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Implementation status of config items

This document shows whether config items have been implemented in JMCCUL.

There are four Universal Library functions to read/write configuration items:


Initialism Meaning
GI Global info
BI Board info
DI Digital info
XI Expansion info
CI Counter info
AD, ADC Analog to digital (converter)
DA, DAC Digital to analog (converter)
AI Analog input
DO Digital output
DI Digital input

What the columns mean in the tables below:

  • Item - the thing in cbw.h and
  • Expanded name - the name of the item with spaces added to make it easier to read. Examples of why this is helpful:
  • Type - the data type you get from the DLL.
    • The DLL only returns an integer or a string. If JMCCUL maps the result to a different type, that type is included in parentheses.
  • Description - pasted from MCC online docs.
  • Read - the JMCCUL method to read the config item, or "not readable".
  • Write - the JMCCUL method to write the config item, or "not writeable".

Global Info

Item Expanded Type Description Read Write
GIVERSION GI VERSION int cb.cfg file format, used by Universal Library to determine compatibility. Configuration#getConfigFileVersion() Not writable
GINUMBOARDS GI NUM BOARDS int Maximum number of boards that can be installed. Configuration#getMaxBoardCount() Not writable
GINUMEXPBOARDS GI NUM EXP BOARDS int Maximum number of expansion boards that can be installed. ExpansionConfig#getMaxExpansionBoardCount() Not writable

Board info

Item Expanded Type Description Read Write
BIADAIMODE BI AD AI MODE int Analog input mode. AnalogInputWrapper#getModeForBoard() AnalogInputWrapper#setModeForBoard()
BIADCHANAIMODE BI AD CHAN AI MODE int Analog input mode by channel. AnalogInputWrapper#getModeForChannel() AnalogInputWrapper#setModeForChannel()
BIADCHANTYPE BI AD CHAN TYPE int Analog input channel type. AnalogInputWrapper#getChannelType() AnalogInputWrapper#setChannelType()
BIADCSETTLETIME BI ADC SETTLE TIME int ADC settling time. AnalogInputWrapper#getSettlingTime() AnalogInputWrapper#setSettlingTime()
BIADDATARATE BI AD DATA RATE int A/D data rate. AnalogInputWrapper#getDataRate() AnalogInputWrapper#setDataRate()
BIADRES BI AD RES int A/D resolution. AnalogInputWrapper#getResolution() Not writable
BIADTIMINGMODE BI AD TIMING MODE int Timing mode. AnalogInputWrapper#getTimingMode() AnalogInputWrapper#setTimingMode()
BIADTRIGCOUNT BI AD TRIG COUNT int Number of analog input samples to acquire per trigger. AnalogInputWrapper#getTriggerCount() AnalogInputWrapper#setTriggerCount()
BIADTRIGSRC BI AD TRIG SRC int A/D trigger source. AnalogInputWrapper#getTriggerSourceChannel() AnalogInputWrapper#setTriggerSourceChannel()
BIADXFERMODE BI AD XFER MODE int Data transfer mode. AnalogInputWrapper#getDataTransferMode() AnalogInputWrapper#setDataTransferMode()
BIBASEADR BI BASE ADR int Base address of the device. DaqDevice#getBaseAddress() DaqDevice#()setBaseAddress
BIBOARDTYPE BI BOARD TYPE int Unique number from 0 to 0x8000 which describes the type of board installed. DaqDevice#getBoardType() Not writeable
BICALOUTPUT BI CAL OUTPUT int Cal pin voltage on supported USB devices. Not readable DaqDevice#setCalPinVoltage()
BICALTABLETYPE BI CAL TABLE TYPE int The coefficients table used for calibration. DaqDevice#getCalibrationTableType() DaqDevice#setCalibrationTableType()
BICHANRTDTYPE BI CHAN RTD TYPE int RTD (resistance temperature detector) sensor type. TemperatureWrapper#getRtdSensorType() TemperatureWrapper#setRtdSensorType()
BICHANTCTYPE BI CHAN TC TYPE int Thermocouple sensor type. TemperatureWrapper#getThermocoupleType() TemperatureWrapper#setThermocoupleType()
BICINUMDEVS BI CI NUM DEVS int Number of counter devices. CounterWrapper#getChannelCount() Not writable
BICLOCK BI CLOCK int Clock frequency in megahertz. DaqDevice#getClockFrequencyMegahertz() DaqDevice#setClockFrequencyMegahertz()
BICTRTRIGCOUNT BI CTR TRIG COUNT int Number of counter samples to acquire per trigger. CounterWrapper#getCounterTriggerCount() CounterWrapper#setCounterTriggerCount()
BIDACFORCESENSE BI DAC FORCE SENSE int Remote sensing state of an analog output channel. AnalogOutputWrapper#getForceSense() AnalogOutputWrapper#setForceSense()
BIDACRANGE BI DAC RANGE int Analog output voltage range. AnalogOutputWrapper#getRange() AnalogOutputWrapper#setRange()
BIDACRES BI DAC RES int D/A resolution. AnalogOutputWrapper#getResolution() Not writable
BIDACSTARTUP BI DAC STARTUP int Configuration register STARTUP bit setting. AnalogOutputWrapper#isSaveDacValues() AnalogOutputWrapper#setSaveDacvalues()
BIDACTRIGCOUNT BI DAC TRIG COUNT int Number of analog output samples to acquire per trigger. AnalogOutputWrapper#getTriggerCount() AnalogOutputWrapper#setTriggerCount()
BIDACUPDATECMD BI DAC UPDATE CMD int (void) Updates all analog output channels. Not readable AnalogOutputWrapper#update()
BIDACUPDATEMODE BI DAC UPDATE MODE int Update mode for a digital-to-analog converter. AnalogOutputWrapper#getUpdateMode() AnalogOutputWrapper#getUpdateMode()
BIDETECTOPENTC BI DETECT OPEN TC int (Boolean) Open thermocouple detection setting. TemperatureWrapper#getOpenThermocoupleDetection() TemperatureWrapper#setOpenThermocoupleDetection()
BIDEVMACADDR BI DEV MAC ADDR string MAC address of an Ethernet device. NetworkConfig#getMacAddress() Not writable
BIDEVSERIALNUM BI DEV SERIAL NUM string Factory serial number of a USB or Bluetooth device. DaqDevice#getDactorySerialNumber() Not writable
BIDEVUNIQUEID BI DEV UNIQUE ID string Unique identifier of a discoverable device, such as the serial number of a USB device or MAC address of an Ethernet device. DaqDevice#getUniqueID() Not writable
BIDEVVERSION BI DEV VERSION string Firmware version and FPGA version installed on a device. DaqDevice#getVersion() Not writable
BIDIDEBOUNCESTATE BI DI DEBOUNCE STATE int State of the digital inputs when debounce timing is set. Not readable DigitalInpuWrapper#setDebounceState()
BIDIDEBOUNCETIME BI DI DEBOUNCE TIME int Debounce time of digital inputs. Not readable DigitalInputWrapper#setDebounceTime()
BIDINUMDEVS BI DI NUM DEVS int Number of digital devices. DigitalWrapper#getPortCount() Not writable
BIDISOFILTER BI DI ISO FILTER (??) int (Boolean) AC filter setting. DigitalInputWrapper#isAcFilterEnabled() DigitalInputWrapper#setAcFilterEnabled()
BIDITRIGCOUNT BI DI TRIG COUNT int Number of digital input samples to acquire per trigger. DigitalInputWrapper#getTriggerCount() DigitalInputWrapper#setTriggerCount()
BIDMACHAN BI DMA CHAN int DMA (direct memory access?) channel. DaqDevice#getDmaChannel() DaqDevice#setDmaChannel()
BIDOTRIGCOUNT BI DO TRIG COUNT int Number of digital output samples to generate per trigger. DigitalOutputWrapper#getTriggerCount() DigitalOutputWrapper#setTriggerCount()
BIDTBOARD BI DT BOARD int Board number of the connected Data Translation board. DaqDevice#getDataTranslationBoardNumber() Not writable
BIEXTCLKTYPE BI EXT CLK TYPE int (enum) External clock type. DaqDevice#getExternalClockType() DaqDevice#setExternalClockType()
BIEXTINPACEREDGE BI EXT IN PACER EDGE int Input scan clock edge. DaqDevice#getInputPacerClockEdge() DaqDevice#setInputPacerClockEdge()
BIEXTOUTPACEREDGE BI EXT OUT PACER EDGE int Output scan clock edge. DaqDevice#getOutputPacerClockEdge() DaqDevice#setOutputPacerClockEdge()
BIHIDELOGINDLG BI HIDE LOGIN DLG int Enables or disables the Device Login dialog. Not readable DaqDevice#setHideLoginDialog()
BIINPUTPACEROUT BI INPUT PACER OUT int Input pacer clock state. DaqDevice#getInputPacerClockEnable() DaqDevice#setInputPacerClockEnable()
BIINTEDGE BI INT EDGE int Interrupt edge. DaqDevice#getInterruptEdge() DaqDevice#setInterruptEdge()
BIINTLEVEL BI INT LEVEL int Interrupt level. DaqDevice#getInterruptLevel() DaqDevice#setInterruptLevel()
BINETCONNECTCODE BI NET CONNECT CODE int Code used to connect with a device over a network connection. NetworkConfig#getConnectionCode() NetworkConfig#setConnectionCode()
BINETIOTIMEOUT BI NET IO TIMEOUT int Amount of time to wait for a web device to acknowledge a command or query sent over a network connection. NetworkConfig#getNetworkIoTimeoutMillisec() NetworkConfig#setNetworkIoTimeoutMillisec()
BINUMADCHANS BI NUM AD CHANS int Number of A/D channels. AnalogInputWrapper#getChannelCount() AnalogInputWrapper#setAChannelCount() (wtf does this mean?)
BINUMDACHANS BI NUM DA CHANS int Number of D/A channels. AnalogOutputWrapper#getChannelCount() Not writable
BINUMIOPORTS BI NUM IO PORTS int Number of I/O ports used by the device. DaqDevice#getPortCount() Not writable
BINUMTEMPCHANS BI NUM TEMP CHANS int Number of temperature channels. TemperatureWrapper#getChannelCount() Not writable
BIOUTPUTPACEROUT BI OUTPUT PACER OUT int Enables or disables the output pacer clock signal. Not readable??? DaqDevice#setOutputPacerClockEnable()
BIPANID BI PAN ID int Personal Area Network (PAN) identifier for a USB device that supports wireless communication. DaqDevice#() WirelessConfig#()
BIPATTERNTRIGPORT BI PATTERN TRIG PORT int Pattern trigger port. DaqDevice#getPatternTriggerPort() DaqDevice#setPatternTriggerPort()
BIRANGE BI RANGE int Selected voltage range. yes - what about BIDACRANGE yes - what about BIDACRANGE
BIRFCHANNEL BI RF CHANNEL int RF channel number used to transmit/receive data by a USB device that supports wireless communication. WirelessConfig#getRfChannel() WirelessConfig#setRfChannel()
BIRSS BI RSS int Received signal strength in dBm of a remote device. WirelessConfig#getSignalStrength() yes???
BISERIALNUM BI SERIAL NUM int Custom serial number assigned by a user to a USB device. DaqDevice#getUserSpecifiedSerialNumber() DaqDevice#setUserSpecifiedSerialNumber()
BISYNCMODE BI SYNC MODE int Simultaneous mode setting. DaqDevice#getSyncMode() DaqDevice#setSyncMode()
BITEMPAVG BI TEMP AVG int Number of temperature samples per average. TemperatureWrapper#geScansToAverage() TemperatureWrapper#setScansToAverage()
BITEMPREJFREQ BI TEMP REJ FREQ int Temperature rejection frequency. TemperatureWrapper#getRejectionFrequency() TemperatureWrapper#setRejectionFrequency()
BITEMPSCALE BI TEMP SCALE int Temperature scale. TemperatureWrapper#getUnits() TemperatureWrapper#setUnits()
BITERMCOUNTSTATBIT BI TERM COUNT STAT BIT int Terminal count output status for a specified bit. DaqDevice#getTerminalCountOutputStatus() DaqDevice#setTerminalCountOutputStatus()
BIUSERDEVIDNUM BI USER DEV ID NUM int??? User-configured string that identifies a USB device. DaqDevice#getUserSpecifiedString() Not writable??
BIUSERDEVID BI USER DEV ID string User-configured string identifier from an Ethernet, Bluetooth, or USB device. DaqDevice#getUserSpecifiedID() DaqDevice#setUserSpecifiedID()
BIUSESEXPS BI USES EXPS int (Boolean) Expansion board support. ExpansionConfig#isExpansionBoardSupported() Not writable
BIWAITSTATE BI WAIT STATE int Wait State jumper setting. DaqDevice#getWaitStateJumper() DaqDevice#setWaitStateJumper()

Digital info

Item Expanded Type Description Read Write
DIDEVTYPE DI DEV TYPE int Device type (AUXPORT, FIRSTPORTA, etc). DigitalPort#getPortType() Not writeable
DICONFIG DI CONFIG int Current configuration (INPUT or OUTPUT). DigitalPort#getDirection() Not writeable
DINUMBITS DI NUM BITS int Number of bits in the port. DigitalPort#getBitCount() Not writeable
DICURVAL DI CUR VAL int Current value of outputs. DigitalPort#getPresentValue() Not writeable
DIDISABLEDIRCHECK DI DISABLE DIR CHECK int Whether to check the direction setting when calling cbDOut(), cbDBitOut(), and cbDOutArray(). DigitalPort#getDirectionCheckEnabled() DigitalPort#setDirectionCheckEnabled()
DIINMASK DI IN MASK int Which bits are configured for input. DigitalPort#getInputMask() Not writeable
DIOUTMASK DI OUT MASK int Which bits are configured for output. DigitalPort#getOutputMask() Not writeable

Counter info

Item Expanded Type Description Read Write
CICTRNUM CI CTR NUM int Counter number. yes CounterConfig NO
CICTRTYPE CI CTR TYPE int Counter type. yes CounterConfig NO

Expansion info

Item Expanded Type Description Read Write
XIBOARDTYPE XI BOARD TYPE int Board type. yes ExpansionConfig Not writeable
XIMUXADCHAN1 XI MUX AD CHAN 1 int First A/D channel connected to the EXP board. yes ExpansionConfig yes ExpansionConfig
XIMUXADCHAN2 XI MUX AD CHAN 2 int Second A/D channel connected to the EXP board. yes yes
XIRANGE1 XI RANGE 1 int Range (gain) of the low 16 channels. yes yes
XIRANGE2 XI RANGE 2 int Range (gain) of the high 16 channels. yes yes
XICJCCHAN XO CJC CHAN int A/D channel connected to the CJC. yes yes
XITHERMTYPE XI THERM TYPE int Sensor type (thermocouple or RTD). yes yes
XINUMEXPCHANS XI NUM EXP CHANS int Number of channels on the expansion board. yes Not writeable
XIPARENTBOARD XI PARENT BOARD int Board number of the base A/D board. yes Not writeable