Provides a WebSocket interface for pajbot1 to reduce Twitter API usage.
- Pings every 30 seconds
- Drops connection if no client message for 90 seconds
{ "type": "set_subscriptions", "data": [123456, 234567] }
{ "type": "insert_subscriptions", "data": [123456, 234567] }
{ "type": "remove_subscriptions", "data": [123456, 234567] }
{ "type": "exit" }
{ "type": "ack_subscriptions", "data": [123456, 234567] }
{ "type": "protocol_error", "data": "missing field `type` at line 1 column 2" }
{ "type": "tweet", "data": {
"text": "Adjfkdkoo",
"id": 1218503583311769600,
"created_at": 1579348867,
"user": {
"id": 81085011,
"screen_name": "pajtest",
"name": "paj pajsson"
"truncated": false, // if tweet was truncated to 140 characters for compatibility
"in_reply_to_user_id": null, // or number
"in_reply_to_screen_name": null, // or string
"in_reply_to_status_id": null, // or number
"urls": [{
"url": "",
"display_url": "",
"expanded_url": null, // or string
"range_start": 0,
"range_end": 9,