PEPE: 18 Title: Account names Author: Sérgio Flores <[email protected]> Type: Standard Status: Active Created: 2018-11-2
This PEPE specifies the off-chain content storage system in Phantasma blockchain.
A distributed way to store files and other content is often desired, but storing it on a chain is cumbersome, due to the immutability of the blockchain. Phantasma provides a mechanism to store content off-chain, but simultaneous linking the content to the blockchain, allowing for example smart contracts to access the data.
Content storage in Phantasma is defined by two parts, uploading and accessing. Note that this PEPE describe the most low level storage part of content, which consists of storing data blocks. For higher level file system specification, check PEPE-50.
Content storage uses a separate side-chain denominated "storage".
A user that wants to store content in Phantasma needs to follow the following steps:
- Negotiate price per data block and duration offchain using the Phantasma Relay (read PEPE-19).
- Stake tokens in Storage chain along with message to block producers using a Shared Secret(read PEPE-35).
- Establish link to target and upload file data block.
- Target sends transaction with file hash.
Target will need to stake energy every day to show activity and stake his reputation. After some time block producers will challenge him with a random offset + size if he fails he loses his stake and the contract is canceled. If the challenge is correctly answered then the contract is renewed. The uploader has then a deadline to upload the next challenge together with renew fee.
The .NET module "Phantasma.Blockchain" includes the EnergyContract class that implements the ABI described by this PEPE. The Phantasma App implements a frontend for the voting system described in this PEPE.
TODO more info