- Adds splits in datasets to generate new datasets
- Adds evaluations for ensembles
- REST API methods for model ensembles
- New method returning the leaves of tree models
- Improved error handling in GET methods
- Adds combined confidence to combined predictions
- Fixes get_status for resources that have no status info
- Fixes bug: public datasets, that should be downloadable, weren't
- Fixes bug: no status info in public models, now shows FINISHED status code
- Adds more file-like objects (e.g. stdin) support in create_source input
- Refactoring Fields pair method and Model predict method to increase
- Adds some more locale aliases
- Adds evaluation api functions
- New prediction combination method: probability weighted
- Refactors MultiModels lists of predictions into MultiVote
- Multimodels partial predictions: new format
- Improved locale management
- Adds new features to MultiModel to allow local batch predictions
- Improved combined predictions
- Adds local predictions options: plurality, confidence weighted
- Warning message to inform of locale default if verbose mode
- Fix locale code for windows
- Fix remote predictions for input data containing fields not included in rules
- Tiny fixes
- Fix local predictions for input data containing fields not included in rules
- Overall clean up
- A few tiny fixes
- Multi models to generate predictions from multiple local models
- Adds hadoop-python code generation to create local predictions
- Fix Python generation
- Add a debug flag to log https requests and responses
- Type conversion in fields pairing
- Fix missing distribution field in new models
- Add new Field class to deal with BigML auto-generated ids
- Add by_name flag to predict methods to avoid reverse name lookups
- Add summarize method in models to generate class grouped printed output
- Development Mode
- Remote Sources
- Bigger files streamed with Poster
- Asynchronous Uploading
- Local Models
- Local Predictions
- Rule Generation
- Python Generation
- Overall clean up
- Initial release for the "andromeda" version of BigML.io.