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Markus M4RKUS28
Business Informatics student passionate about the intersection of technology and business, focused on leveraging tech for business solutions.


EdwxnRh EdwxnRh
Hi 👋, I'm Edwin Rheindt!

Germany, Lower Saxony

Jost MaxPlanck336
Founder @ AR-Physics | Frontend Developer | SwiftUI

AR-Physics UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Munich

Victor Apostol RadiergummiXD
Aspiring Game Dev and Designer

School Germany

Tom Kuttler tomkuttler
CS student at TUM

TUM Earth

Fangxing Liu Fangoling

Technical University of Munich Munich, Germany

Ilir Hajrullahu ilirhajrullahu
Software Engineer who likes building complex software. CS Master student at LMU Munich.


Habib Mokni habibmokni
Web Dev/Des

CHECK24 Germany

A dancing-shark

TUM Deutschland

Hue Le ThiHueLe16
Computer Science Student at Technical University of Munich
Adrian Schneider adrior11
Bachelor Student in Computer Science.

@MediaMarktSaturn Munich

Khalil Charfi khalilcharfi
I've been loving coding since I was a kid, and still do it today.