- OJS 2.4.8:
- Schedule it to the end of January
- don't wait for translations and don't bother the translators much about this release, Marco will send an e-mail however
- OMP 1.2:
- Issues list still non-trivial, but lots of activity
- Working on help (see below)
- Working on results from UI/UX testing (see below)
- Still targeting Q1
- Need to plan concretely for translations.
- OJS 3.0:
- Per OMP 1.2
- Bozana working on CrossRef/DOI
- Michael added custom block manager plugin, static pages plugin to OHS
- 60 users now
- 19 publications now in system
- working well
- SFU will be adding our own hosted journals over the next few weeks to further populate the index
- we'll start sending out blog posts/tweets on specific milestones (10,000 records, 50,000 records, etc.)
- Kevin, James, Brian met to discuss current state of the proposal.
- have decided to break down and rebuild the propsal in a new draft, will report back soon.
- Work in progress: pkp/pkp-lib#1032
- Gitbook backed
- Context provided in code e.g.: $this->setHelpFilePage($templateMgr, 'chapter_1_introduction.md#secondBit');
- Is this the best way to do it? Requirements:
- Easily translated (via Gitbook)
- Machine checkable (for missing mappings, etc)
- Anchors could be a problem, maybe to split the pages, Marco will take a look
- Is this the best way to do it? Requirements:
- OMP 1.2 probably not in the cards for built-in manual, but OJS 3.0?
- Content:
- All context sensitive help content from OJS 2.4.x is in Gitbook,
- Hack some content during the sprint, that is planed to be in Montreal in spring + find ways to participate in the event remotely
- Translation updates:
- Lost translator from OpenEdition for fr_FR :-( Is there anybody else, that could overtake it? Maybe Erudit, that was maintaining fr_CA? Marco will ask.
- Gitbooks, translation, and connecting applications with gitbooks
- working on translation documentation, also sending information to translators' mailing list
- OMP 1.2 translation planning: let's do it!
- Keep it small, only 4 languages: es, en, de, fr
- Find translators
- Translation start will be defined in the next TCM
- Take care of the OJS keys, that are in the PKP library and don't work well with OMP
- Outcomes from December usability testing
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RkZ0avL3UIUU-hUScbM77lLCsGtk-T2_dL-FEx_vKcM/edit#gid=0
- Another round soon - going further into workflow (maybe review, revisions, assigning a copyeditor)
- Looking for people that didn't work with OJS but who have edited a journal
16 Februar 2106, 9am Vancouver time