- Present: Dulip, Alec, Clinton, Alex, Sonya
- Regrets:
- Question Every Month
- What have you been working on lately?
- Clinton (Pitt)
- James and I had a conversation with Paul Needham (IRUS-UK / Cranfield University) regarding COUNTER R5 developments. Takeaways:
- COUNTER R5 is tied with the SUSHI revision which was birthed out of SUSHI-Lite
- SUSHI-Lite has fallen out of focus in favor of COUNTER SUSHI R5
- The IRUS Tracker protocol provides an alternate method of distributing raw usage logging
- There is possible collaboration with IRUS-UK in standard libraries for usage processing and usage visualization
- James and I had a conversation with Paul Needham (IRUS-UK / Cranfield University) regarding COUNTER R5 developments. Takeaways:
- Dulip
- OMP section metadata support for Backend, Antti-Jussi is interested in folllowing on for OMP-Frontend
- Orcid Workshop plan for conference
- Alex
- SciELO OJS 3 update schedule for tomorrow. Will run until next Friday (300+GB worth of data to be treated and migrated). After running a couple of tests we decided to go first to 3.0, an intermediate version and then finally the latest version.
- PT_BR translations coming along (lots of work remaining).
- Alec
- PKP PLN plugin for OJS 3.x
- A clear timeline will be presented next month
- Supporting Antti-Jussi on PPS
- PKP PLN plugin for OJS 3.x
- Sonya
- Still upgrading 2-3 (about 10 titles left)
- SO many new journals coming on board
- digitizing back issues, and uploading large batches into OJS (super simple script we're using to convert from xml metadata spreadsheet to native ojs XML here: https://github.com/ualbertalib/ojsxml)
- Clinton (Pitt)
- What have you been working on lately?
- Question of the Month
- What do we mean by "Emphasizing the open and independent character of PKP software"?
- What are the characteristics of free/libre or open which we're identifying here?
- Alex
- Information as a "public good".
- Free as in "liberty", not "price". No barriers or walls, open to all regardless of whom and where. Allowing the software to be copied, modified, distributed, even sold. Bearing in mind crediting where credits are due.
- Dulip
- free and open software backed by a strategic team to devliver high quality software working with the acadmic community.
- Alec
- If it's not installable, it's not FOSS.
- Clinton
- Transparency, Collaboration, Redistribution/Reuse
- Sonya
- Importance of community and sustainability (also needs users!)
- Alex
- What are the characteristics of free/libre or open which we're identifying here?
- What do we mean by "Emphasizing the open and independent character of PKP software"?
- Working on defining next milestones:
- OJS/OMP 3.2: Shifting back to Q4. Focus: metadata versioning and publication workflow changes.
- OJS/OMP 3.2.1 or 3.2.1-1: To follow
- OJS/OMP 3.3: Likely to focus on flexible (task-based) workflow and messaging overhaul.
- Awaiting assessment of XLIFF proof-of-concept
- Developer documentation hub launched
- Israel Cefrin continuing to review work from last sprint
- Nate working on publication workflow changes
18 July 2019: 8am Pacific