diff --git a/PicSorter/BuildTimeTemplate.vb b/PicSorter/BuildTimeTemplate.vb
index 1cd9153..bfb47dc 100644
--- a/PicSorter/BuildTimeTemplate.vb
+++ b/PicSorter/BuildTimeTemplate.vb
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

Public Module BuldTimeConstant
- Public Const BUILD_TIMESTAMP As String = "2024.05.13 18:22"
+ Public Const BUILD_TIMESTAMP As String = "2024.05.14 10:23"
End Module
diff --git a/PicSorter/WindowsWithPages/Browse/ProcessBrowse.xaml b/PicSorter/WindowsWithPages/Browse/ProcessBrowse.xaml
index 89658a9..655e30a 100644
--- a/PicSorter/WindowsWithPages/Browse/ProcessBrowse.xaml
+++ b/PicSorter/WindowsWithPages/Browse/ProcessBrowse.xaml
@@ -64,8 +64,9 @@
diff --git a/PicSorter/WindowsWithPages/Browse/ProcessBrowse.xaml.vb b/PicSorter/WindowsWithPages/Browse/ProcessBrowse.xaml.vb
index c943791..43babfc 100644
--- a/PicSorter/WindowsWithPages/Browse/ProcessBrowse.xaml.vb
+++ b/PicSorter/WindowsWithPages/Browse/ProcessBrowse.xaml.vb
@@ -2270,7 +2270,7 @@ Public Class ProcessBrowse
Dim bWas As Boolean = False
For Each thumb As ThumbPicek In _thumbsy
thumb.opacity = _OpacityWygas
- If thumb.oPic.IsCloudPublishMentioned("L:" & oLogin.login.ToString) Then
+ If thumb.oPic.PeerIsForLogin(oLogin) Then
thumb.opacity = 1
bWas = True
End If
@@ -2301,16 +2301,16 @@ Public Class ProcessBrowse
End Function
Public Function WypelnMenuFilterSharingLogins() As Integer
- uiFilterLogins.Items.Clear()
+ 'uiFilterLogins.Items.Clear()
Dim iCnt As Integer = 0
For Each oLogin As Vblib.ShareLogin In Application.GetShareLogins
- Dim oNew As New MenuItem With {.Header = oLogin.displayName, .DataContext = oLogin}
- AddHandler oNew.Click, AddressOf FilterSharingLogin
- uiFilterLogins.Items.Add(oNew)
+ 'Dim oNew As New MenuItem With {.Header = oLogin.displayName, .DataContext = oLogin}
+ 'AddHandler oNew.Click, AddressOf FilterSharingLogin
+ 'uiFilterLogins.Items.Add(oNew)
iCnt += 1
Dim oNewMarked As New MenuItem With {.Header = oLogin.displayName, .DataContext = oLogin}
@@ -2320,7 +2320,7 @@ Public Class ProcessBrowse
- uiFilterLogins.IsEnabled = (iCnt > 0)
+ 'uiFilterLogins.IsEnabled = (iCnt > 0)
uiFilterLoginsMarked.IsEnabled = (iCnt > 0)
Return iCnt
diff --git a/PicSorter/WindowsWithPages/Setting/SettingsSources.xaml b/PicSorter/WindowsWithPages/Setting/SettingsSources.xaml
index 58be5f8..9900bbe 100644
--- a/PicSorter/WindowsWithPages/Setting/SettingsSources.xaml
+++ b/PicSorter/WindowsWithPages/Setting/SettingsSources.xaml
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
diff --git a/PicSorter/userControls/OnePicContextMenu/PicMenuShareUpload.vb b/PicSorter/userControls/OnePicContextMenu/PicMenuShareUpload.vb
index 7c41238..d23d6d9 100644
--- a/PicSorter/userControls/OnePicContextMenu/PicMenuShareUpload.vb
+++ b/PicSorter/userControls/OnePicContextMenu/PicMenuShareUpload.vb
@@ -2,10 +2,16 @@
Imports Vblib
+Imports pkar.DotNetExtensions
Public NotInheritable Class PicMenuShareUpload
Inherits PicMenuBase
+ Private _menuAllow As MenuItem
+ Private _menuDeny As MenuItem
Public Overrides Sub OnApplyTemplate()
' wywoływame było dwa razy! I głupi błąd
'System.Windows.Data Error: 4 : Cannot find source for binding with reference 'RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType='System.Windows.Controls.ItemsControl', AncestorLevel='1''. BindingExpression:Path=HorizontalContentAlignment; DataItem=null; target element is 'MenuItem' (Name=''); target property is 'HorizontalContentAlignment' (type 'HorizontalAlignment')
@@ -16,13 +22,15 @@ Public NotInheritable Class PicMenuShareUpload
If Not InitEnableDisable("Share peers", "Dzielenie się zdjęciami", True) Then Return
If Application.GetShareLogins.Count > 0 Then
- Dim oNew As New MenuItem With {.Header = "Mark for Login"}
- Me.Items.Add(oNew)
- WypelnMenuLogins(oNew, AddressOf ActionSharingLogin)
+ _menuAllow = New MenuItem With {.Header = "Force allow"}
+ AddHandler _menuAllow.SubmenuOpened, AddressOf OpeningForceAllowMenu
+ WypelnMenuLogins(_menuAllow, AddressOf ActionSharingLogin)
+ Me.Items.Add(_menuAllow)
- oNew = New MenuItem With {.Header = "UnMark for Login"}
- Me.Items.Add(oNew)
- WypelnMenuLogins(oNew, AddressOf ActionSharingLoginUnMark)
+ _menuDeny = New MenuItem With {.Header = "Force deny"}
+ AddHandler _menuDeny.SubmenuOpened, AddressOf OpeningForceDenyMenu
+ WypelnMenuLogins(_menuDeny, AddressOf ActionSharingLoginUnMark)
+ Me.Items.Add(_menuDeny)
End If
@@ -34,6 +42,139 @@ Public NotInheritable Class PicMenuShareUpload
_wasApplied = True
End Sub
+ Private Sub OpeningForceDenyMenu(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs)
+ For Each oMI As MenuItem In _menuDeny.Items
+ Dim oLogin As Vblib.ShareLogin = TryCast(oMI.DataContext, Vblib.ShareLogin)
+ If oLogin Is Nothing Then Continue For
+ Dim oPic As Vblib.OnePic = GetFromDataContext()
+ oMI.IsEnabled = True
+ ' 1) wymuszony DENY: można go wyłączyć
+ If oPic.PeerIsForcedDeny(oLogin) Then
+ oMI.IsChecked = True
+ Continue For
+ End If
+ ' 2) wymuszony ALLOW: można zablokować (jest ważniejszy niż ALLOW)
+ If oPic.PeerIsForceAllowed(oLogin) Then
+ oMI.IsChecked = False
+ Continue For
+ End If
+ ' 3) podpada pod Login (bo Query): można zablokować
+ If oPic.PeerIsForLogin(oLogin) Then
+ oMI.IsChecked = False
+ Continue For
+ End If
+ ' 4) nie podpada pod Login, więc nie ma sensu blokować
+ oMI.IsChecked = False
+ oMI.IsEnabled = False
+ Next
+ End Sub
+ Private Sub OpeningForceAllowMenu(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs)
+ For Each oMI As MenuItem In _menuAllow.Items
+ Dim oLogin As Vblib.ShareLogin = TryCast(oMI.DataContext, Vblib.ShareLogin)
+ If oLogin Is Nothing Then Continue For
+ Dim oPic As Vblib.OnePic = GetFromDataContext()
+ oMI.IsEnabled = True
+ ' 1) wymuszony DENY: z Allow nic nie można zrobić
+ If oPic.PeerIsForcedDeny(oLogin) Then
+ oMI.IsChecked = False
+ oMI.IsEnabled = False
+ Continue For
+ End If
+ ' 2) wymuszony ALLOW: można wyłączyć
+ If oPic.PeerIsForceAllowed(oLogin) Then
+ oMI.IsChecked = True
+ Continue For
+ End If
+ ' 3) podpada pod Login (bo Query): nie ma sensu nic robić
+ If oPic.PeerIsForLogin(oLogin) Then
+ oMI.IsChecked = True
+ oMI.IsEnabled = False
+ Continue For
+ End If
+ ' 4) nie podpada pod Login, więc nie ma sensu blokować
+ oMI.IsChecked = False
+ Next
+ End Sub
+ Private Sub OpeningForceMenu(meni As MenuItem, inDenyMenu As Boolean)
+ If UseSelectedItems Then Return
+ For Each oMI As MenuItem In meni.Items
+ Dim oLogin As Vblib.ShareLogin = TryCast(oMI.DataContext, Vblib.ShareLogin)
+ If oLogin Is Nothing Then Continue For
+ Dim oPic As Vblib.OnePic = GetFromDataContext()
+ ' 1) wymuszony DENY, to nie można włączyć - można jedynie UNCHECK w MenuDeny
+ If oPic.PeerIsForcedDeny(oLogin) Then
+ If inDenyMenu Then
+ oMI.IsChecked = True
+ oMI.IsEnabled = True
+ Else
+ oMI.IsChecked = False
+ oMI.IsEnabled = False
+ End If
+ Continue For
+ End If
+ ' 2) wymuszony ALLOW
+ If oPic.PeerIsForceAllowed(oLogin) Then
+ If inDenyMenu Then
+ oMI.IsChecked = False
+ oMI.IsEnabled = True
+ Else
+ oMI.IsChecked = True
+ oMI.IsEnabled = True
+ End If
+ Continue For
+ End If
+ If oPic.PeerIsForLogin(oLogin) Then
+ If inDenyMenu Then
+ oMI.IsChecked = False
+ oMI.IsEnabled = True
+ Else
+ oMI.IsChecked = True
+ oMI.IsEnabled = True
+ End If
+ Continue For
+ End If
+ If inDenyMenu Then
+ oMI.IsChecked = False
+ oMI.IsEnabled = True
+ Else
+ oMI.IsChecked = False
+ oMI.IsEnabled = True
+ End If
+ Next
+ End Sub
#Region "submenu logins"
Private _ShareLogin As Vblib.ShareLogin
@@ -42,10 +183,11 @@ Public NotInheritable Class PicMenuShareUpload
For Each oLogin As Vblib.ShareLogin In Application.GetShareLogins
+ If oLogin.displayName.EqualsCI("FORPICSEARCH") Then Continue For
Dim oNew As New MenuItem
oNew.Header = oLogin.displayName
oNew.DataContext = oLogin
+ oNew.IsCheckable = True
AddHandler oNew.Click, oEventHandler
@@ -56,7 +198,7 @@ Public NotInheritable Class PicMenuShareUpload
Private Async Sub ActionSharingLogin(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs)
Dim oFE As FrameworkElement = sender
- _ShareLogin = oFE?.DataContext
+ _ShareLogin = TryCast(oFE?.DataContext, ShareLogin)
If _ShareLogin Is Nothing Then Return
Await OneOrManyAsync(AddressOf MarkOnePicForLogin)
@@ -65,7 +207,7 @@ Public NotInheritable Class PicMenuShareUpload
Private Async Sub ActionSharingLoginUnMark(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs)
Dim oFE As FrameworkElement = sender
- _ShareLogin = oFE?.DataContext
+ _ShareLogin = TryCast(oFE?.DataContext, ShareLogin)
If _ShareLogin Is Nothing Then Return
Await OneOrManyAsync(AddressOf UnMarkOnePicForLogin)
@@ -73,11 +215,13 @@ Public NotInheritable Class PicMenuShareUpload
End Sub
Private Async Function MarkOnePicForLogin(oPic As OnePic) As Task
- oPic.AllowPeer(_ShareLogin)
+ ' *TODO* dla tego loginu, w zależności od aktualnego stanu, dopuść sharing
+ oPic.PeerForceAllow(_ShareLogin)
End Function
Private Async Function UnMarkOnePicForLogin(oPic As OnePic) As Task
- oPic.DenyPeer(_ShareLogin)
+ ' *TODO* dla tego loginu, w zależności od aktualnego stanu, zablokuj sharing
+ oPic.PeerForceDeny(_ShareLogin)
End Function
#End Region
diff --git a/VbLib/Structy/OnePic.lib.vb b/VbLib/Structy/OnePic.lib.vb
index ad862ea..3d9aa1c 100644
--- a/VbLib/Structy/OnePic.lib.vb
+++ b/VbLib/Structy/OnePic.lib.vb
@@ -1275,23 +1275,33 @@ Public Class OnePic
End If
End Function
- Public Function IsPeerAllowed(peer As SharePeer) As Boolean
+ Public Function PeerIsForceAllowed(peer As SharePeer) As Boolean
If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(allowedPeers) Then Return False
Return allowedPeers.Contains(peer.GetIdForSharing)
End Function
- Public Sub AllowPeer(peer As SharePeer)
+ Public Sub PeerForceAllow(peer As ShareLogin)
' juz jest, nie dodajemy drugi raz
- If IsPeerAllowed(peer) Then Return
+ If PeerIsForLogin(peer) Then Return
+ If PeerIsForcedDeny(peer) Then
+ peer.exclusions = peer.exclusions.Replace(GetFormattedSerNo(), "")
+ Return
+ End If
allowedPeers &= peer.GetIdForSharing
End Sub
- Public Sub DenyPeer(peer As SharePeer)
- If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(allowedPeers) Then Return
- If Not IsPeerAllowed(peer) Then Return
- allowedPeers = allowedPeers.Replace(peer.GetIdForSharing, "")
+ Public Sub PeerForceDeny(peer As ShareLogin)
+ If PeerIsForcedDeny(peer) Then Return
+ If PeerIsForceAllowed(peer) Then
+ allowedPeers = allowedPeers.Replace(peer.GetIdForSharing, "")
+ Return
+ End If
+ peer.exclusions = peer.exclusions & GetFormattedSerNo() & ";"
End Sub
@@ -1329,6 +1339,32 @@ Public Class OnePic
Return temp
End Function
+ Public Function PeerIsForcedDeny(oLogin As ShareLogin) As Boolean
+ If oLogin?.exclusions Is Nothing Then Return False
+ Return oLogin.exclusions.Contains(GetFormattedSerNo() & ";")
+ End Function
+ Public Function PeerIsForLogin(oLogin As ShareLogin) As Boolean
+ If PeerIsForcedDeny(oLogin) Then Return False
+ If PeerIsForceAllowed(oLogin) Then Return True
+ If oLogin.channels Is Nothing Then Return False
+ For Each oChannel As Vblib.ShareChannelProcess In oLogin.channels
+ If oChannel?.channel?.queries Is Nothing Then Continue For
+ For Each oQuery As ShareQueryProcess In oChannel.channel.queries
+ If CheckIfMatchesQuery(oQuery.query) Then Return True
+ Next
+ Next
+ Return False
+ End Function
#End Region
diff --git a/VbLib/Structy/Share.lib.vb b/VbLib/Structy/Share.lib.vb
index 311b845..ca257f2 100644
--- a/VbLib/Structy/Share.lib.vb
+++ b/VbLib/Structy/Share.lib.vb
@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@ Public Class ShareLogin
'Public Property channelNames As String ' na dysku sÄ… tylko nazwy
- ''' lista PicGuid wyłączanych (mimo że pasują do powyższych filtrów)
+ ''' lista serno wyłączanych (mimo że pasują do powyższych filtrów)
- Public Property exclusions As List(Of String)
+ Public Property exclusions As String
Public Property processing As String ' składane do query.processing i channel.processing
diff --git a/lib_n6_httpSrv/httpServer.vb b/lib_n6_httpSrv/httpServer.vb
index 692e182..d9b0a3d 100644
--- a/lib_n6_httpSrv/httpServer.vb
+++ b/lib_n6_httpSrv/httpServer.vb
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ Public Class ServerWrapper
Private Function SendMarkedPicsListFromBuff(oLogin As ShareLogin) As String
Dim sRet As String = ""
- For Each oPic As Vblib.OnePic In _buffer.GetList.Where(Function(x) Not x.sharingLockSharing AndAlso x.IsPeerAllowed(oLogin))
+ For Each oPic As Vblib.OnePic In _buffer.GetList.Where(Function(x) Not x.sharingLockSharing AndAlso x.PeerIsForLogin(oLogin))
If sRet <> "" Then sRet &= ","
' usuwamy informacje które tam sie nie powinny znaleŸæ
sRet &= oPic.StrippedForSharing.DumpAsJSON