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Jake H hartigan43

Rowan University New Jersey

< cr-eative-dev /> cr-eative-dev
Software Developer • 3D Technical Artist • Designer • Blockchain
Nikita Tomchik Cdayz
Software Engineer
Abhilash BL abhilashbl
Self taught | Tech enthusiast navigating the digital landscape 💻
Cara Kitara Kitarah
I'm a creative director who loves Jesus and making music and plans.
José Oliveira (Zeca) zecaoliveira
Aficionado por tecnologia e astronomia!

Rio de Janeiro

Hana Khoury h-khoury
Platform Engineer & SRE

Cisco [email protected]

<MLOps Engineer | AWS | Azure | All-things Kubernetes | 🐍 Python Developer | SRE | GitOps | DevOps Engineer />
Marcus Goldschmidt Oliveira MarcusGoldschmidt
Formado em Ciência da computação na Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso.

Brazil, Cuiabá-MT


Alipay Hangzhou, China

Mayank singh Mayank6787
Trying to get 1% better every day
Jake Page jakepage91
Developer Relations Engineer @ Glasskube Lisbon

Focus on Programming Language, Compiler. Interested in Developer Tools, IaC, DevOps, Cloud-Native, AI and Web3.


Rohitha Yarlagadda YRohitha
Life is Beautiful.

Quantium Hyderabad

genix PratikDhanave
Mentor for Google summer of code 2022, 2021,2020,2019, Intern for Google Summer of Code 2017-2018
Anil Kumar laghuvarapu anillaghuvarapu
A passionate and organized professional with 11+ years of experience in IT, Unix, Linux admin, Storage admin, Devops, Cloud & Shell Scripting.


Oxygen addicted, paradox collector, Linux lover

Kanchan Sapkota kanchansapkota27
Python Developer | Data Science | Web Scraping | FastApi | React


Karan Balani balanikaran
Either found sleeping or writing code | Backend & Infrastructure @ FinBox

FinBox Bengaluru

Aljoscha Pörtner aljoshare
Developer Experience & Platform

Hellmann Worldwide Logistics Bielefeld, Germany

Lokesh LokeshSuri
Software Engineer
Quentin HujinoKun

Lyon, France

Neos21 Neos21
どうも Neo です。

Neo's World

Hernán Vignolo hvignolo87
Data & Analytics Engineer

@emilabs Buenos Aires, Argentina

Jimmy Smits jimmysmits

@Deloitte Amsterdam

Jens Svensson jonz35

@getdreams Stockholm/Sweden

Jaishree Singh Jaishree2310
Software Developer Intern | GSSOC'24 PA | Frontend Developer | JavaScript | Next JS | React JS | Redux | Headless CMS | Strapi | Typescript Mumbai, Maharashtra

victor immanuel victorchrollo14
Full stack and devops engineer. Like building cool stuff.
