Information about the load balancer.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
accessLog | AccessLog | [optional] | |
applicationStickyCookiePolicies | List<ApplicationStickyCookiePolicy> | The stickiness policies defined for the load balancer. | [optional] |
backendIps | List<String> | One or more public IPs of backend VMs. | [optional] |
backendVmIds | List<String> | One or more IDs of backend VMs for the load balancer. | [optional] |
dnsName | String | The DNS name of the load balancer. | [optional] |
healthCheck | HealthCheck | [optional] | |
listeners | List<Listener> | The listeners for the load balancer. | [optional] |
loadBalancerName | String | The name of the load balancer. | [optional] |
loadBalancerStickyCookiePolicies | List<LoadBalancerStickyCookiePolicy> | The policies defined for the load balancer. | [optional] |
loadBalancerType | String | The type of load balancer. Valid only for load balancers in a Net.<br /> If `LoadBalancerType` is `internet-facing`, the load balancer has a public DNS name that resolves to a public IP.<br /> If `LoadBalancerType` is `internal`, the load balancer has a public DNS name that resolves to a private IP. | [optional] |
netId | String | The ID of the Net for the load balancer. | [optional] |
publicIp | String | (internet-facing only) The public IP associated with the load balancer. | [optional] |
securedCookies | Boolean | Whether secure cookies are enabled for the load balancer. | [optional] |
securityGroups | List<String> | One or more IDs of security groups for the load balancers. Valid only for load balancers in a Net. | [optional] |
sourceSecurityGroup | SourceSecurityGroup | [optional] | |
subnets | List<String> | The ID of the Subnet in which the load balancer was created. | [optional] |
subregionNames | List<String> | The ID of the Subregion in which the load balancer was created. | [optional] |
tags | List<ResourceTag> | One or more tags associated with the load balancer. | [optional] |