Releases: padrig64/ValidationFramework
Releases · padrig64/ValidationFramework
- Made the FormatTransformer return the toString() of the input when no format is specified
- Added convenience method in the FormatTransformer to get the format property
- Added method to the FormatWrapper to get the delegate format
- Improved implementation of the SimpleProperty
- Fixed useless firing of value change events when binding properties
- Added PrintStreamValueChangeAdapter to help debugging
- Added method in AbstractReadableProperty to get the value change listeners
- Added editable property for JTextComponent
- Added text and icon related properties for JLabel and JButton
- Added component size and location related properties
- Added component minimum/preferred/maximum size related properties
- Added window/dialog/frame related properties
- Added pressed property for buttons, toggle buttons and menu items
- Added JComboBoxSelectedIndexProperty and JComboBoxSelectedValueProperty in the Swing package
- Moved the SimpleFormatProperty to core
- Made the FormatTransformer and ParseTransformer use a format property to allow binding on the used Format object
- Added simple NumberTo*Transformers in core
- Made it possible to inhibit firing of value change events of readable properties
- Moved the Transformer and Aggregator interfaces from the base package to the API package (reason for the major release)
- Added simple property binding in core and for Swing to allow binding and transformation of properties (see wiki)
- Added convenient FormatWrapper in core to allow stricter parsing, parsing of null/empty text, and formatting null values
- Added ChainedTransformer in core
- Fixed possible memory leak by removing decoration from layered pane when decorated component no longer in the component hierarchy tree
- Fixed bug where IconComponentDecoration tooltip was constantly remaining on screen
- Added ParseTransformer in core
- Added FormatTransformer in core
- Added CompositeTrigger in core
- Added convenience getters to the AbstractSimpleValidator
- Minor fixes to avoid a NullPointerException in the JTableTextEditorModelChangedTrigger and JTableComboBoxEditorModelChangedTrigger
- Added initial support for JavaFX 2
- Added EqualsBooleanRule in core
- Added convenient BooleanResultCollector in core
- Added IsTrueRule and IsFalseRule in core
- Added InvokeLaterResultHandler wrapper
- Fixed logic issue in InvokeLaterTrigger wrapper
- Added convenient constructor to IconComponentDecoration
- Added convenient constructor to ComponentKeyStrokeTrigger
- Fixed NullPointerException when calling dispose() multiple times on some triggers
- Added experimental property binding mainly meant for Swing (not JavaFX)
- Added NegateBooleanTransformer in core
- Removed ambiguous constructor in AndBooleanAggregator and OrBooleanAggregator
- Added the _nouses instruction for the maven bundle plugin
- Fixed NullPointerException in AbstractComponentDecoration sometimes occurring depending on the window hierarchy
- Added SimpleResultCollector for convenience over the ResultCollector
- Made the GeneralValidatorBuilder collect from other simple validators
- Added StringNotEmptyRule as a simpler alternative to StringLengthGreaterThanRule and StringLengthGreaterThanOrEqualToRule
- Added convenience trigger() method in the GeneralValidatorBuilder DSL after adding the first result handler to the validator under construction
- Fixed visibility of AbstractComponentDecoration when set manually and the component goes to showing state
- Fixed tracking of decorated table cells while dragging a column
- Added ToStringTransformer in core
- Added PropertyChangeTrigger in core that can be used as PropertyChangeListener to trigger the validation
- Added ActionTrigger in Swing support that can be used as an Action or ActionListener to trigger the validation
- Added CollectionElementTransformer in core
- Added ComponentKeyStrokeTrigger and convenience derivates
- Fixed compilation warning when adding rule input transformer using the GeneralValidatorBuilder
- Reversed flag in the InvokeLateTrigger wrapper
- Undeprecated old validators to allow smoother transition from version 1.x.x to 2.x.x
- Simplified mapping strategy names between data providers and rules, and between rules and result handlers in the GeneralValidator
- Changed groupid from 'validationframework' to '' for future availability in Maven Central
- Added all-purpose GeneralValidator and GeneralValidatorBuilder that can replace all the previously existing validators
- Improved javadoc
- Migrated to JNA 3.5.2, MigLayout 4.2 and SLF4J 1.7.5
- Added transformers data providers based on the Swing components that use Object in their interface
- Updated names of generic types for better consistency and understanding
- Added convenience constructor to IconBooleanFeedback and ListCompositeDataProvider
- Added convenience in AndBooleanAggregator and OrBooleanAggregator to better support null values
- Added convenience getComponent() method to Swing triggers, data providers and rules
- Added InvokeLaterTrigger wrapper to re-schedule a trigger later on the Event Dispatch Thread
- Added IllegalCharacterBooleanRule as a simple alternative to the StringRegexRule
- Added TransformedDataProvider to adapt the type handled by data providers when added to validators handling another type
- Added TransformedResultHandler to adapt the type handled by result handler when added to validators handling another type
- Fixed size of tab title renderer in tabbed panes to avoid the contents to move up and down when the icon is shown and hidden
- Renamed ManualTrigger's triggers method for simplicity
- Renamed ButtonGroup-related data providers for consistency
- Made triggers, data providers, rules, result handlers and transformers from core Disposable where applicable
- Other minor bugs and code quality fixes
- Made validationframework-core, validationframework-swing and validationframework-experimental OSGI-compliant
- Extracted demo files validationframework-experimental to reduce dependencies
- Introduced the ResultAggregationValidator that will be soon used in builders