We can use the indexes we created in the last chapter to further improve the talk-list.
If the chapters about views seem complex, the now shown custom search addon might be a great alternative until you feel comfortable writing views and templates. There are several tools that allow you to add amazing custom searches and content-listings through the web in Plone.
Install eea.facetednavigation
Enable faceted navigation on a new folder "Discover talks" by clicking on actions > Enable faceted navigation
Click on the tab Faceted criteria to configure it
- Select 'Talk' for Portal type, hide Results per page
- Add a checkboxes-widget to left and use the catalog index Audience for it.
- Add a select-widget for speaker
- Add a radio-widget for type_of_talk
- Other noteable widgets are: tagcloud, a-z, search
- http://www.dipf.de/en/research/projects
- https://mountaineers.org/learn/find-courses-clinics-seminars
- http://www.dynajet.de/en/hochdruckreiniger
.. seealso:: We use the new catalog indexes to provide the data for the widgets and search the results. For other use-cases we could also use either the built-in vocabularies (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/plone.app.vocabularies) or create custom vocabularies for this. * Custom vocabularies ttw using `Products.ATVocabularyManager <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Products.ATVocabularyManager>`_ * Programming using Vocabularies: http://docs.plone.org/external/plone.app.dexterity/docs/advanced/vocabularies.html