as = 1
router-id = ""
# listen port (by default 179)
port = 1790
# to disable listening
# port = -1
# listen address list (by default "" and "::")
local-address-list = ["", "2001:db8::1"]
import-policy-list = ["policy1"]
default-import-policy = "reject-route"
export-policy-list = ["policy2"]
default-export-policy = "accept-route"
address = ""
port = 323
address = ""
port = 11019
route-monitoring-policy = "pre-policy"
statistics-timeout = 3600
name = "vrf1"
# If id is omitted, automatically assigned.
id = 1
rd = "65000:100"
# Each configuration for import and export RTs;
# import-rt-list
# export-rt-list
# are preferred than both-rt-list.
both-rt-list = ["65000:100"]
dump-type = "updates"
file-name = "/tmp/log/2006/01/02.1504.dump"
dump-interval = 180
enabled = true
url = "unix:/var/run/quagga/zserv.api"
redistribute-route-type-list = ["connect"]
version = 2 # version used in Quagga on Ubuntu 16.04
peer-as = 2
# To disable AS checking set to 0
auth-password = "password"
neighbor-address = ""
# override global.config.as value
local-as = 1000
remove-private-as = "all"
# To enable peer group setting, uncomment the following
#peer-group = "my-peer-group"
# Force sending Software Version Capability, default: disabled.
#send-software-version = true
allow-own-as = 1
replace-peer-as = true
connect-retry = 5 #unit of measurement is seconds
hold-time = 9 #unit of measurement is seconds
keepalive-interval = 3 #unit of measurement is seconds
passive-mode = true
local-address = ""
remote-port = 2016
ttl = 64 # default value on Linux
enabled = true #directly connection should be set false,if not ,peer will be deleted after hold-time
multihop-ttl = 100
route-reflector-client = true
route-reflector-cluster-id = ""
send-max = 8
receive = true
enabled = true
notification-enabled = true
long-lived-enabled = true
# graceful restart restart time
restart-time = 20
afi-safi-name = "ipv4-unicast"
max-prefixes = 1000
shutdown-threshold-pct = 80
enabled = true
enabled = true
# long lived graceful restart restart time
restart-time = 100000
# override neighbors.add-paths.config
receive = true
send-max = 8
afi-safi-name = "ipv6-unicast"
afi-safi-name = "ipv4-labelled-unicast"
afi-safi-name = "ipv6-labelled-unicast"
afi-safi-name = "l3vpn-ipv4-unicast"
afi-safi-name = "l3vpn-ipv6-unicast"
afi-safi-name = "l2vpn-evpn"
afi-safi-name = "l2vpn-vpls"
afi-safi-name = "rtc"
afi-safi-name = "ipv4-encap"
afi-safi-name = "ipv6-encap"
afi-safi-name = "ipv4-flowspec"
afi-safi-name = "ipv6-flowspec"
afi-safi-name = "ipv4-mup"
afi-safi-name = "ipv6-mup"
afi-safi-name = "opaque"
import-policy-list = ["policy1"]
default-import-policy = "reject-route"
export-policy-list = ["policy2"]
default-export-policy = "accept-route"
in-policy-list = ["policy3"]
default-in-policy = "reject-route"
route-server-client = true
# To enable TTL Security, uncomment the following.
# Please note that this feature is mututally exclusive with
# "neighbors.ebgp-multihop.config".
# enabled = true
# ttl-min = 255 # 255 means directly connected
peer-group = "my-peer-group"
neighbor-address = ""
peer-group-name = "my-peer-group"
peer-as = 65000
send-software-version = true
afi-safi-name = "ipv4-unicast"
prefix = ""
peer-group = "my-peer-group"
prefix-set-name = "ps0"
ip-prefix = ""
masklength-range = "24..32"
neighbor-set-name = "ns0"
neighbor-info-list = ["", ""]
community-set-name = "cs0"
community-list = ["100:100"]
ext-community-set-name = "es0"
ext-community-list = ["rt:100:100", "soo:200:200"]
as-path-set-name = "as0"
as-path-list = ["^100", "200$"]
large-community-set-name = "ls0"
large-community-list = ["100:100:100", "200:200:200"]
name = "policy1"
prefix-set = "ps0"
match-set-options = "any"
neighbor-set = "ns0"
match-set-options = "invert"
community-set = "cs0"
match-set-options = "all"
large-community-set = "ls0"
match-set-options = "all"
as = "last-as"
repeat-n = 5
route-disposition = "accept-route"
ext-community-set = "es0"
route-disposition = "reject-route"
name = "policy2"
as-path-set = "as0"
route-disposition = "accept-route"
options = "add"
communities-list = ["100:200"]
name = "policy3"
as-path-set = "as0"
route-disposition = "accept-route"
options = "add"
communities-list = ["100:200"]
prefix-set = "ps0"
match-set-options = "invert"
route-disposition = "accept-route"
options = "replace"
communities-list = ["soo:100:200", "rt:300:400"]
neighbor-set = "ns0"
route-disposition = "accept-route"
options = "remove"
communities-list = ["soo:500:600", "rt:700:800"]
next-hop-in-list = [
route-disposition = "accept-route"
name = "route-type-policy"
# this statement matches with locally generated routes
route-type = "local"
route-disposition = "accept-route"
# this statement matches with routes from iBGP peers
route-type = "internal"
route-disposition = "accept-route"
# this statement matches with routes from eBGP peers
route-type = "external"
route-disposition = "accept-route"
name = "large-communty-policy"
# this statement adds specified large communities
route-disposition = "accept-route"
options = "add"
communities-list = ["100:200:300"]
# this statement adds specified large communities
route-disposition = "accept-route"
options = "replace"
communities-list = ["100:200:300"]
# this statement removes specified large communities
# regular expression is also supported
route-disposition = "accept-route"
options = "remove"
communities-list = ["100:200:300", "^200:"]