.. sectionauthor:: Philip Bauer <[email protected]>
The most important parts of Plone can be configured in the control-panel.
- Click on your username
- Click "Site Setup"
We'll explain every page and mention some of the stuff you can do here.
- Add-ons (later...)
- Calendar
- Configuration Registry
- Content Rules (we know this already)
- Discussion
- Editing
- Errors
- HTML Filtering
- Image Handling
- Language
- Maintenance
- Markup
- Navigation
- Search
- Security
- Site
- Syndication
- Themes
- TinyMCE Visual Editor
- Types
- Users and Groups
- Zope Management Interface (here be dragons)
Below the links you may find information on your Plone-, Zope- and Python-Versions and an indicator as to whether you're running in production or development mode.
- UI fit for smart content-editors
- various types
- portlet-configuration is inherited
- managing
- ordering/weighting
- The future: will maybe be replaced by tiles
- go to http://localhost:8080/Plone/@@manage-portlets
- Add a static portlet "Sponsors" on the right side.
- Remove the news-portlet and add a new one on the left side.
- Go to the training-folder: http://localhost:8080/Plone/the-event/training and click
Manage portlets
- Add a static portlet. "Featured training: Become a Plone-Rockstar at Mastering Plone!"
- viewlet have no UI
- not aimed at content-editors
- not locally addable, no configurable inheritance.
- usually global (depends on code)
- will be replaced by tiles?
- the code is much simpler (we'll create one tomorrow)
- live in viewlet-managers, can be nested (by adding a viewlet that contains a viewlet-manager)
- ttw-reordering only within the same viewlet-manager
- the code decides when it's where and what it shows
Portlets save Data, Viewlets usually don't. Viewlets are often used for UI-Elements.
- Go to http://localhost:8080/Plone/@@manage-viewlets
- Hide collophon
Go to http://localhost:8080/Plone/manage
Zope is the foundation of Plone. Here you can access the inner working of Zope and Plone alike.
Here you can easily break your site so you should know what you are doing.
.. only:: not presentation We only cover three parts of customisation in the ZMI now. Later on when we added our own code we'll come back to the ZMI and will look for it. At some point you'll have to learn what all that stuff is about. But not today.
- Actions are mostly links. But really flexible links.
- Actions are configurable ttw and through code.
- These actions are usually iterated over in viewlets and displayed.
- Links in the Footer (site_actions)
- Actions-Dropdown (folder_buttons)
Actions have properties like:
- description
- url
- i18n-domain
- condition
- permissions
These are the links at the bottom of the page:
- Site Map
- Accessibility
- Contact
- Site Setup
We want a new link to legal information, called "Imprint".
- Go to
(we know that because we checked in@@manage-viewlets
) - Add a CMF Actions
- Set URL to
- Leave condition empty
- Set permission to
- Save
.. only:: not presentation explain
- Check if the link is on the page
- Create new Document Imprint and publish
.. seealso:: http://docs.plone.org/develop/plone/functionality/actions.html
- The horizontal navigation is called
- go to
Link - Edit
Where is the navigation?
The navigation shows content-objects, which are in Plone's root. Plus all actions in portal_tabs
Explain & edit index_html
Configuring the navigation itself is done elsewhere: http://localhost:8080/Plone/@@navigation-controlpanel
If time explain:
- user > undo (cool!)
- user > login/logout
In portal_skins we can change certain images, css-files and templates.
- portal_skins is deprecated technology
- We only do some minimal changes here.
.. only:: not presentation Plone 5 will get rid of a lot of functionality that still lives in portal_skins. We used to do this part of the training with `plone.app.themeeditor <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/plone.app.themeeditor>`_ which has a much nicer UI than the ZMI but also has dependencies that are incompatible with ZopeSkel and is not widely used.
- Go to ZMI
- go to portal_skins
- go to plone_styles
- go to
- click
Enter the following css:
#visual-portal-wrapper {
margin: 0 auto;
position: relative;
width: 1024px;
.. only:: presentation * Save and check the results
.. only:: not presentation Click 'save' and check results in the a different browser-tab. How did that happen? The UI leaves a lot to be desired. In a professional context this is no-go (no version-control, no syntax-highlighting etc. pp.). But everybody uses portal_skins it to make quick fixes to sites that are already online. Let's add some more css to make our site a little responsive:
.. only:: presentation * Add some more css
@media only screen and (max-width: 980px) {
#visual-portal-wrapper {
position: relative;
width: auto;
@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
#portal-columns > div {
width: 97.75%;
margin-left: -98.875%;
clear: both;
.searchSection {
display: none;
Let's change the Logo.
- Download a ploneconf logo: http://www.starzel.de/plone-tutorial/ploneconf-logo-2014/image
- Go to
- Click on
, clickCustomize
and Upload the Logo.
.. seealso:: http://docs.plone.org/adapt-and-extend/change-the-logo.html
Go to
, click and customizereplace the content with the following
<div i18n:domain="plone" id="portal-footer"> <p>© 2014 by me! | <a href="mailto:[email protected]"> Contact us </a> </p> </div>
.. seealso:: http://docs.plone.org/adapt-and-extend/theming/templates_css/skin_layers.html
- go to ZMI >
- at the bottom there is
- Disable
Development mode
: The css-files are merged and have a cache-key.
The JavaScripts Registry (portal_javascripts) is very similar.
The merging function solves a big problem: we'd like to develop our CSS and JS resources in a granular way, but we'd also like to minimize HTTP requests.
At the end of a development process, a little rearranging to minimize requests can have a very nice effect. It's often possible to reduce requests to a very small number for anonymous visitors.
There are many more noteable items in the ZMI. We'll visit some of them later.
- acl_users
- error_log
- portal_properties
- portal_setup
- portal_workflow
- portal_catalog
You can configure and customize a lot in Plone through the web. The most important options are accessible in the plone control panel but even more are hidden away in the ZMI. The amount of stuff is overwhelming but you'll get the hang of it through a lot of practice.