diff --git a/nexus_demos/README.md b/nexus_demos/README.md
index 4a0ddb2..c3ed923 100644
--- a/nexus_demos/README.md
+++ b/nexus_demos/README.md
@@ -1,5 +1,37 @@
 # nexus_demos
+Nexus demo map using the [Depot](https://app.gazebosim.org/OpenRobotics/fuel/models/Depot) world, integrated with Open-RMF.
+## Build
+Build `nexus_demos`,
+colcon build --packages-up-to nexus_demos
+## Launch
+Launch the demo,
+source ~/ws_nexus/install/setup.bash
+export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp
+ros2 launch nexus_demos depot.launch.xml headless:=0
+Start the `pick_and_place_rmf` work order,
+source ~/ws_nexus/install/setup.bash
+export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp
+cd ~/ws_nexus/src/nexus_demos
+ros2 action send_goal /system_orchestrator/execute_order nexus_orchestrator_msgs/action/ExecuteWorkOrder "{order: {id: '23', work_order: '$(cat config/pick_and_place_rmf.json)'}}"
 ## Regenerating the simulation world file and nav graph
 Source build of `rmf_building_map_tools` is required, at least from commit hash [0d18f59](https://github.com/open-rmf/rmf_traffic_editor/tree/0d18f593356fa2e4de0dbfa297ae1fba66b8e101) onwards.
@@ -10,6 +42,7 @@ Generate world file,
 # Source the workspace where rmf_building_map_tools is built
 cd ~/ws_nexus/src/nexus/nexus_demos
 ros2 run rmf_building_map_tools building_map_generator gazebo \
   maps/depot/depot.building.yaml \
   maps/depot/depot.world \
@@ -21,23 +54,13 @@ ros2 run rmf_building_map_tools building_map_generator gazebo \
 Generate navigation graphs,
+cd ~/ws_nexus/src/nexus/nexus_demos
 ros2 run rmf_building_map_tools building_map_generator nav \
   maps/depot/depot.building.yaml \
-## Build
-Build `nexus_demos`,
-colcon build --packages-up-to nexus_demos
-## Launch
-Launch the demo,
+## Troubleshooting
-ros2 launch nexus_demos depot.launch.xml headless:=0
+* If any of the commands give an error regarding `Failed to find a free participant index`, please also set the cyclonedds config with `export CYCLONEDDS_URI=$HOME/ws_nexus/src/nexus_integration_tests/config/cyclonedds/cyclonedds.xml`, which increases the maximum number of participants.
diff --git a/nexus_demos/launch/depot.launch.xml b/nexus_demos/launch/depot.launch.xml
index b931531..b089740 100644
--- a/nexus_demos/launch/depot.launch.xml
+++ b/nexus_demos/launch/depot.launch.xml
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
   <node pkg="nexus_workcell_orchestrator" exec="nexus_workcell_orchestrator" name="rmf_nexus_transporter" output="both">
     <param name="capabilities" value="[nexus::capabilities::RMFRequestCapability]"/>
-    <param name="bt_path" value="$(find-pkg-share nexus_integration_tests)/config/rmf_bts"/>
+    <param name="bt_path" value="$(find-pkg-share nexus_demos)/config/rmf_bts"/>
   <!-- Simulator launch -->
@@ -42,15 +42,14 @@
     <arg name="sim_update_rate" value="$(var sim_update_rate)"/>
-  <!-- Bringup from integration tests -->
-  <!-- TODO(luca) should we move the integration launch here instead? -->
-  <include file="$(find-pkg-share nexus_integration_tests)/launch/launch.py">
+  <!-- Bringup orchestrators -->
+  <include file="$(find-pkg-share nexus_demos)/launch/include/depot/launch.py">
     <!-- Set as true to make it auto bringup and remove all the extra rviz launches -->
     <arg name="headless" value="true" />
     <arg name="use_sim_time" value="$(var use_simulator)"/>
     <arg name="main_bt_package" value="nexus_demos"/>
     <arg name="main_bt_filename" value="main_rmf.xml"/>
-    <arg name="remap_task_types" value="{pick_and_place_rmf: [place_on_amr, pick_from_amr]}"/>
+    <arg name="system_orchestrator_remap_task_types" value="{pick_and_place_rmf: [place_on_amr, pick_from_amr]}"/>
diff --git a/nexus_demos/launch/include/depot/launch.py b/nexus_demos/launch/include/depot/launch.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6141956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nexus_demos/launch/include/depot/launch.py
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 Johnson & Johnson
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import os
+import sys
+from launch import LaunchDescription
+from launch.actions import (
+    DeclareLaunchArgument,
+    GroupAction,
+    IncludeLaunchDescription,
+    LogInfo,
+    OpaqueFunction,
+    SetEnvironmentVariable,
+from launch.conditions import IfCondition
+from launch.substitutions import LaunchConfiguration, PathJoinSubstitution
+from launch_ros.substitutions import FindPackageShare
+def launch_setup(context, *args, **kwargs):
+    if (
+        "RMW_IMPLEMENTATION" not in os.environ
+        or os.environ["RMW_IMPLEMENTATION"] != "rmw_cyclonedds_cpp"
+    ):
+        print(
+            "Only cycloneDDS is supported, the environment variable RMW_IMPLEMENTATION must be set to rmw_cyclonedds_cpp",
+            file=sys.stderr,
+        )
+        exit(1)
+    headless = LaunchConfiguration("headless")
+    use_zenoh_bridge = LaunchConfiguration("use_zenoh_bridge")
+    use_fake_hardware = LaunchConfiguration("use_fake_hardware")
+    robot1_ip = LaunchConfiguration("robot1_ip")
+    robot2_ip = LaunchConfiguration("robot2_ip")
+    run_workcell_1 = LaunchConfiguration("run_workcell_1")
+    run_workcell_2 = LaunchConfiguration("run_workcell_2")
+    control_center_domain_id = 0
+    workcell_1_domain_id = 0
+    workcell_2_domain_id = 0
+    log_msg = ""
+    if "ROS_DOMAIN_ID" in os.environ:
+        control_center_domain_id = int(os.environ["ROS_DOMAIN_ID"])
+        if not 0 < control_center_domain_id < 230:
+            log_msg += (
+                "ROS_DOMAIN_ID not within the range of 0 to 230, setting it to 0. \n"
+            )
+            control_center_domain_id = 0
+    if use_zenoh_bridge.perform(context).lower() == "true":
+        log_msg += "Using the zenoh bridge\n"
+        workcell_1_domain_id = control_center_domain_id + 1
+        workcell_2_domain_id = control_center_domain_id + 2
+    else:
+        log_msg += "Not using zenoh bridge\n"
+        if (
+            run_workcell_1.perform(context).lower() == "true"
+            and run_workcell_2.perform(context).lower() == "true"
+        ):
+            print("To run both workcells, enable the Zenoh Bridge")
+            sys.exit(1)
+        workcell_1_domain_id = control_center_domain_id
+        workcell_2_domain_id = control_center_domain_id
+    log_msg += f"Control Center has ROS_DOMAIN_ID {control_center_domain_id}\n"
+    if run_workcell_1.perform(context).lower() == "true":
+        log_msg += f"Workcell 1 has ROS_DOMAIN_ID {workcell_1_domain_id}\n"
+    if run_workcell_2.perform(context).lower() == "true":
+        log_msg += f"Workcell 2 has ROS_DOMAIN_ID {workcell_2_domain_id}\n"
+    launch_control_center = GroupAction(
+        actions=[
+            IncludeLaunchDescription(
+                [
+                    PathJoinSubstitution(
+                        [
+                            FindPackageShare("nexus_integration_tests"),
+                            "launch",
+                            "control_center.launch.py",
+                        ]
+                    )
+                ],
+                launch_arguments={
+                    "ros_domain_id": str(control_center_domain_id),
+                    "zenoh_config_package": "nexus_integration_tests",
+                    "zenoh_config_filename": "config/zenoh/system_orchestrator.json5",
+                    "transporter_plugin": "nexus_transporter::MockTransporter",
+                    "activate_system_orchestrator": headless,
+                    "main_bt_package": "nexus_demos",
+                    "main_bt_filename": "main_rmf.xml",
+                    "remap_task_types": """{
+                        pick_and_place_rmf: [place_on_amr, pick_from_amr]
+                    }""",
+                    "headless": headless,
+                }.items(),
+            ),
+        ],
+    )
+    launch_workcell_1 = GroupAction(
+        actions=[
+            IncludeLaunchDescription(
+                [
+                    PathJoinSubstitution(
+                        [
+                            FindPackageShare("nexus_integration_tests"),
+                            "launch",
+                            "workcell.launch.py",
+                        ]
+                    )
+                ],
+                launch_arguments={
+                    "workcell_id": "workcell_1",
+                    "bt_path": (
+                        FindPackageShare("nexus_demos"),
+                        "/config/workcell_1_bts",
+                    ),
+                    "task_checker_plugin": "nexus::task_checkers::FilepathChecker",
+                    "ros_domain_id": str(workcell_1_domain_id),
+                    "headless": headless,
+                    "use_zenoh_bridge": use_zenoh_bridge,
+                    "controller_config_package": "nexus_integration_tests",
+                    "planner_config_package": "nexus_integration_tests",
+                    "planner_config_file": "abb_irb910sc_planner_params.yaml",
+                    "support_package": "abb_irb910sc_support",
+                    "robot_xacro_file": "irb910sc_3_45.xacro",
+                    "moveit_config_package": "abb_irb910sc_3_45_moveit_config",
+                    "moveit_config_file": "abb_irb910sc_3_45.srdf.xacro",
+                    "controllers_file": "abb_irb910sc_controllers.yaml",
+                    "tf_publisher_launch_file": "workcell_1_tf.launch.py",
+                    "sku_detection_params_file": "product_detector_config.yaml",
+                    "dispenser_properties": "productA",
+                    "use_fake_hardware": use_fake_hardware,
+                    "robot_ip": robot1_ip,
+                    "zenoh_config_package": "nexus_integration_tests",
+                    "zenoh_config_filename": "config/zenoh/workcell_1.json5",
+                }.items(),
+                condition=IfCondition(run_workcell_1),
+            )
+        ],
+    )
+    launch_workcell_2 = GroupAction(
+        actions=[
+            IncludeLaunchDescription(
+                [
+                    PathJoinSubstitution(
+                        [
+                            FindPackageShare("nexus_integration_tests"),
+                            "launch",
+                            "workcell.launch.py",
+                        ]
+                    )
+                ],
+                launch_arguments={
+                    "workcell_id": "workcell_2",
+                    "bt_path": (
+                        FindPackageShare("nexus_demos"),
+                        "/config/workcell_2_bts",
+                    ),
+                    "task_checker_plugin": "nexus::task_checkers::FilepathChecker",
+                    "ros_domain_id": str(workcell_2_domain_id),
+                    "headless": headless,
+                    "use_zenoh_bridge": use_zenoh_bridge,
+                    "controller_config_package": "nexus_integration_tests",
+                    "planner_config_package": "nexus_integration_tests",
+                    "planner_config_file": "abb_irb1300_planner_params.yaml",
+                    "support_package": "abb_irb1300_support",
+                    "robot_xacro_file": "irb1300_10_115.xacro",
+                    "moveit_config_package": "abb_irb1300_10_115_moveit_config",
+                    "moveit_config_file": "abb_irb1300_10_115.srdf.xacro",
+                    "controllers_file": "abb_irb1300_controllers.yaml",
+                    "tf_publisher_launch_file": "workcell_2_tf.launch.py",
+                    "sku_detection_params_file": "product_detector_config.yaml",
+                    "dispenser_properties": "productB",
+                    "use_fake_hardware": use_fake_hardware,
+                    "robot_ip": robot2_ip,
+                    "zenoh_config_package": "nexus_integration_tests",
+                    "zenoh_config_filename": "config/zenoh/workcell_2.json5",
+                }.items(),
+                condition=IfCondition(run_workcell_2),
+            )
+        ],
+    )
+    return [
+        LogInfo(msg=log_msg),
+        launch_control_center,
+        launch_workcell_1,
+        launch_workcell_2,
+    ]
+def generate_launch_description():
+    return LaunchDescription(
+        [
+            DeclareLaunchArgument(
+                "headless",
+                default_value="true",
+                description="Launch in headless mode (no gui)",
+            ),
+            DeclareLaunchArgument(
+                "use_zenoh_bridge",
+                default_value="true",
+                description="Set true to launch the Zenoh DDS Bridge with each orchestrator\
+                in different domains. Else, all orchestrators are launched under the \
+                same Domain ID without a Zenoh bridge.",
+            ),
+            DeclareLaunchArgument(
+                "use_fake_hardware",
+                default_value="true",
+                description="Set True if running with real hardware.",
+            ),
+            DeclareLaunchArgument(
+                "robot1_ip",
+                default_value="",
+                description="The IP address of workcell 1 robot when use_fake_hardware is False.",
+            ),
+            DeclareLaunchArgument(
+                "robot2_ip",
+                default_value="",
+                description="The IP address of workcell 1 robot when use_fake_hardware is False.",
+            ),
+            DeclareLaunchArgument(
+                "run_workcell_1",
+                default_value="true",
+                description="Whether to run workcell_1",
+            ),
+            DeclareLaunchArgument(
+                "run_workcell_2",
+                default_value="true",
+                description="Whether to run workcell_2",
+            ),
+            SetEnvironmentVariable("RCUTILS_COLORIZED_OUTPUT", "1"),
+            OpaqueFunction(function=launch_setup),
+        ]
+    )
diff --git a/nexus_integration_tests/launch/control_center.launch.py b/nexus_integration_tests/launch/control_center.launch.py
index f3ce326..51377fb 100644
--- a/nexus_integration_tests/launch/control_center.launch.py
+++ b/nexus_integration_tests/launch/control_center.launch.py
@@ -13,10 +13,12 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 import os
 from ament_index_python.packages import get_package_share_directory
 import launch_ros
 from launch_ros.actions import Node, LifecycleNode
+from launch_ros.descriptions import ParameterValue
 from launch_ros.event_handlers import OnStateTransition
 from launch_ros.substitutions import FindPackageShare
 import lifecycle_msgs
@@ -112,9 +114,9 @@ def launch_setup(context, *args, **kwargs):
     transporter_plugin = LaunchConfiguration("transporter_plugin")
     activate_system_orchestrator = LaunchConfiguration("activate_system_orchestrator")
     headless = LaunchConfiguration("headless")
-    remap_task_types = LaunchConfiguration("remap_task_types")
     main_bt_package = LaunchConfiguration("main_bt_package")
     main_bt_filename = LaunchConfiguration("main_bt_filename")
+    remap_task_types = LaunchConfiguration("remap_task_types")
     nexus_panel_rviz_path = os.path.join(
         get_package_share_directory("nexus_integration_tests"), "rviz", "nexus_panel.rviz"
@@ -131,10 +133,10 @@ def launch_setup(context, *args, **kwargs):
-                "remap_task_types": remap_task_types,
+                "remap_task_types": ParameterValue(remap_task_types, value_type=str),
                 "main_bt_filename": main_bt_filename,
                 "max_jobs": 2,
-            }
+            },
@@ -244,13 +246,6 @@ def generate_launch_description():
                 description="Launch in headless mode (no gui)",
-            DeclareLaunchArgument(
-                "remap_task_types",
-                default_value= """{
-                    pick_and_place: [place_on_conveyor, pick_from_conveyor],
-                }""",
-                description="A yaml containing a dictionary of task types and an array of remaps",
-            ),
@@ -261,6 +256,11 @@ def generate_launch_description():
                 description="File name of the main system orchestrator behavior tree",
+            DeclareLaunchArgument(
+                "remap_task_types",
+                default_value=str("{pick_and_place: [place_on_conveyor, pick_from_conveyor]}"),
+                description="A string yaml containing a dictionary of task types and an array of remaps",
+            ),
diff --git a/nexus_integration_tests/launch/launch.py b/nexus_integration_tests/launch/launch.py
index 3fb50a8..ff4567b 100644
--- a/nexus_integration_tests/launch/launch.py
+++ b/nexus_integration_tests/launch/launch.py
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ def launch_setup(context, *args, **kwargs):
     headless = LaunchConfiguration("headless")
-    remap_task_types = LaunchConfiguration("remap_task_types")
     use_zenoh_bridge = LaunchConfiguration("use_zenoh_bridge")
     use_fake_hardware = LaunchConfiguration("use_fake_hardware")
     robot1_ip = LaunchConfiguration("robot1_ip")
@@ -100,7 +99,6 @@ def launch_setup(context, *args, **kwargs):
                     "zenoh_config_filename": "config/zenoh/system_orchestrator.json5",
                     "transporter_plugin": "nexus_transporter::MockTransporter",
                     "activate_system_orchestrator": headless,
-                    "remap_task_types": remap_task_types,
                     "headless": headless,
@@ -209,13 +207,6 @@ def generate_launch_description():
                 description="Launch in headless mode (no gui)",
-            DeclareLaunchArgument(
-                "remap_task_types",
-                default_value= """{
-                    pick_and_place: [place_on_conveyor, pick_from_conveyor],
-                }""",
-                description="A yaml containing a dictionary of task types and an array of remaps",
-            ),