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577 lines (513 loc) · 13.5 KB

File metadata and controls

577 lines (513 loc) · 13.5 KB

PHP Client library for Bandwidth's Phone Number Dashboard (AKA: Dashboard, Iris)

Build Status

Release Notes

Version Notes
2.0.0 Fixed incompatibilities with Bandwidth's Dashboard API Create Site function that required breaking changes. Versions less than 2.0.0 are not guaranteed to work with Bandwidth's Dashboard API.
2.0.1 Added ActualFocDate to Portins model

Supported PHP Versions

Version Support Level
5.5 Supported
5.6 Supported
7.0 Supported
7.1 Supported
7.2 Supported
7.3 Supported



composer require bandwidth/iris


$client = new \Iris\Client($login, $password, ['url' => '']);

Run tests

$ composer install
$ php ./bin/phpunit --bootstrap ./vendor/autoload.php tests/



There is an 'examples' folder in the source tree that shows how each of the API objects work with simple example code. To run the examples:

$ cd examples
$ composer install
$ cp config.php.example config.php

Edit the config.php to match your IRIS credentials and run the examples individually. e.g.

php availableNumbers-sample.php

If the examples take command line parameters, you will get the usage by just executing the individual script.

API Objects

General principles

In most cases you should use Account object as start point.

$account = new \Iris\Account($your_account_id, $client);

Account has related entities such Orders, Sites, etc.


$sites = $account->sites();

To get stored Sites you should create $sites object and execute get() method.

$items = $sites->getList(); // Array(Site1, Site2)

To reflect object structure:

echo json_encode($site->to_array());

Available Numbers

$account->availableNumbers([ "areaCode" => "818" ]);

Available NpaNxx

$account->availableNpaNxx(["state" => "CA"]);


$cities = new \Iris\Cities($client);
$items = $cities->getList(["state" => "NC"]);

Covered Rate Centers

$rcs = new Iris\CoveredRateCenters($client);
$rateCenters = $rcs->getList(["page" => 1, "size" => 10 ]);

Disconnected Numbers

$account->disnumbers(["areaCode" => "919"]);

Disconnect Numbers

The Disconnect object is used to disconnect numbers from an account. Creates a disconnect order that can be tracked

Create Disconnect

$disconnect = $account->disconnects()->create([
    "name" => "test disconnect order 4",
    "CustomerOrderId" => "Disconnect1234",
    "DisconnectTelephoneNumberOrderType" => [
        "TelephoneNumberList" => [
            "TelephoneNumber" => [ "9192755378", "9192755703" ]

Get Disconnect

$disconnect = $account->disconnects()->disconnect("b902dee1-0585-4258-becd-5c7e51ccf5e1", true); // tnDetails: true

Add Note to Disconnect

$disconnect->notes()->create([ "UserId" => "byo_dev", "Description" => "Test Note"]);

Get Notes for Disconnect

$items = $disconnect->notes()->getList();


Create Ddla

$order_data = [
    "CustomerOrderId" => "123",
    "DldaTnGroups" => [
        "DldaTnGroup" => [
                "TelephoneNumbers" => [
                    "TelephoneNumber" => "4352154856"
                "AccountType" => "RESIDENTIAL",
                "ListingType" => "LISTED",
                "ListAddress" => "true",
                "ListingName" => [
                    "FirstName" => "FirstName",
                    "FirstName2" => "FirstName2",
                    "LastName" => "LastName",
                    "Designation" => "Designation",
                    "TitleOfLineage" => "TitleOfLineage",
                    "TitleOfAddress" => "TitleOfAddress",
                    "TitleOfAddress2" => "TitleOfAddress2",
                    "TitleOfLineageName2" => "TitleOfLineageName2",
                    "TitleOfAddressName2" => "TitleOfAddressName2",
                    "TitleOfAddress2Name2" => "TitleOfAddress2Name2",
                    "PlaceListingAs" => "PlaceListingAs",
                "Address" => [
                    "HousePrefix" => "HousePrefix",
                    "HouseNumber" => "915",
                    "HouseSuffix" => "HouseSuffix",
                    "PreDirectional" => "PreDirectional",
                    "StreetName" => "StreetName",
                    "StreetSuffix" => "StreetSuffix",
                    "PostDirectional" => "PostDirectional",
                    "AddressLine2" => "AddressLine2",
                    "City" => "City",
                    "StateCode" => "StateCode",
                    "Zip" => "Zip",
                    "PlusFour" => "PlusFour",
                    "Country" => "Country",
                    "AddressType" => "AddressType"

$dlda = $account->dldas()->create($order_data);

Get Dlda

$dlda = $account->dldas()->dlda("7802373f-4f52-4387-bdd1-c5b74833d6e2");

Get Dlda History


List Dldas

$account->dldas()->getList(["telephoneNumber" => "9195551212"]);

In Service Numbers

List InService Numbers

$account->inserviceNumbers(["areaCode" => "919"]);



$order_data = [
    "LidbTnGroups" => [
        "LidbTnGroup" => [
                "TelephoneNumbers" => [
                    "TelephoneNumber" => "4352154856"
                "SubscriberInformation" => "Steve",
                "UseType" => "RESIDENTIAL",
                "Visibility" => "PUBLIC"
                "TelephoneNumbers" => [
                    "TelephoneNumber" => "4352154855"
                "SubscriberInformation" => "Steve",
                "UseType" => "RESIDENTIAL",
                "Visibility" => "PUBLIC"

$lidb = $account->lidbs()->create($order_data);

Get Lidb

$lidb = $account->lidbs()->lidb("7802373f-4f52-4387-bdd1-c5b74833d6e2");

List Lidbs

$lidbs = $account->lidbs()->getList(["lastModifiedAfter" => "mm-dd-yy", "telephoneNumber"=> "888"]);

LNP Checker

Check LNP

$account->lnpChecker(["4109255199", "9196190594"], "true");


Create Order

$order = $account->orders()->create([
    "Name" => "Available Telephone Number order",
    "SiteId" => "2297",
    "CustomerOrderId" => "123456789",
    "ExistingTelephoneNumberOrderType" => [
        "TelephoneNumberList" => [
            "TelephoneNumber" => [ "9193752369", "9193752720", "9193752648"]

Get Order

$response = $account->orders()->order("f30a31a1-1de4-4939-b094-4521bbe5c8df", true); // tndetail=true
$order = $response->Order;

List Orders

$items = $account->orders()->getList();

Add note to order

$order->notes()->create([ "UserId" => "byo_dev", "Description" => "Test Note"]);

Get all Tns for an order


Port Ins

Create PortIn

$portin = $account->portins()->create(array(
    "BillingTelephoneNumber" => "6882015002",
    "Subscriber" => array(
        "SubscriberType" => "BUSINESS",
        "BusinessName" => "Acme Corporation",
        "ServiceAddress" => array(
            "HouseNumber" => "1623",
            "StreetName" => "Brockton Ave",
            "City" => "Los Angeles",
            "StateCode" => "CA",
            "Zip" => "90025",
            "Country" => "USA"
    "LoaAuthorizingPerson" => "John Doe",
    "ListOfPhoneNumbers" => array(
        "PhoneNumber" => array("9882015025", "9882015026")
    "SiteId" => "365",
    "Triggered" => "false"

Get PortIn

$portin = $account->portins()->portin("d28b36f7-fa96-49eb-9556-a40fca49f7c6"));

List PortIns

$portins = $account->portins()->getList(["pon" => "a pon" ]);

PortIn Instance methods

$status = $portin->set_activation_status([
    "AutoActivationDate" => "2014-08-30T18:30:00+03:00"

PortIn File Management

$portin->list_loas(true); // metadata = true
$portin->loas_update("./1.txt", "1.txt");
$meta_new = array(
    "DocumentName" => "text.txt",
    "DocumentType" => "INVOICE"
$portin->set_metadata('test.txt', $meta_new);

Rate Centers

List Ratecenters

$rc = new \Iris\RateCenter($client);
$cities = $rc->getList(["state" => "CA", "available" => "true"]);

SIP Peers

Create SIP Peer

$sippeer = $account->sippeers()->create(array(
        "PeerName" => "Test5 Peer",
        "IsDefaultPeer" => false,
        "ShortMessagingProtocol" => "SMPP",
        "VoiceHosts" => array(
            "Host" => array(
                "HostName" => ""
        "SmsHosts" => array(
            "Host" => array(
                "HostName" => ""
        "TerminationHosts" => array(
            "TerminationHost" => array(
                "HostName" => "",
                "Port" => 0,
                "CustomerTrafficAllowed" => "DOMESTIC",
                "DataAllowed" => true

Get SIP Peer

$sippeer = $account->sippeers->sippeer("500651");

List SIP Peers

$sippeers = $account->sippeers()->getList();

Delete SIP Peer


Move TNs

$sippeer->movetns([ "FullNumber" => [ "9192000046", "9192000047", "9192000048" ]]);

Get TNs

$tns = $sippeer->tns()->getList();

Get TN

$tn = $sippeer->tns()->tn("8183386251");

Total TNs

$count = $sippeer->totaltns();

Set TN Options

    "FullNumber" => "8183386251",
    "CallForward" => "9194394706",
    "RewriteUser" => "JohnDoe",
    "NumberFormat" => "10digit",
    "RPIDFormat" => "e164"


Create A Site

$site = $account->sites()->create(
    array("Name" => "Test Site",
        "Address" => array(
            "City" => "Raleigh",
            "AddressType" => "Service",
            "HouseNumber" => "1",
            "StreetName" => "Avenue",
            "StateCode" => "NC"

Updating a Site

$site->Name = "New Name";

Deleting a Site


Listing All Sites

$sites = $account->sites()->getList();

Orders of a site

$site->orders()->getList(["status" => "disabled"]);

Total TNs of a site


Portins of a site

$site->portins()->getList(["status" => "disabled" ]);



[see SIP Peers]


Create Subscription

$subscription = $account->subscriptions()->create([
    "OrderType" => "portins",
    "OrderId" => "98939562-90b0-40e9-8335-5526432d9741",
    "EmailSubscription" => [
        "Email" => "[email protected]",
        "DigestRequested" => "DAILY"

Get Subscription

$subscription = $account->subscriptions()->subscription($id);

List Subscriptions

$account->subscriptions()->getList(["orderType" => "portins"]);


$subscription->OrderType = "portins";




Get TN

$tns = new Iris\Tns(null, $client);
$tn = $tns->tn($id);

List TNs

$tns = new Iris\Tns(null, $client);
$tns_items = $tns->getList(["page" => 1, "size" => 10 ]);

TN Instance Methods

$tn = $tns->tn("7576768750");
$site = $tn->site();
$sippeer = $tn->sippeer();
$tnreservation = $tn->tnreservation();
$rc = $tn->ratecenter();
$lata = $tn->lata();
$lca = $tn->lca();

TN Reservation

Create TN Reservation

$resertation = $account->tnsreservations()->create(["ReservedTn" => "2512027430"]);

Get TN Reservation

$resertation = $account->tnsreservations()->tnsreservation("0099ff73-da96-4303-8a0a-00ff316c07aa");

Delete TN Reservation

$resertation = $account->tnsreservations()->tnsreservation("0099ff73-da96-4303-8a0a-00ff316c07aa");

Billing reports

Listing all Billing Report instances

$billingReports = $account->billingreports()->getList();

Request new billing report

$billingReport = $account->billingreports()->request(
    array("Type" => "bdr",
        "DateRange" => array(
            "StartDate" => "2018-02-05",
            "EndDate" => "2018-02-06",

Checking status of the billing report

$billingReport = $account->billingreports()->billingreport('a12b456c8-abcd-1a3b-a1b2-0a2b4c6d8e0f2');

Download zip with content of the billing report

$zipStream = $billingReport->file();

Download zip with content of the billing report and save to file

$outFile = '/tmp/';
$billingReport->file(['stream' => true, 'sink' => $outFile]);