Line plot can switch to time axis, if in range.
"Light" jar for running standalone tools.
Support to Redis streams.
- Align StripChart and Archiver Viewer styles.
PShell server binds to all network adapters.
Multiple bug fixes
Daqbuf client.
Archiver viewer (Daqbuf panel).
TIFF data provider.
Option to build with embedded JZY3D.
Update dependencies.
- Mutiple bugs in plots.
Device cache buffer.
UI Scaling.
XScan simulation & configuration edition.
Configuration of default decimals in oanels.
Case insensitive sort.
Configuration of continuous updates on XScan.
New Stream constructors.
XScan config saved within system config.
Update current pipeline background after capture.
Decimals in RegisterPanel when undefined in the device
Sessions editing.
Improve MatrixPlotRenderer to better mimic MatrixPlotJFree.
Integration with CamServer and StreamViewer widget.
Configuration of async updates for history plots alone.
Preliminary support to NX format.
BufferConverter and Type classes.
Array10 detector streeaming protocol.
EpicsCmdAPI bultin class to trigger remote commands through EPICS (CAS).
Lazy table creation option for scans.
Utilities to support parallel scans executing in turns and sharing the same plotting.
Update to Jython 2.7.3
Homogeneous string representation of arrays and scan records.
Changed ControlledVariable.setReadback to public.
Fix first initialization of DummyMotor.
VectorScan: Removed initial move and fixed relative positions.
Blocking abort of XScan.
Built-in XScan panels from FDA (XScan variables and code snippets share same global interpreter).
xscan function in scripting API
create_link function in scripting API
Automatically retrieve and save metadata for EPICS channel devices.
Configuration of visibility of scan panel, output panel, data browser and queue browser.
Option to open data files in Document Tab.
Dynamic change of LAF.
Built-in support to TIFF files.
Configuration of sub-folder and visible file types in data panel. Support opening generic file types.
Viridis colormap
data_utils_: simple direct creation of TIFF and HDF5 files.
Save preferences as JSON and not bin.
Change default home folder to ~/pshell/home (not current folder).
Update JHDF5 to 19.04.1: support to Apple M1 processor.
- Support to Nasshorn in Java>11
Configuration of file permissions (data, scripts, config and logs).
Terminal tab.
Packages (modules containing factorized scripts, devices and plugins).
MasterPositioner (interpolation of slave motors).
New scan arguments: monitors, diags, snaps and meta.
UUID to data file attributes.
ProviderHDF5 gives access to JHDF5 Writer object.
Support HDF5 soft links
Support stack of images on AreaDetector
Template for processor plugins.
Option -tbar to add toolbars to detached panels.
Ability to pause/resume scans and queues.
Pause/resume control commands.
Python proxy.
jeputils.import_py for transparently calling CPython functions.
Ability to use JEP as scripting engine (-type=cpy): can run directly CPython (and NumPy/SciPy).
Futures for writting/moving/stopping devices run on private threads.
QueueProcessor extends PanelProcessor so that it can be loaded as a plugin.
API improvements.
Web UI layout improvements: data file download, script edition and plots.
Use jep.SharedInterpreter (instead of jep.Jep) not to run CPython in sub-interpreter.
Workaround to .class files permissions bug (Jython 2.7.2).
Web UI plotting now is complete, based on offscreen rendering on server.
Session management.
SciCat integration.
expand_path (shortcut to get_context().setup.expandPath) function to scripting API.
Options to disable logs file in data output.
{dseq} tag: unique daily index of the run.
Notification task list.
Increased number of imported Java builtin classes.
Automatic size adjustment of Epics arrays (waveforms) according to NORD.
ImageSource.getTrigger to trigger monitor scans
Override value-less command line arguments - with -=false.
Data Setup dialog includes all configuration for data generation and transfer.
Split startup.py to overcome limitation of 10kb.
Channel objects are now Device and can be added to device pool.
JEP module reloading with Python3.
fill_null behaviour in streams.
Many small fixes.
IntelliJ project
before_region callback in RegionScan.
Preference to Disable offscreen buffers on plots - better drawing quality on Mac.
ScanResult and can be indexed by int (list of records) or device (list of device values for that scan).
ScanRecord can be indexed also by device.
size startup option to set the size of main dialog if GUI state is not persisted.
Script callback for data folder change: on_change_data_path
Options to save scan script and output.
Facade to ImageJ image measurements.
Rsync utilities.
Build option for HDF5 1.10.
Java 11 is required to run PShell (source and bin formats are set to Java 11).
Jython 2.7.2 - fixing http://bugs.jython.org/issue2403 and https://bugs.jython.org/issue2846.
Aliases are not needed for Python devices anymore (as getName can be nor overridden)
Alias handled by Nameable class.
Devices avoid creating references to themselves on alias map not to block GC.
ReadonlyRegisterArray has default getSize (returning size of cache).
ScanRecord.values is not valid any more: should be replaced by ScanRecord.readables or ScanRecord[device].
Fixed names of attribute files in LayoutFDA
Channel class closes channel on finalizer.
Reading array of Boolean type on HDF5 files.
HistogramGenerator device.
Command-line option to include items to class path, library path and script path.
Data.copy method.
'fda' file format.
Highlighting VB files.
Image threshold operation.
Saving metadata to TIF files.
Access to left tab pane.
ctrl+q accelerator to quit application.
'split keyword on scan commands to separate scan passes in multiple tables.
RPM generation.
Task queues.
PanelProcessor: Panel plugins that interact with buttons and menu for execution.
'debug'property to exec pars.
-blaf option as a shortcut for flat&dark laf.
Ability to hide Main Frame's components with the -hide option.
Methods for changing user/effective user.
Data file configuration dialog.
Menu to display script settings property file.
Command line argument '-vers' to force versioning in local mode.
Added keys(), values() and items() methods do Subsctiptable.Mapped interface (e.g: BS stream value).
Run Next command (Menu Shell->Run Next).
Configuration of plot fonts.
ScanEditor doesn't keep records in memory.
Block indentation with tab/shift+tab.
Block commenting with alt+/.
Allow operations between Data objects if underlying buffer length is different (width and height must match).
Gradle update.
Console only display server messages if configured.
Line plot pointer colors match axis color.
Set 'File New' as a menu.
Reorganize Python client package.
Button Restart disabled in offline mode.
Autoscale in step plots.
Logarithmic Axis.
AreaDetector simulated data type.
Text format supports flat folder layout reopening same log file.
Protected image division by zero.
Show alias in domain axis.
When pasting, text tabs are translated into spaces.
Bug generating series names when 2d data was drawn in line plots.
Plot bugs on mscan.
Console location menu in local mode.
Make Averager & ArrayRegisterStats implement ReadableType so no exception if preserving types.
Execution of processors in command line.
Parallel device initialization (-pini option).
Camera calibration dialog.
Configuration of default separator on CSV format.
MainFrame.searchIcon method.
FlatLaf look and feel.
Possibility to create streams using HeaderReservingMsgAllocator.
Streams save Pulse ID as long, not double.
Default colors on HistoryChart defined by JFreeChart.
PipelineServer listener to track config changes.
BSREAD 4.0.1, using JeroMQ 0.5.1-PSI: compatible again with HeaderReservingMsgAllocator.
Bug not applying default colors on StripChart.
Opening FDA files on Windows.
Bug forking empty Callable list (parallelize and fork built-ins).
'invoke' method to execute script functions on the event thread.
{seq} tag for a sequential identifier for naming data files.
Context.Debug option - displaying stack trace of exceptions in scripts
2d tweak command.
Configurable device wait interval.
monitorByPosition option to motor config.
EPICS Motor kickstart utility cycling modes to GO.
Ability to reload CPython modules with JEP.
Persistence of experiment state to diffutils (limits, restrictions, ub)
MotorGroup.isStartingSimultaneousMove for interlocks differ synchronised and sequential moves.
BSREAD version 0.4.0
ZMQ version 0.5.1
Removed reflection call from waitReady.
Compatibility with JDK > 10
Bug pushing null image.
Utilities script for generating reports from command statistics files (statsutils.py).
Data queries at DataAPI (access to DataBuffer).
Included secondary domain axis in plot API.
Preference to display jog and homing buttons.
Global map in Context to exchange data between plugins.
waitState added to Plugin interface.
Tweak buttons on MotorGroupPanel
TimePlot copies text in addition to images.
Ability to set data and script folders programmatically.
Motor.setCurrentPosition set the current motor position to a given value.
Option to restore default speed after Motor or MotorGroup move.
HKL moves on diffractometer can perform simultaneous motor move (proportional speed).
ColormapAdapter: convert RGB images into luminance arrays.
BSREAD default modulo set to 1.
Strip chart saves repeated points with different timestamps.
Adapted to Diffcalc release 2.1
Stream channel creation failures with addScalar.
Strip chart dragging issues.
Scienta zero supplies
Colormap scale panel on renderer
CSV file format.
Option -dplt for creating plots for detached windows.
vscan supports also generators to provide positioner positions.
Console location on left.
Included 'then' execution parameter: sets statement to be executed on the completion of current keeping application state Busy.
Option for setting HDF5 compression, shuffling nd layout, on data and scan builtin functions.
Logarithmic colormap for renderer and matrix plot.
Logarithmic scales on LinePlot and TimePlot.
Configuration of colormap scale through the popup menu for renderer and MatrixPlot.
Ability to set the plot layout for a particular scan with the 'plot_layout parameter.'
EpicsRegisterArray.setSizeToValidElements for setting array size to value given by .NORD field.
Configuration of Channel range and alarms in StripChart.
Ability to force rescan of FileSource (source.rescan()).
Command statistics.
Configuring CamServer entries in Scan Editor with same syntax as StripChart.
Selection of coordinate system in renderer status bar.
Command line option to start Data Panel only (-dtpn).
-attach option for StripChart: running multiple charts in single process.
Command line option to start in full screen mode (-full).
Callbacks to Panel load & unload events.
ChannelSelector control, searching matching channel names in DataAPI, EpicsBootInfo or Pipeline server.
Series visibility menu item on TimePlot.
Command-line option to set default plot background and grid color.
StripChart configuration of tick label font.
Ability to set handlers for command execution events (on_command_started/on_command_finished), so that script setup/cleanup can be factorized, and script flow can be simplified, avoiding try/finally blocks in order to restore defaults.
Setting data format and layout from command line (-dfmt, -dlay options).
"format" keyword can be used instead of "provider".
Undo can restore file state to unchanged (and remove '*' from file tab title).
Scans save by default original date types in HDF5 (behavior was converting to double by default).
StripChart type 'Device' can be set with InlineDevice configuration string.
Builtin 'run' function returns value set by 'set_return' (if called by the script).
bsget include module, offset and timeout as parameters.
Improved load time (removed inspect and ctypes from startup.py).
__name__ set to '__main__' instead of '__builtin__' (as Jython does under Java Scripting API).
StripChart plot panel made public - so can be added to plugins.
Configuration of sign bit for process variables.
DeviceConfig handles Jython classes and dictionary based config - so Config classes can be declared in scripts.
MjpegSource can be monitored.
Improvements to Plugin interface.
'keep' replaced 'accumulate' keyword.
Possibility to add/remove devices to the pool without initializing/closing them.
show_panel supports a Config parameter - opening a config window.
Errors plotting data from zigzag scans.
Bug compiling plugins in current folder.
TcpDevice.flush() flushes the socket in addition to clearing the buffer.
Improved flushing sub-sampled MJPEG streams.
Message of StripChart saved data file name.
TimePlotJFree considers size parameter in getSnapshot.
PShell Python client.
Correctly returning command IDs for async commands.
StripChart and history plots supporting boolean devices.
Only triggers monitor callbacks in PyEPICS wrapper if status is CAStatus.NORMAL.
Stdout messages when PyEPICS channel is disconnected.
Error messages persisting state of JTabbedPane
Initialize speed of simulated motors is set to default.
Device.setCache(child, value)
Scan editor dialog (graphical configuration of simple scans).
cawait can be called with range parameter instead of comparator.
Added support to BigInteger in data persistence.
Included 'tag' execution parameter to configure scan data root name.
Included Python client to REST API.
Configuration of colors and markers in StripChart.
Offscreen plotting, so that plot commands (and get_plot_snapshot) work in server mode.
Plot snapshots with arbitrary sizes.
Drag and drop files to Document tab.
ReadonlyProcessVariable (analog inputs with units and calibration).
RegisterStats to provide InlineDevice operations on waveforms (parameter 'op'). URL syntax is: channel?op=OP, where OP can be mean, min, max, stdev, variance, sum.
Averaging in InlineDevice parameters. Parameters 'samples' and 'interval' to setup averaging, and parameter 'op' to retrieve Averager child devices.
New data layout: LayoutSF (id "sf") (proposal for SwissFEL common format).
Script callbacks for start/end of scan passes: before_pass and after_pass.
Command line option '-extr to force extraction of startup.py and other scripting utilities.
ReadonlyProcessVariable class: an analog input with scale,offset and unit.
Included 'display' option to disable scan data displaying on plots, table and console.
Script settings: persisted inJjava property files, ACCERSSED with get_setting and set_setting.
EPICS channels are now by default timestamped and nullify invalid values. Default behavior for invalid values can be set with Epics.setDefaultInvalidValueAction.
StripChart persistence based on scan layouts.
Convert.flatten and Convert.reshape handling multi-dimensional array shape conversion (replacing Convert.toBidimensional, Convert.toUnidimensional).
Replaced Millisecond into FixedMillisecond in TimePlotJFree, which has better performance.
Token {count} can have customized format. E.g: {count}%02d.
Monitor scan supporting multiple triggers and undefined number of elements.
Device polling first call is immediate (timer delay=0) .
Move scan common optional arguments to **pars (so that signatures don't get too big): title, before_read, after_read, before_pass and after_pass.
Ability to abort background scans: both server evalAsync command and run with async flag return command id. It can be aborted with abort/id in the server.
Included local timestamp and device timestamps in scan record.
Included caget option to retrieve also channel metadata (severity, timestamp).
'check_positions=False' option is used in ContinuousScan to disable following errors. The dataset may have less point than what was specified.
Changed comment & indentation shortcuts not to collide with meta+shift+Q on Mac.
Changed "accumulate" and "persist" keywords into "keep" and "save" (keeping backward compatibility).
show_panel now works in console mode. Plugin.showPanel work in detached mode.
get_plot_snapshot manage names of plots with no title.
Many GUI fixes for Mac OS (accelerators, colors, sizes...).
Log cleanup bug fix (time to live in ms was truncated because was not a long).
Read calls in the cache change event callback return the cache, and do not trigger new read.
Workaround to bug in JFreeChart when appending very small values to matric plot.
Fixed return values of simultaneous commands and persistence of simultaneous scans.
Fixed execution context in sub-threads of background commands.
Fixed EPICS freezing when reading channel from a monitor callback (Updated to JCAE 2.9.6).
Improved robustness in HDF5 writing, converting types to match the dataset.
REST API and data server provide access to data also in json, binary or bs format.
Support to webcams: ch.psi.pshell.imaging.Webcam. Configured with camera id and resolution index. If empty takes the default. Existing camera ids can be read with:
Available camera resolutions can be listed with:
- Updated Jython to 2.7.1.
Inline Devices: channel names can be provided directly in the scan functions (and in create_averager command) - and therefore devices don't have to be explicitly created for scans to be performed. Scans can mix regular devices and channel names. A prefix indicates the protocol:
- "ca://" for EPICS channel
- "bs://" for beam synchronous stream.
See "Inline Devices" section in "Help Contents" - "Devices" for details and creation options.
av = create_averager("ca://CHANNEL_1", 3, interval = 0.1)
lscan("ca://CHANNEL_SETPOINT", ["ca://CHANNEL_READBACK_1", "ca://CHANNEL_READBACK_2"], 0.0, 10.0, 10, latency=0.1)
mscan("bs://CHANNEL_1", ["bs://CHANNEL_1", "bs://Float64Scalar?modulo=10", "bs://Float64Waveform?size=2048"], -1, 3.0)
Email/SMS notification on script execution failure.
Configuration: edit {config}/mail.properties and set "Notification Level" parameter in the global configuration dialog. Notifications can also be manually sent by scripts:
notify(subject, text, attachments = None, to=None)
- Register.setSettlingCondition: wait for an event after a writing operation to a register.
positioner.setSettlingCondition(ChannelSettlingCondition("MOVING_FLAG_CHANNEL_NAME", 0))
This waits MOVING_FLAG_CHANNEL_NAME channel get to 0 before exiting a register write operation.
Included ScanResult.getData, returning the scan data as a multi-dimensional array.
Exception dialog has "Details" button to show stack trace.
Included "{sysuser}" tag for configuring path names: it is replaced by system user name.
- All options currently given by set_exec_pars can be typed inline in the scan command.
In this case they apply only to the current scan, and not for the following commands in the script:
lscan (positioner, sensor, 0.0, 10.0, 10, persist=False)
- Displaying preferences can also be input inline. The preference parameters are in lowercase . Also options given by setup_plotting (which is now deprecated) can be used inline:
lscan (positioner, [s1,s2,s3,s4], 0.0, 10.0, 10, plots_list = [s1,s3], line_plots = [s1], domain_axis = s2, range="auto")
Auto-completion works also for Python objects.
Miscellaneous documentation tweaks and fixes.