European Environment Agency web sites](https://eea.github.io/volto-eea-design-system/)
+- [volto-eea-website-theme](https://github.com/eea/volto-eea-website-theme) - EEA Plone 6 Volto Theme for [European Environment Agency web sites](https://www.eea.europa.eu/en)
+- [volto-eea-kitkat](https://github.com/eea/volto-eea-kitkat) - A known good set of Volto add-ons to be used within all EEA projects and beyond, made for [European Environment Agency](https://www.eea.europa.eu/en)
+- [volto-rietveldschroderhuis-theme](https://github.com/intk/volto-rietveldschroderhuis-theme) - Volto project for the [Rietveld Schröder House](https://www.rietveldschroderhuis.nl/en) made for [INTK](https://www.intk.com/en).
+- [volto-zeeuwsmuseum-theme](https://github.com/intk/volto-zeeuwsmuseum-theme) - Volto project for the [Zeeuws Museum](https://www.zeeuwsmuseum.nl/en) made for [INTK](https://www.intk.com/en).