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File metadata and controls

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D3js Reusable Map

D3js Reusable Map is the beginings of an interactive map API based on the D3js library created by mbostock.

The demo lends heavily from the excellent d3js map tutorial with a focus on reusable pattern and help from bleeding edge. That and the many b.locks and d3js tutorials from mbostock that demonstrate d3js usage!

To view the result of this repo visit b.lock #6009045!

Data Preparation

The following outlines the method by which to prepare your own data in TopoJSON format for use by d3js.


Prerequisites are required to prepare custom TopoJSON datasets;

  • GDAL

    The Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) is used primarily for ogr2ogr data transformations.

  • TopoJSON

    mbostock has designed TopoJSON as an extension to GeoJSON where geometries are not encoded discretely - if geometries share features, they are combined (such as borders). Additionally TopoJSON encodes numeric values more efficiently and can incorporate a degree of simplification. This simplification can result in savings of file size of 80% or more depending on the area and use of compression.

Data Source


The Shapefiles from Natural Earth are converted to GeoJSON format and then TopoJSON.

  • Shp to GeoJSON using ogr2ogr

      ~# ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON -select oid_, iso_a2, iso_a3, admin, pop_est 
      	-o output.json input.shp
  • GeoJSON to TopoJSON using TopoJSON API

      ~# topojson -p OID_, ISO_A2, ISO_A3, ADMIN, POP_EST 
      	-o output.json -- admin0=input.json/input.shp
Notes on Processing


  • If the properties parameter (-p) is left blank then no attributes are included in the TopoJSON.

  • The attributes entered using the properties parameter (-p) are CASE SENSITIVE to those in the input file

  • To specify the object name within the generated TopoJSON file, prefix the input file with “name=”

      ~# topojson -p OID_, ISO_A2, ISO_A3, ADMIN, POP_EST 
      	-o output.json -- admin0=input.json/input.shp


  • TopoJSON includes a parameter for polygon simplification using the Visvalingam algorithm.

      ~# topojson -p OID_, ISO_A2, ISO_A3, ADMIN, POP_EST 
      	--simplify-proportion 0.8 -o output.json input.json/input.shp

D3js Twine API Usage

The D3js Twine API is designed on the principals of method chaning and d3.selections, following the reusable pattern with a minor modification in the binding of the div element to the DOM so that it is hidden to the user.

Adding a Map

To initialise a map call the function which accepts the div element by which to bind the SVG to the DOM.

  • Options: The div id in which to bind the SVG to the DOM.

      // Creating an instance, passing the div id
      var myMap ="#map");
  • Note: The function accepts a d3.selection in which to bind the SVG to the DOM, however this is handled within and hidden from the user.

      /*, line 36 */
      // Bind svg to DOM using d3 selection.

Update the Map

The .update() function is required to apply the changes to the SVG that are not boolean.

// Creating an instance, passing the div id
var myMap ="#map");
// Update changes
  • Note: The .update() function can only be called after the map is initialised.

      /* FAIL! */
      var myMap ="#map").height(400)
      /* PASS! */
      var myMap ="#map").height(400);

Accessing the API

The options are accessible using method chaining.

// Declare the map
var myMap ="#map")
// Update changes


Functions act as Get methods when no arguments are passed and Set methods when arguments are.

// Set tooltip
// Get tooltip
console.log(myMap.tooltip); //returns true

/* Meanwhile, in */
//Get/Set tooltip()
exports.tooltip = function(_) {
	if (!arguments.length) return tooltip;
	tooltip = _;
	return exports;


The region of the map can be specified using a string.

  • Options: Text string of any region in the list ("world", "africa", "americas", "asia", "europe", "north america", "oceana").

      // Zoom to Europe
  • Options: Or any ISO Alpha 2 code.

      // Zoom to Pakistan


The current implementation supports a specific data layer ("admin"), this will be expanded to accept various data sources with a generic API abstracted from the user.

There are many areas to improve the API, pull requests welcome!


To view the result of this repo visit b.lock #6009045!