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"tag" command

Casey Reid edited this page Jul 17, 2021 · 6 revisions


Tagging is a key component of a Risk Based vulnerability management program. Using navi you can automate tagging based on plugin information or even an existing tag. Furthermore, you can continue to add to tags to create a nested tag structure. This tagging functionality and use cases are beyond the scope of this documentation.

Command Options

Tag assets by Plugin Name, or Plugin ID - 'navi tag'

  • --c TEXT --> Create a Tag with this Category - Required
  • --v TEXT --> Create a Tag with this Value - Required
  • --d TEXT --> Create a description for your Tag - Optional (TEXT"
  • --plugin TEXT --> Define a Tag by a plugin ID - Optional (TEXT)
  • --name TEXT --> Define a tag by text found in a plugin Name - Optional (TEXT)
  • --group TEXT --> Define a tag by a Agent Group Name - Optional (TEXT)
  • --output TEXT --> Create a Tag based on the text in the output. Requires --plugin
  • --port TEXT --> Create a Tag based on Assets that have a port open
  • --file TEXT --> Create a Tag based on IPs in a CSV file
  • --scantime TEXT --> Create a Tag for assets that took longer than supplied minutes
  • --cc TEXT --> Add a Tag to a new parent tag: Child Category
  • --cv TEXT --> Add a Tag to a new parent tag: Child Value
  • --scanid TEXT --> Create a tag based on a scan ID


navi tag --c "My Category" --v "My Value" --d "My description" --plugin 93561

navi tag --c "Application Vulns" --v "Java vulns" --name java

navi tag --c "Agent Group" --v "Linux Agents" --group "Linux"

navi tag --c "Corp Agents" --v "Agent Groups" --cc "Agent Group" --cv "Linux Agents"

navi tag --c "Business Unit A" --v "Daily Scan - Prod" --scanid 1234

Note on Tagging assets

If you created a new Tag you will need to run an update on the assets to download the new Tag relationships. This is especially important if you want to export using your newly created tag.

navi update assets

Note on Tagging

There were a few limitations to tagging in releases prior to 6.4.14. All known tagging limitations have been removed

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